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: Univ. of Bergamo > Fac. of Educational sciences > Marco Lazzari > > Biographical sketch

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Marco Lazzari

Marco Lazzari, software designer, associate professor of computer science at the University of Bergamo, Italy.


I was born in Cremona (Italy) in 1960, and graduated in Computer Science at the University of Pisa.

Until 2001 I worked as a software designer (CISL Cremona, Olivetti Milan, Zenputer Cremona, Enel.Hydro Bergamo, formerly ISMES ), mainly involved in applying artificial intelligence techniques to safety problems.
From 1996 to 2000 I collaborated in my spare time with the Mario Negri Institute for pharmacological research - Centre for rare diseases, where I dealt with the processing of epidemiological data.

In the academic year 1997-98 I taught Introduction to computer science, Multimedia and Communication techniques in a course on Information technologies for the protection of the environmental and cultural heritage organised by the University of Bergamo and ISMES.

In 1998-99 I began teaching at the University of Bergamo as a contract professor in charge of the course of Foundations of computer science at the Faculty of Foreign languages.
Since 2001 I have been an associate professor of Computer science at the University of Bergamo and currently I am a member of the Faculty of Educational sciences and of the Department of Human sciences.
From 2002 to 2004 I headed the Interfaculty centre on informatics for arts and philosophy and I am currently a member of the Board and of the Scientific committee of the Centre for educational technologies of the University of Bergamo.

Some publications

I (co)authored about seventy publications - here are some of them:

Some projects

Some of the projects that I managed in the past:

Links and friends

Marco Lazzari, short curriculum vitae,