Is Coca Cola Haraam? |
The real contents of Coca Cola is Unknown but however The meaning of Coca Cola is shown clearly in the images below. Below is Coca Cola written backwards and what the meaning becomes of the Coca Cola when reversed. |
The above is the famously known Coca Cola logo on the front of a bottle. However as shown below when reversed it is a totally different story. |
The above clearly states that there is no Mohammed (PBUH) and there is no Mecca |
I hope that this has answered your questions on the rumors that have been going round about this topic. |
Dear Brothers and sisters of Islam, If you are true Muslims then you will not drink Coca cola. Why? Would you really like to drink something that says No Mohammed No Mecca on it? If the answer is YES then in this case you are not suited to be called a Muslim. As this Coca Cola has this meaning then there is no doubt that the contents of Coce Must be haraam. If it wasnt Haraam then why is the Ingredients of Coca Cola Such BIG SECRET WHICH IS ONLY KNOWN BY A HAND FULL OF PEOPLE? |