Marco Lazzari
Marco Lazzari, software designer, associate professor of computer science at the University of Bergamo, Italy.
I was born in Cremona (Italy) in 1960, and graduated in Computer Science at the University of Pisa.
Until 2001 I worked as a software designer (CISL Cremona, Olivetti Milan, Zenputer Cremona, Enel.Hydro Bergamo, formerly ISMES ), mainly involved in applying artificial intelligence techniques to safety problems.
From 1996 to 2000 I collaborated in my spare time with the Mario Negri Institute for pharmacological research - Centre for rare diseases, where I dealt with the processing of epidemiological data.
In the academic year 1997-98 I taught Introduction to computer science, Multimedia and Communication techniques in a course on Information technologies for the protection of the environmental and cultural heritage organised by the University of Bergamo and ISMES.
In 1998-99 I began teaching at the University of Bergamo as a contract professor in charge of the course of Foundations of computer science at the Faculty of Foreign languages.
Since 2001 I have been an associate professor of Computer science at the University of Bergamo and currently I am a member of the Faculty of Educational sciences and of the Department of Human sciences.
From 2002 to 2004 I headed the Interfaculty centre on informatics for arts and philosophy and I am currently a member of the Board and of the Scientific committee of the Centre for educational technologies of the University of Bergamo.
Some publications
I (co)authored about seventy publications - here are some of them:
- Marco Lazzari, Marco Chiodi
"Experimenting with an organic metaphor and hypervisual links for the interface of a video collection"
Proceedings of the 27th ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI 2009), Boston, MA, USA, 2009
- Marco Lazzari
"Creative use of podcasting in higher education and its effect on competitive agency",
Computers & Education, 52(1), 2009
- Alberto Betella, Marco Lazzari
"Podcast Generator and Pluriversiradio:
an educational interactive experience"
in M.C. Calani Baranauskas et al. (eds.),
Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2007
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4663),
Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2007
- Marco Lazzari, Alberto Betella
"Towards guidelines on educational podcasting quality: problems arising from a real world experience"
in M.J. Smith, G. Salvendy (eds.),
Human interfaces, Part II, (HCI 2007)
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4558),
Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2007
- Alberto Betella, Marco Lazzari
"Un ambiente open source per la gestione del podcasting e una sua applicazione alla didattica"
Atti del Congresso Didamatica 2007,
Cesena, Italy, 2007
- Marco Lazzari
"Podcasting in the classroom:
involving students in creating podcasted lessons"
Proceedings of the Conference HCI Educators 2007 - Creativity3: Experiencing to educate and design (HCIEd 2007),
Aveiro, Portugal, 2007
- Marco Lazzari
"Le frecce di Basilea e le faretre degli informatici"
in Giuseppe Bertagna (a cura di),
Scienze della persona: perché?,
Rubbettino Editore, 2006
- Marco Lazzari, Elisa Rinaldin
"Un'esperienza d'uso del computer per l'apprendimento dei
numeri nella scuola dell'infanzia"
Atti del Congresso Didamatica 2006,
Cagliari, Italy, 2006
- Marco Lazzari
"Epiphenomenal intelligence from partial models in safety management"
in B.H.V. Topping (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering,
Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, UK, 2005, ISBN 1-905088-05-1
- Marco Lazzari, Daniela Iovino
"Back to the future, back to home, back to mom:
use and abuse of the back button on English and non English web sites"
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2005),
Las Vegas, ND, USA, 2005
- Marco Lazzari, Susanna Lamarca, Silvia Rubis
"Una sperimentazione sull'impatto della multimedialità nell'apprendimento dei bambini delle scuole primarie"
Atti del Congresso Didamatica 2005,
Potenza, Italy, 2005
- Marco Lazzari, Rita Pellegrini, Paolo Dalmagioni, Mats Emborg
"Integrating neural networks, databases and numerical software for managing early age concrete crack prediction"
in F. Bontempi (ed.),
System based vision for strategic and creative design
Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Olanda, 2003
- Paolo Salvaneschi, Marco Lazzari
"Integrating databases, data communication and artificial intelligence for applications in systems monitoring and safety problems"
in C.T. Leondes (ed.),
Database and data communication network systems
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA, 2002
- Paolo Salvaneschi, Andrea Spinelli, Marco Lazzari
"SITUS - a web based information system for archaeological sites"
International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting - Proceedings from ICHIM 01
Archives & Museum Informatics, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2001
[ quando hanno formattato il testo hanno inserito un indirizzo sbagliato, pazienza ]
- Marco Lazzari, Paolo Salvaneschi
"Embedding a geographic information system in a decision support system for landslide hazard monitoring"
International Journal of Natural Hazards, 20(1), 1999
- Paolo Salvaneschi, Marco Lazzari
"A family of software components to deliver solutions for the interpretation of monitoring data"
in I. Smith (ed.), Artificial intelligence in structural engineering (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1454)
Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1998
- Marco Lazzari, Paolo Salvaneschi, Giovanni Ruggeri, Guido Mazzà
systems for dam safety: evolution through artificial intelligence"
International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, 6(1), 1998
- Mauro Cadei, Marco Lazzari, Paolo Salvaneschi
A causal modelling framework for the simulation and explanation of the behaviour of structures",
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 11(3), 1997
- Stefano Lancini, Marco Lazzari, Alberto Masera, Paolo Salvaneschi
"The diagnosis of ancient monuments' behaviours through expert interpretation software systems"
Structural Engineering International, 7(4), 1997
- Paolo Salvaneschi, Mauro Cadei, Marco Lazzari
"The application of AI to structural safety monitoring and evaluation"
IEEE Expert, 11(4), 1996
- Luisito Brembilla, Marco Lazzari, Paolo Salvaneschi
"Structural monitoring through neural nets"
Proceedings of the Second Workshop of the European Group for Structural Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EGSEAAI '95)
Bergamo, Italy, 1995
- Luisito Brembilla, Marco Lazzari, Paolo Salvaneschi
"Neural associative memories for detecting analogies: an application to structural safety management"
Proceedings of the Second Workshop of the European Group for Structural Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EGSEAAI '95)
Bergamo, Italy, 1995
- Joseph B. Comerford, Paolo Salvaneschi, Marco Lazzari, Paolo Bonaldi, Giovanni Ruggeri, Michele Fanelli, Gabriella Giuseppetti, Guido Mazzà
"The role of AI technology in management of dam safety: the DAMSAFE system"
Dam Engineering, 3(4), 1992
- Mauro Cadei, Marco Lazzari, Paolo Salvaneschi
"Safety management of civil structures using knowledge based systems"
Proceedings of the third International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
(IEA/AIE 90),
ACM, New York, NY, 1990
Some projects
Some of the projects that I managed in the past:
- Mistral,
a decision support system (expert system)
for the real time interpretation of monitoring data of dams;
installed on the dams of Ridracoli, Pieve di Cadore,
Cancano, Fusino, Valgrosina, San Giacomo;
- Kaleidos,
a decision support system (expert system)
for the real time interpretation of monitoring data of monumental structures;
installed in Pavia on the Cathedral an on the medieval towers of
San Dalmazio, Belcredi, Maino, Orologio, Carmine and Università;
- Eydenet,
a decision support system (expert system)
for the real time interpretation of monitoring data of landslides;
installed on the landslides of
Spriana, Valpola, Val Torreggio, Campofranscia, Rosone, Semogo, Saviore, Ruinon, Valdaosta;
- DoDi,
web based information system for the large dams at ENEL;
podcasting service from the University of Bergamo.
- Bosco didattico di Castelleone,
environmental education on the web.
- Il territorio come ecomuseo,
environmental education on the web.