I remember hearing that song and thinking,
the hell? They're talking about talking about sex?
Well, in today's day and age, sex is all the rage. And that's fine
and dandy and everything, seeing as I honestly think the world is going
to hell in a hand basket lately anyway. Either way, here's what I
have to say about the deed, and things that surround it.
When people start talking about sex, most people
think about one guy, one girl. And if anyone says otherwise, they're
a suspect. A target. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is not
Now, I'm not saying that you should support
any cause you don't believe in strongly. However, something needs
to be done about the amount of anti-GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender)
propaganda out there. From hearing "that's gay" in the hallways as
slang for "that's not cool," to hate crimes like the death of Matthew Shepard,
an anti-GLBT attitude is frighteningly prevalent in society these days.
Every day, someone is harassed, beaten, threatened, killed. Why?
What crime has been committed? These men and women love someone,
or want to, just like everyone else. But because the person that
they have fallen in love with looks like them, it's not okay? (And
yet racism... with racism we wanted them to be the same...)
That's right, boys and girls. It's not
about sex. It's about companionship and love. There is a striking
difference between "homosexuality" and "homoSEXuality." Society seems
to only hear the latter. And when no one speaks out against it, it
goes virtually unnoticed. As I heard once in a lecture: "Your silence is your approval."
I know, I know. It's risky to get involved.
It means being vulnerable. It means taking a stand, and even possibly
being seen doing so. And if you don't say anything, they will just
leave you alone. Or so you hope. You hope that this problem
will just go away quietly on its own. Sorry, folks. Not going
to happen. And if you don't speak up, things will change. Because
things are always changing. If they aren't getting better, they're
getting worse.
I can understand why sex would be one of those
things that happens by accident sometimes. "We started kissing, and
one thing lead to another..." And if you're in love, that's great.
But it's when people (teens or adults) are out just looking for a cheap
thrill that I have a complaint.
Let's face facts. Having sex with multiple
partners is stupid. It's a good way to get yourself killed.
Promiscuity, even with protection, has a higher chance of contracting sexually
transmitted diseases or causing pregnancy. The more times you do
it with more people, the higher your chances of suicide by sexual activity.
Then there's that whole day after thing.
It seems to me that for many people, sex is not purely physical.
There are emotions involved. And when so-and-so doesn't call the
next day, you feel used. Especially if so-and-so is now hanging out
with some other soon-to-be partner. Besides, there is a difference
between having sex and making love. And while you can have sex with
people you don't know very well, making love is revered as worth the wait. Now,
that doesn't mean that there isn't something to be said for the cheap
fuck. There is. Personal attention, especially in a physical form,
is a powerful force. While a person is more than just a body, they are
their body, as well. It feels good to be noticed, to be held and kissed
and touched. Chemistry exists, and it's oft how relationships get
started. If you can keep your emotional feelings separate from your
physical feelings, an occasional cheap fuck can be a good thing. (The key
word? Occasional)
Ok, kids. This one's a no-brainer.
I don't care if you've known your partner since they were three, use protection.
Withdrawal doesn't count, and you don't get extra points for "being careful."
Being on birth control pills isn't enough, either. Granted, that
eliminate your chance of pregnancy, but no medication is 100%. There
are always those cases that fail.
Not to mention STDs. And with so many
out there, curable or not, you can't be too careful. Use condoms.
If you're scared to buy them at the store (it's an embarrassing experience,
I understand), then have someone else do it. But use them.
EVERY TIME. No exceptions. Doesn't matter if it doesn't feel
as good, doesn't matter that they don't use them in the movies. Doesn't
matter that it takes away from the mood. (I would think that "sorry
honey, I have gonorrhea" would dampen the mood more than a condom...)
If you're going to do it, just use one.