Islamic General Knowledge 1

[Compiled by Mutmainaa]


General Islamic Knowledge

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1. The main purpose of fasting is described in the Qur'an is?

so that you may remember hunger
so that you may attain taqwa or God-consciousness
so that you get more healthy
so that you may get more wealth

2. What is the meaning of Al-Hadi as mentioned in the Quran

The Loving
The Merciful
The Guide
The Eternal

3. Who was the companion that was the first to be buried in Jannatul Baqi?

Uthman ibn Madh'uun (radiAllahu anhu)
Hamzah ibn Abdul-Mu'ttalib (radiAllahu anhu)
Bilal ibn Rabaah (radiAllahu anhu)
Uthman ibn Affan (radiAllahu anhu)

4. Which Prophet was known as Khalilullah?

Ibrahim (Abraham)(alayhis salam)
Yunus (Jonah) (alayhis salam)
Adam (alayhis salam)
none of the above

5. Which Prophet was swollowed by a whale?

Salih (alayhis salam)
Yahya (alayhis salam)
Hud (alayhis salam)
Yunus (Jonah) (alayhis salam)

6. To which country did the Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) go for the first time on a trade journey, with his uncle?


7. Which surah contains the longest ayah in The Holy Qur'an?

Surah ali'Imran
Surah Ikhlas
Surah Baqarah
Surah Ibrahim

8. What is the name of the prophet that was sent to the Thamud

Salih (alayhis salam)
Ibrahim (alayhis salam)
Hud (alayhis salam)
Isa (alayhis salam)

9. How long did Abu Bakr (radiAllahu anhu) rule as a Khalifah

2 years and 3 months
3 years and 9 months
7 years and 4 months
10 years and 4 months

10. Which important event, mentioned in the Quran occured one year before Hijrah in Makkah?

Battle of Badr
Treaty of Hudaiybah
Hamza ibn AbdulMu'ttalib (radiAllahu anhu)'s death


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