Justice GUNDAM
gatling cannon x 4
beam saber x 2
Justice GUNDAM
Unit Type: prototype GUNDAM-type mobile suit
Manufacturer: ZAFT
Operator: ZAFT, Earth Alliance
Rollout: Cosmic Era 71
First Deployed: Cosmic Era 71
Production Run: 1 unit

Head Height: 18.56 meters
Overall Height: ? meters
Base Weight: 75.4 metric tons
Full Weight: ? metric tons

Armor Type: PS (Phase Shift)

neutron jammer canceller system
backpack sub-flight lifter weapons platform

Basic Armament:
MMI-GAU1 Sagittus 20mm CIWS
MA-M01 Lacerta beam saber x 2

Mobile Suit Description:

The first of two GUNDAM-type mobile suits developed by ZAFT.  Equipped with a CIWS and the same Lacerta beam sabers as on the Freedom GUNDAM, as well as the neutron jammer canceller system which allows for the use of a nuclear reactor powerplant.  The main power of the Justice GUNDAM comes in the form of a large backpack weapon platform which can be used as a mobile suit sub-flight lifter platform for aerial flight.  On the lifter are dual beam cannons and various fixed or turret machine guns.  This adds versatility to the Justice's otherwise basic design.
Armament Descriptions
Basic Armament:

MMI-GAU1 Sagittus 20mm CIWS - Quad-gatling cannon CIWS (Close-In Weapons System) for elimination of incoming projectiles (such as missiles) and light armor.  The 20x110 millimeter round, while not as large as many other gatling cannon rounds, is offset by the fact that each paired gun carries 1500 rounds, and each gatling fires at a rate of 2200 rounds per minute.  Furthermore, the quad configuration of the gatlings has them all fire simultaneously, so a hit on a target actually has four 20mm rounds striking a small point at the same time.

MA-M01 Lacerta beam sabers - The same melee weapons as on the Freedom GUNDAM.  Stored on either hip mount.  All-purpose CQB sword-type energy blades.

Backpack Sub-Flight Lifter Armament:

MA-4B Fortis beam cannons - Dual beam cannons located forward-facing on the main body of the backpack unit.  Vertical firing arc of 35 degrees.  The range and power of the MA-4B is far greater than the handheld MA-M20.

GAU5 Volucris machine guns - Quad machine guns located parallel to each other and forward-facing on the wings of the backpack unit.  The GAU5 guns are fixed and can only fire straight ahead of the lifter.

M9M9 Cervus turret machine guns - Dual turret machine guns located on the backpack unit boosters.  Can rotate a full 360 degrees.  Function as anti-aircraft guns.

Optional Handheld Armament:

MA-M20 Lupus beam cannon - The MA-M20 beam cannon, the same as used on the Freedom GUNDAM, is an effective and reliable handheld armament that is useful is almost all situations and against nearly all types of targets.  Accurate to ranges up to 3 kilometers.

general-purpose shield - The same shield as used by the Freedom GUNDAM.  Hand-carried or forearm mounted, with a anti-beam coating for protection against beam weaponry.  For all-purpose defense in ranged combat and blocking in melee combat.
Justice GUNDAM Pilot(s): Justice GUNDAM with backpack
Athrun Zala Justice GUNDAM (early design colors)
Justice GUNDAM (with rifle & shield)
Athrun Zala
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Note: To translate the Latin in the weapon names;
Sagittus (from sagitta, meaning arrow)
Lacerta (a lizard or sea-fish)
Lupus (a wolf; a voracious fish, the pike; a horse's bit with jagged points; a hook)
Fortis (valiant; several other meanings--physically: strong, powerful robust; morally: brave, courage, steadfast)
Volucris (a bird or flying insect)
Cervus (stag, deer)
*Apparently, these are all random Latin words.  Only the "Sagittus" (arrow) would make a logical nickname for a CIWS.