GAT-X370 Raider GUNDAM
GAT-X370 Raider GUNDAM
Unit Type: mobile suit
Manufacturer: Earth Alliance (?)
Operator: Earth Alliance
Rollout: Cosmic Era ?
First Deployed: Cosmic Era ?
Production Run: ?

Head Height: 17.94 meters
Overall Height: ? meters
Base Weight: 84.9 metric tons
Full Weight: ? metric tons

Armor Type: unknown

Basic Armament:
M2M3 76mm machine gun x 2
M417 80mm machine gun x 1
100mm energy cannon "Zorn" x 1
short range plasma cannon "Ahura Mazda" x 2
52mm hyper velocity shield cannon x 2
hammer "Mjolnir"

Mobile Suit Description:

Armament Descriptions
Basic Armament:

M2M3 76mm machine guns -

M417 80mm machine gun -

100mm energy cannon "Zorn" -

short range plasma cannons "Ahura Mazda" -

52mm hyper velocity shield cannons -

Handheld Armamant:

hammer "Mjolnir" -
Raider GUNDAM, mobile armor mode
Raider GUNDAM Pilot(s): ?
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