Places to Dance
Click on the links for more directions, prices, ect.
Check out for a calendar of swing dancing  in Orange County. Friday and Saturday clubs are listed above, but if you ever have a day off, click here to find some other places to dance.
The Atomic Ballroom
The Atomic Ballroom in Irvine has Big Band swing every Friday night. There is a lesson starting at 8:30 pm and dancing starting at 9:00 pm. No partner is needed. All ages and all levels are welcome! The price is $8 a night.
Click on the link above for direction, contact info, and further details!
The Atomic Ballroom is an OC Swing Club sponsored event and you get a discount with OC Swing Club Memberships.
Pasadena Ballroom
Live band every Saturday night! There is a $10 cover charge.  All ages invited.  A swing dance lesson is included in the admission from 7:30-8:30. 8:00-11:30 there is swing dancing.  Located at 997 E. Walnut, Pasadena.
Disneyland offers live swing bands every Saturday night at the Carnation Plaza from 7:30 to 10:45. It is free, except that you obviously need to purchase admission to the park.
Swing in Style at the Sky Room
Live swing and other dance music (Rumba, Cha Cha, Foxtrot, ect.) starting at 8:30. The cover charge for dancing only is $10. The Sky Room if for those who want to get dressed up and go out. It is a stlyish and elegant club, which means that there is a dress code of no jeans, T-shirts, or tennis shoes. Wear jacket and tie or dress and heels. Once you know a few moves, getting dressed up to go out can be a really fun experience to try at least once!
The Sky Room is located at the top of The Breakers Hotel, 40 S. Locust Avenue, Long Beach. Call 983-2703 to make dinner reservations or make sure the room is not booked for a private party.
Lindy On the Peir
Lindy on the pier is another great place to social dance. It is totally free and happens once a month right on the beach. Check it out and find directions by clicking on the link above.
The Neighborhood Cup
$5 dollar lesson for an hour at the Neighborhood Cup on Friday nights at 7:45. You don't need a partner. The coffee house is only in Aliso Viejo and a great place  to dance with high school age kids for an amazing price.
Memories Dancing and Dinner
Memories has beginging and intermediate swing lessons 7:30 Friday nights and the Live Swing Band Swing Dancing start at 8:45 to 1:00 am. Any age okay. Partners are not required. A one hour lesson is only $3 and $10 for the dancing afterward, or $13 all together.
Strutter's Ball
Great new place to dance with a great big dance floor. Every Wednesday Night. Beginning lesson at 7. Intermediate Lesson at 7:45. Dancing starting at 8:30. $7 for the lesson and $7 for social dancing. Located just a couple blocks east of the Orange Circle on the corner of Chapman and Center.
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