Wow! Sorry it's been sooo long! I've been ultra lazy! I've changed a bunch of things around, so please look it all over! Enjoy the page everyone!
On this page you will find...DUH!...information about the Ohio State Basketball team. Being the old man that I comments, Nelly...I can harken back to the days of Treg Lee and Perry Carter. It was during these years that I came to love Ohio State. This devotion to my University led to my following of the Football team and eventually led me to pursue an education from Ohio State. Proudly, I am and will forever be a Buckeye!
In addition to Ohio State Basketball, you will also find information on the Cleveland Browns, Chicago Cubs, Birmingham Barons, Ohio State Football and other tidbits that I find interesting and I hope you will too.
Thank you, all, for your support. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or just want to drop me a line, please email me at or chat at me on AOL at muggsy0213.
Tim White |