Seerah Quiz - Hard Level

1) When was the city of Makkah gained and conquered by Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)?
20th Ramadan, 8th Year Hijrah
12th Rabi al-Awal, 10th Year Hijrah
16th Dhul Hijjah, 3rd Year Hijrah
9th Muharram, 6th Year Hijrah

2) What was the name of the pledge made by the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) in his youth; ensuring that the rights of the weak were increased, and that injustices and violence supressed?
Al- Fudoul

3) What was the name of the wet nurse that suckled Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) for only a few days before Halima as-Sadiyah took the position?
Umm Ayman

4) What was Abdul-Mu'talib's real name?
none of the above

5) The incident of when Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) turned away from the blind man is recorded in which surah?
Surah Fajr
Surah Abasa
Surah ali' Imran
Surah Hadid

6) What was the name of the Chriastian King from Abyssinia who gave shelter and protection to the Muslims who came to him from Makkah?
King Abrahah
King Bahira
King Yemani
King Najjashi

7) Who travelled with Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) to the hill-top city of Ta'if, South-West of Makkah when they were looking for a place of safety for the Muslims?
Zayd ibn Harith (radiAllahu anhu)
Abu Bakr (radiAllahu anhu)
Umar (radiAllahu anhu)
Mus'ab ibn Umair (radiAllahu anhu)

8) What was the name of the tribe that Halima as-Sadiyah bint abu Dhuaib (the wet nurse of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) came from?
Banu Quraizah
Banu Sa'ad
Banu Amin
Banu Yadir

9) Which Sahabah did Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) send to Madinah soon after the pledge of Aqabah to teach people there Islam and to give the call to others in the city?
Khalid ibn Sa'id (radiAllahu anhu)
Utbah ibn Ghazwaan (radiAllahu anhu)
Talhah ibn 'UbaidAllah (radiAllahu anhu)
Mus'aib ibn Umair (radiAllahu anhu)

10) Abu Bakr (radiAllahu anhu) was appointed by Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) himself as the leader of the Hajj in which year of Hijrah?
9th Year of Hijrah
3rd Year of Hijrah
12th Year of Hijrah
7th Year of Hijrah
