Have You Wondered About Allah?
Here are some questions that people ask sometimes. Have you ever thought…
Why did Allah create us?
Allah is the only One who can create anything. He is Al-Khaliq – The Creator and He is Al-Musawwir – The Shaper. He created the Universe and everything in it, and they all move by His Laws. For instance, the planets all go around the Sun, because Allah made them so they follow clear rules. Living things grow, get old and die, the seasons change, and the rain falls, because He made them behave that way.
For everything that He creates, Allah gives a purpose. Sometimes we can see the reason, and sometimes we can’t. Allah is Ar-Razzaq – The Total Provider. He created the world for us to look after and to share and enjoy. He created human beings and jinn to worship and obey Him (the Jinn are a creation of Allah that we can’t see).
Why do we worship Allah?
Allah doesn’t need us to Worship Him, and He does not get harmed if we disobey Him. Allah created us to test us. If we worship Him, it is for our own good. Allah is Al-Hadid - The Knower of all things. He sees and hears everything. He is Al-Hakam – The Judge and He is Al-Muqsit – The Just (Fair). He will judge us all on the Day of Judgement. Those who obey Him will go to Jannah - Paradise and those who don’t will go to Hell - Jahannum. To see Allah is the most wonderful, best reward of those who go to Paradise.
How do we know that Allah wants us to worship Him? Allah is Al-Hadi – the Guide. Allah sent many, many Prophets to remind them to worship Allah alone, to be grateful to Him, and to keep away from worshipping idols. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last Prophet of Allah, and Allah gave him (peace be upon him) the Qur’an, to guide us on how to worship Allah and to live in the best way.
Who is Allah? Where is He?
They may seem like silly questions, but it’s important to know the answers. Allah tells us in the Qur’an in Surah al-Ikhlas:
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Kind.
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute (as-Samad)*;
He begets not, nor is He begotten;**
And there is nothing like Him.
*Allah is as-Samad, which means that He doesn’t change; everything needs Him, but He doesn’t need anything.
** This means that Allah wasn’t born and He does not have children.
As there is nothing that we know that is like Allah, we can’t know what He looks like. If you think, ‘maybe He looks like this or that...’ you will always be wrong! We can’t see Allah, but He can see us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Allah tells us that He has 99 Beautiful Names (al-Asma’ul Husna). Some of Allah’s Names have been mentioned here. The more you learn about them, the more you will love Him.
As for where Allah is, Allah has a Throne – al-‘Arsh, and He is ‘above it’. We can’t say more than this as we human beings cannot know or understand more than this about Allah. In the Qur’an, there is a verse called Ayatul Kursi, ‘The verse of the Throne’, which talks about the Throne of Allah (Most High).
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