Windows Help File Format / Annotation File Format / SHG and MRB File Format
This documentation describes the file format parsed by HELPDECO, because Microsoft did not publish the file formats used by WinHelp and MultiMedia Viewers, and created by HC30, HC31, HCP, HCRTF, HCW, MVC, MMVC and WMVC.
This way it is not an official reference, but the result of many weekends of work dumping 500+ help files and trying to understand what all the bytes may mean.
Since Microsoft abandoned WinHelp in favor of HTMLHelp, the file format is not likely to change in the future.
This documentation is VERY concise. If you need more explaining words, look at "Windows Undocumented File Formats" by Pete Davis & Mike Wallace, R&D Books, #RD2364,, ISBN 0-87930-437-5, $39.95, which appeared about two years after the first release of HELPDECO and this document.
I would like to thank Pete Davis, who first tried to describe 'The Windows Help File Format' in Dr. Dobbs Journal, Sep/Oct 1993, and Holger Haase, who did a lot of work on picture file formats and Bent Lynggaard for the information on free lists in help files and unused bytes in B+ trees.
Revision 1: Fixed hash value calculation and |FONT, minor additions
Revision 2: Transparent bitmaps, {button}, and {mci} commands
Revision 3: Unknown in Paragraphinfo changed, minor additions
Revision 4: CTXOMAP corrected, bitmap dimensions dpi - not PelsPerMeter
Revision 5: MacroData in HotspotInfo added, Annotation file format added
Revision 6: [MACROS] section / internal file |Rose added, MVB font structure
Revision 7: [GROUPS] section *.GRP and [CHARTAB] section *.tbl file format
Revision 8: free list, clarified TOPICPOS/TOPICOFFSET
Revision 9: B+ tree unused bytes and what I found out about GID files
Revision 10: clarified MacroData according to info from Gerold Veith
HLP File Format
A help file starts with a header, the only structure at a fixed place
long Magic 0x00035F3F long DirectoryStart offset of FILEHEADER of internal directory long FirstFreeBlock offset of FREEHEADER or -1L if no free list long EntireFileSize size of entire help file in bytes ---- char HelpFileContent[EntireFileSize-16] the remainder of the help file
At offset DirectoryStart the FILEHEADER of the internal directory is located
long ReservedSpace size reserved including FILEHEADER long UsedSpace size of internal file in bytes unsigned char FileFlags normally 4 ---- char FileContent[UsedSpace] the bytes contained in the internal file char FreeSpace[ReservedSpace-UsedSpace-9]
The FILEHEADER of the internal directory is followed by UsedSpace bytes containing the internal directory which is used to associate FileNames and FileOffsets. The directory is structured as a B+ tree.
A B+ tree is made from leaf-pages and index-pages of fixed size, one of which is the root-page. All entries are contained in leaf-pages. If more entries are required than fit into a single leaf-page, index-pages are used to locate the leaf-page which contains the required entry.
A B+ tree starts with a BTREEHEADER telling you the size of the B+ tree pages, the root-page, the number of levels, and the number of all entries in this B+ tree. You must follow (NLevels-1) index-pages before you reach a leaf-page.
unsigned short Magic 0x293B unsigned short Flags bit 0x0002 always 1, bit 0x0400 1 if directory unsigned short PageSize 0x0400=1k if directory, 0x0800=2k else, or 4k char Structure[16] string describing format of data 'L' = long (indexed) 'F' = NUL-terminated string (indexed) 'i' = NUL-terminated string (indexed) '2' = short '4' = long 'z' = NUL-terminated string '!' = long count value, count/8 * record long filenumber long TopicOffset short MustBeZero 0 short PageSplits number of page splits B+ tree has suffered short RootPage page number of B+ tree root page short MustBeNegOne 0xFFFF short TotalPages number of B+ tree pages short NLevels number of levels of B+ tree long TotalBtreeEntries number of entries in B+ tree ---- char Page[TotalPages][PageSize] the pages the B+ tree is made of
If NLevel is greater than 1, RootPage is the page number of an index-page. Index-pages start with a BTREEINDEXHEADER and are followed by an array of BTREEINDEX structures, in case of the internal directory containing pairs of FileNames and PageNumbers. (STRINGZ is a NUL-terminated string, izeof(STRINGZ) is strlen(string)+1). PageNumber gets you to the next page containing entries lexically starting at FileName, but less than the next FileName. reviousPage gets you to the next page if the desired FileName is lexically before the first FileName.
unsigned short Unused number of free bytes at end of this page short NEntries number of entries in this index-page short PreviousPage page number of previous page ---- struct and this is the structure of directory index-pages { STRINGZ FileName varying length NUL-terminated string short PageNumber page number of page dealing with FileName and above } DIRECTORYINDEXENTRY[NEntries] char UnusedBytes[Unused]
After NLevels-1 of index-pages you will reach a leaf-page starting with a BTREENODEHEADER followed by an array of BTREELEAF structures, in case of the internal directory containing pairs of FileNames and FileOffsets. You may follow the PreviousPage entry in all NLevels-1 index-pages to reach the first leaf-page, then iterate thru all entries and use NextPage to follow the double linked list of leaf-pages until NextPage is -1 to retrieve a sorted list of all TotalBtreeEntries entries contained in the B+ tree.
unsigned short Unused number of free bytes at end of this page short NEntries number of entries in this leaf-page short PreviousPage page number of previous leaf-page or -1 if first short NextPage page number of next leaf-page or -1 if last ---- struct and this is the structure of directory leaf-pages { STRINGZ FileName varying length NUL-terminated string long FileOffset offset of FILEHEADER of internal file FileName relative to beginning of help file } DIRECTORYLEAFENTRY[NEntries] char UnusedBytes[Unused]
At offset FreeListBlock the first FREEHEADER is located. It contains
long FreeSpace number of bytes unused, including this header long NextFreeBlock offset of next FREEHEADER or -1L if end of list ---- char Unused[FreeSpace-8] unused bytes
All unused portions of the help file are linked together using FREEHEADERs.
Now that you are able to locate the position of an internal file in the help file, let's describe what they contain. Remember that each FileOffset first takes you to the FILEHEADER of the internal file. The structures described next are located just behind this FILEHEADER.
The first one to start with is the |SYSTEM file. This is the SYSTEMHEADER, the structure of the first bytes of this internal file:
short Magic 0x036C short Minor help file format version number 15 = HC30 Windows 3.0 help file 21 = HC31 Windows 3.1 help file 27 = WMVC/MMVC media view file 33 = MVC or HCW 4.00 Windows 95 short Major 1 time_t GenDate help file created seconds after 1.1.1980, or 0 unsigned short Flags see below
Use Minor and Flags to find out how the help file was compressed:
Minor <= 16 not compressed, TopicBlockSize 2k Minor > 16 Flags=0: not compressed, TopicBlockSize 4k Flags=4: LZ77 compressed, TopicBlockSize 4k Flags=8: LZ77 compressed, TopicBlockSize 2k
Additionally the help file may use phrase compression (oldstyle or Hall). If Minor is 16 or less, the help file title follows the SYSTEMHEADER:
STRINGZ HelpFileTitle
If Minor is above 16, one or more SYSTEMREC records follow instead up to the internal end of the |SYSTEM file:
struct { unsigned short RecordType type of data in record unsigned short DataSize size of data ---- char Data[DataSize] dependent on RecordType } SYSTEMREC[]
There are different RecordTypes defined, each storing different Data. They mainly contain what was specified in the help project file.
RecordType Data 1 TITLE STRINGZ Title help file title 2 COPYRIGHT STRINGZ Copyright copyright notice shown in AboutBox 3 CONTENTS TOPICOFFSET Contents topic offset of starting topic 4 CONFIG STRINGZ Macro all macros executed on opening 5 ICON Windows *.ICO file See WIN31WH on icon file format 6 WINDOW struct Windows defined in the HPJ-file { struct { unsigned short TypeIsValid:1 unsigned short NameIsValid:1 unsigned short CaptionIsValid:1 unsigned short XIsValid:1 unsigned short YIsValid:1 unsigned short WithIsValid:1 unsigned short HeigthIsValid:1 unsigned short MaximizeWindow:1 unsigned short RGBIsValid:1 unsigned short RGBNSRIsValid:1 unsigned short WindowsAlwaysOnTop:1 unsigned short AutoSizeHeight:1 } Flags char Type[10] type of window char Name[9] window name char Caption[51] caption of window short X x coordinate of window (0..1000) short Y y coordinate of window (0..1000) short Width width of window (0..1000) short Height height of window (0..1000) short Maximize maximize flag and window styles COLORREF Rgb color of scrollable region COLORREF RgbNsr color of non scrollable region } Window 6 WINDOW typedef struct Viewer 2.0 Windows defined in MVP-file { unsigned short Flags char Type[10] /* type of window */ char Name[9] /* window name */ char Caption[51] /* caption for window */ unsigned char MoreFlags short X /* x coordinate of window (0..1000) */ short Y /* y coordinate of window (0..1000) */ short Width /* width of window (0..1000) */ short Height /* height of window (0..1000) */ short Maximize /* maximize flag and window styles */ COLORREF Rgb1 char Unknown COLORREG Rgb2 COLORREF Rgb3 short X2 short Y2 short Width2 short Height2 short X3 short Y3 } Window; 8 CITATION STRINGZ Citation the Citation printed 9 LCID short LCID[4] language ID, Windows 95 (HCW 4.00) 10 CNT STRINGZ ContentFileName CNT file name, Windows 95 (HCW 4.00) 11 CHARSET unsigned short Charset charset, Windows 95 (HCW 4.00) 12 DEFFONT struct default dialog font, Windows 95 (HCW 4.00) { unsigned char HeightInPoints unsigned char Charset STRINGZ FontName } DefFont 12 FTINDEX STRINGZ dtype Multimedia Help Files dtypes 13 GROUPS STRINGZ Group defined GROUPs, Multimedia Help File 14 INDEX_S. STRINGZ IndexSeparators separators, Windows 95 (HCW 4.00) 14 KEYINDEX struct Multimedia Help Files { char btreename[10]; btreename[1] is footnote character char mapname[10]; char dataname[10]; char title[80]; } KeyIndex 18 LANGUAGE STRINGZ language defined language, Multimedia Help Files 19 DLLMAPS struct defined DLLMAPS, Multimedia Help Files { STRINGZ Win16RetailDLL STRINGZ Win16DebugDLL STRINGZ Win32RetailDLL STRINGZ Win32DebugDLL } DLLNames
If the help file is phrase compressed, it contains an internal file named |Phrases. Windows 3.0 help files generated with HC30 use the following uncompressed structure to store phrases. A phrase is not NUL-terminated, instead use the next PhraseOffset to locate the end of the phrase string (there is one more phrase offset stored than phrases are defined to allow for this).
unsigned short NumPhrases number of phrases in table unsigned short OneHundred 0x0100 unsigned short PhraseOffset[NumPhrases+1] PhraseOffset[0]==2*(NumPhrases+1) char Phrase[NumPhrases][PhraseOffset[PhraseNum+1]-PhraseOffset[PhraseNum]]
Windows 3.1 help files generated using HC31 and later always LZ77 compress the Phrase character array. Read NumPhrases, OneHundred, ecompressedSize, and NumPhrases+1 PhraseOffset values. Allocate DecompressedSize bytes for the Phrase character array and decompress the UsedSpace-2*NumPhrases-10 remaining bytes into the allocated space to retrieve the phrase strings.
unsigned short NumPhrases number of phrases in table unsigned short OneHundred 0x0100 long DecompressedSize unsigned short PhraseOffset[NumPhrases+1] PhraseOffset[0]==2*(NumPhrases+1) ---- the remaining part iis LZ77 compressed char Phrase[NumPhrases][PhraseOffset[PhraseNum+1]-PhraseOffset[PhraseNum]]
The LZ77 decompression algorithm can best be described like this:
See end of this file for a detailed algorithm.
Some MVBs use a slightly different layout of internal |Phrases file:
unsigned short EightHundred 0x0800 unsigned short NumPhrases number of phrases in table unsigned short OneHundred 0x0100 long DecompressedSize char unused[30] unsigned short PhraseOffset[NumPhrases+1] PhraseOffset[0]==2*(NumPhrases+1) ---- the remaining part iis LZ77 compressed char Phrase[NumPhrases][PhraseOffset[PhraseNum+1]-PhraseOffset[PhraseNum]]
Windows 95 (HCW 4.00) may use Hall compression and the internal files |PhrIndex and |PhrImage to store phrases. Both must be used to build a table of phrases and PhraseOffsets. |PhrIndex starts with this header:
long Magic 1L long NEntries long CompressedSize long PhrImageSize long PhrImageCompressedSize long Always0 0L unsigned short BitCount:4 unsigned short UnknownBits:12 unsigned short Always4A00 not really always
The remaining data is bitcompressed. Use this algorithm to build a table of PhraseOffsets:
short n,i; long mask=0,*ptr=(long *)(&always4A00+1); int GetBit(void) { ptr+=(mask<0); mask=mask*2+(mask<=0); return (*ptr&mask)!=0; } PhaseOffset[0]=0; for(i=0;i<NEntries;i++) { for(n=1;GetBit();n+=1<<BitCount) ; if(GetBit()) n+=1; if(BitCount>1) if(GetBit()) n+=2; if(BitCount>2) if(GetBit()) n+=4; if(BitCount>3) if(GetBit()) n+=8; if(BitCount>4) if(GetBit()) n+=16; PhraseOffset[i+1]=PhraseOffset[i]+n; }
Just behind the bitcompressed phrase length information (on a 32-bit boundary, that's why GetBit consumed longs) follow NumPhrases bits (one bit for each phrase). It is assumed that this information is used for the full text search capability to exclude certain phrases.
The |PhrImage file stores the phrases. A phrase is not NUL-terminated. Use PhraseOffset[NumPhrase] and PhraseOffset[NumPhrase+1] to locate beginning and end of the phrase string. We generated one more PhraseOffset to allow for this. |PhrImage is LZ77 compressed if PhrImageCompressedSize is not equal to PhrImageSize. Otherwise you may take it as stored.
The next internal file described is the |FONT file, which uses this header:
unsigned short NumFacenames number of face names unsigned short NumDescriptors number of font descriptors unsigned short FacenamesOffset start of array of face names relative to &NumFacenames unsigned short DescriptorsOffset start of array of font descriptors relative to &NumFacenames --- only if FacenamesOffsset >= 12 unsigned short NumStyles number of style descriptors unsigned short StyleOffset start of array of style descriptors relative to &NumFacenames --- only if FacenamesOffsset >= 16 unsigned short NumCharMapTables number of character mapping tables unsigned short CharMapTableOffset start of array of character mapping table names relative to &NumFacenames
The face name array is located at FacenamesOffset and contains strings, which are Windows font names or in case of multimedia files a Windows font name concatenated with ',' and the character mapping table number. Short strings are NUL-terminated, but a string may use all bytes for characters.
char FaceName[NumFacenames][(DescriptorsOffset-FacenamesOffset)/NumFacenames]
At DescriptorsOffset is an array located describing all fonts used in the help file. If this kind of descriptor appears in a help file, any metric value is given in HalfPoints.
struct oldfont { struct { unsigned char Bold:1 unsigned char Italic:1 unsigned char Underline:1 unsigned char StrikeOut:1 unsigned char DoubleUnderline:1 unsigned char SmallCaps:1 } Attributes unsigned char HalfPoints PointSize * 2 unsigned char FontFamily font family. See values below unsigned short FacenameIndex index into FaceName array unsigned char FGRGB[3] RGB values of foreground unsigned char BGRGB[3] unused background RGB Values } FontDescriptor[NumDescriptors] #define FAM_MODERN 0x01 This is a different order than #define FAM_ROMAN 0x02 FF_ROMAN, FF_SWISS, etc. of #define FAM_SWISS 0x03 windows ! #define FAM_TECH 0x03 #define FAM_NIL 0x03 #define FAM_SCRIPT 0x04 #define FAM_DECOR 0x05
Multimedia MVB files use different structures to store font descriptors.
Assume this structure for descriptors if FacenamesOffset is at least 12.
If this kind of descriptor is used, any metric is given in twips.
struct newfont { unsigned char unknown1 short FacenameIndex unsigned char FGRGB[3] unsigned char BGRGB[3] unsigned char unknown5 unsigned char unknown6 unsigned char unknown7 unsigned char unknown8 unsigned char unknown9 long Height unsigned char mostlyzero[12] short Weight unsigned char unknown10 unsigned char unknown11 unsigned char Italic unsigned char Underline unsigned char StrikeOut unsigned char DoubleUnderline unsigned char SmallCaps unsigned char unknown17 unsigned char unknown18 unsigned char PitchAndFamily Same values as windows LOGFONT } FontDescriptor[NumDescriptors]
Assume this structure for descriptors if FacenamesOffset is at least 16.
If this kind of descriptor is used, any metric is given in twips.
struct mvbfont { short FacenameIndex index into Facename array short StyleNumber 0 if not used unsigned char unknown3 unsigned char unknown4 unsigned char FGRGB[3] unsigned char BGRGB[3] long Height negative (incl. external leading) unsigned char mostlyzero[12] short Weight unsigned char unknown10 unsigned char unknown11 unsigned char Italic unsigned char Underline unsigned char StrikeOut unsigned char DoubleUnderline unsigned char SmallCaps unsigned char unknown17 unsigned char unknown18 unsigned char PitchAndFamily Same values as windows LOGFONT unsigned char unknown20 unsigned char unknown21 } FontDescriptor[NumDescriptors]
If FacenamesOffset is at least 12, the |FONT file supports character styles. StyleNumber-1 of the FontDescriptor indexes into this array located at StyleOffset in |FONT.
struct { short StyleNum short BasedOnStyleNum 0 if not used struct Font struct newfont or struct mvbfont char unknown[35] char StyleName[65] } Style[NumStyles]
If FacenamesOffset is at least 16, the |FONT file supports character mapping tables. The array of character mapping table file names is located in |FONT at CharMapTableOffset and contains strings of the internal filename of the character mapping table concatenated with ',' and the character mapping table number. The entries are not sorted by character mapping table numbers. Short strings are NUL-terminated, but a string may use up all bytes.
char CharMapTableName[NumCharMapTables][32]
Windows 3.0 (HC30) uses topic numbers that start at 16 for the first topic to identify topics. To retrieve the location of the TOPICLINK for the TOPIC-HEADER of a certain topic (in |TOPIC explained later), use the |TOMAP file. It contains an array of topic positions. Index with TopicNumber (do not subtract 16). TopicPos[0] points to the topic specified as INDEX in the help project.
TOPICPOS TopicPos[UsedSpace/4]
Windows 3.1 (HC31) uses hash values of context names to identify topics. To get the location of the topic, search the B+ tree of the internal file |CONTEXT: Structure of |CONTEXT index-page entries:
struct { long HashValue short PageNumber } CONTEXTINDEXENTRY[NEntries]
Structure of |CONTEXT leaf-page entries:
struct { long HashValue hash value of context id TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset position } CONTEXTLEAFENTRY[NEntries]
To calculate the HashValue hash from a context id ptr do this:
signed char table[256]= { '\x00', '\xD1', '\xD2', '\xD3', '\xD4', '\xD5', '\xD6', '\xD7', '\xD8', '\xD9', '\xDA', '\xDB', '\xDC', '\xDD', '\xDE', '\xDF', '\xE0', '\xE1', '\xE2', '\xE3', '\xE4', '\xE5', '\xE6', '\xE7', '\xE8', '\xE9', '\xEA', '\xEB', '\xEC', '\xED', '\xEE', '\xEF', '\xF0', '\x0B', '\xF2', '\xF3', '\xF4', '\xF5', '\xF6', '\xF7', '\xF8', '\xF9', '\xFA', '\xFB', '\xFC', '\xFD', '\x0C', '\xFF', '\x0A', '\x01', '\x02', '\x03', '\x04', '\x05', '\x06', '\x07', '\x08', '\x09', '\x0A', '\x0B', '\x0C', '\x0D', '\x0E', '\x0F', '\x10', '\x11', '\x12', '\x13', '\x14', '\x15', '\x16', '\x17', '\x18', '\x19', '\x1A', '\x1B', '\x1C', '\x1D', '\x1E', '\x1F', '\x20', '\x21', '\x22', '\x23', '\x24', '\x25', '\x26', '\x27', '\x28', '\x29', '\x2A', '\x0B', '\x0C', '\x0D', '\x0E', '\x0D', '\x10', '\x11', '\x12', '\x13', '\x14', '\x15', '\x16', '\x17', '\x18', '\x19', '\x1A', '\x1B', '\x1C', '\x1D', '\x1E', '\x1F', '\x20', '\x21', '\x22', '\x23', '\x24', '\x25', '\x26', '\x27', '\x28', '\x29', '\x2A', '\x2B', '\x2C', '\x2D', '\x2E', '\x2F', '\x50', '\x51', '\x52', '\x53', '\x54', '\x55', '\x56', '\x57', '\x58', '\x59', '\x5A', '\x5B', '\x5C', '\x5D', '\x5E', '\x5F', '\x60', '\x61', '\x62', '\x63', '\x64', '\x65', '\x66', '\x67', '\x68', '\x69', '\x6A', '\x6B', '\x6C', '\x6D', '\x6E', '\x6F', '\x70', '\x71', '\x72', '\x73', '\x74', '\x75', '\x76', '\x77', '\x78', '\x79', '\x7A', '\x7B', '\x7C', '\x7D', '\x7E', '\x7F', '\x80', '\x81', '\x82', '\x83', '\x0B', '\x85', '\x86', '\x87', '\x88', '\x89', '\x8A', '\x8B', '\x8C', '\x8D', '\x8E', '\x8F', '\x90', '\x91', '\x92', '\x93', '\x94', '\x95', '\x96', '\x97', '\x98', '\x99', '\x9A', '\x9B', '\x9C', '\x9D', '\x9E', '\x9F', '\xA0', '\xA1', '\xA2', '\xA3', '\xA4', '\xA5', '\xA6', '\xA7', '\xA8', '\xA9', '\xAA', '\xAB', '\xAC', '\xAD', '\xAE', '\xAF', '\xB0', '\xB1', '\xB2', '\xB3', '\xB4', '\xB5', '\xB6', '\xB7', '\xB8', '\xB9', '\xBA', '\xBB', '\xBC', '\xBD', '\xBE', '\xBF', '\xC0', '\xC1', '\xC2', '\xC3', '\xC4', '\xC5', '\xC6', '\xC7', '\xC8', '\xC9', '\xCA', '\xCB', '\xCC', '\xCD', '\xCE', '\xCF' } for(hash=0L;*ptr;ptr++) hash=(hash*43)+table[(unsigned char)*ptr];
Remember that only 0-9, A-Z, a-z, _ and . are legal characters for context ids in Win 3.1 (HC31). Only Windows 95 (HCRTF) allows nearly all characters. The hash value for an empty string is 1.
If your help project file had a [MAP] section, the internal file |CTXOMAP contains an array to assign map ids to topic offsets.
short NEntries struct { long MapID TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset } CTXOMAPENRTY[NEntries]
To locate a keyword assigned using a x-footnote (x may be A-Z, a-z), use the |xWDATA, |xWBTREE and |xWMAP internal files. |xWBTREE tells you how often a certain Keyword is defined in the help file. Structure of |xWBTREE index page entries:
struct { STRINGZ Keyword short PageNumber } xWBTREEINDEXENTRY[NEntries]
Structure of |xWBTREE leaf page entries:
struct { STRINGZ Keyword short Count number of times keyword is referenced long KWDataOffset this is the offset into |xWDATA } xWBTREELEAFENTRY[NEntries]
KWBTREE files in WinHlp32 GID files are structured differently (they have a different description in the structure field of the BTREEHEADER) and pack former KWBTREE and KWDATA files into one: Structure of |xWBTREE leaf page entries in Win95 GID files:
struct { STRINGZ Keyword long Size size of following record struct { long FileNumber ? long TopicOffset this is the offset into |xWDATA } record[Size/8] } xWBTREELEAFENTRY[NEntries]
The |xWDATA contains an array of topic offsets. The KWDataOffset from the |xWBTREE tells you where to seek to in the |xWDATA file to read Count topic offsets.
TOPICOFFSET KeywordTopicOffset[UsedSpace/4]
And the topic offset retrieved tells you which location the Keyword was assigned to. It is -1L if the Keyword is assigned to a macro using the [MACROS] section of HCRTF 4.0 (see description of |Rose file). The |xWMAP contains an array that tells you where to find the n-th keyword in the |xWBTREE. You don't need to use this file but it allows for faster scrolling lists of alphabetically ordered Keywords. (WinHelp search dialog).
struct { long KeywordNumber number of first keyword on leaf-page unsigned short PageNum B+ tree page number } xWMAP[UsedSpace/6]
Similarily |xKWBTREE B+ tree and |xKWDATA, |xKWMAP files (where x may be 0-9, A-Z, a-z) are built from K-x:footnotes and [KEYINDEX] declarations of multi media files.
If you want to know the topic title assigned using the $-footnote, take a look into the |TTLBTREE internal file, which contains topic titles ordered by topic offsets in a B+ tree. (It is used by WinHelp to display the topic titles in the search dialog). Structure of |TTLBTREE index page entries:
struct { TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset short PageNumber } TTLBTREEINDEXENTRY[NEntries]
Structure of |TTLBTREE leaf page entries:
The |CFn (where n is integer) internal file lists the macros defined in [CONFIG:n] sections of the help project file (HCW 4.00). The file contains as many macro strings as were specified one after another:
The |Rose internal file contains all definitions from the [MACROS] section of a Windows 95 (HCW 4.00) help project file. It is build using a B+ tree. Keywords only appear using hash values but are listed in the |KWBTREE with a TopicPos in the associated |KWDATA array of -1L. Structure of |Rose index page entries:
struct { long KeywordHash short PageNumber } RoseINDEXENTRY[NEntries]
Structure of |Rose leaf page entries:
struct { long KeywordHash STRINGZ Macro STRINGZ TopicTitle not a real topic title but the string displayed in the search dialog where normally topic titles are listed } RoseLEAFENTRY[NEntries]
The |TopicId internal file lists the ContextName assigned to a specific topic offset if the help file was created using the /a option of HCRTF and is build using a B+ tree. Structure of |TopicId index-page entries:
struct { TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset short PageNumber } TopicIdINDEXENTRY[NEntries]
Structure of |TopicId leaf-page entries:
struct { TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset STRINGZ ContextName } TopicIdLEAFENTRY[NEntries]
The |Petra internal file contains a B+ tree mentioning the names of the RTF source files the help file was build from for each topic if the help file was created using the /a option of HCRTF. Structure of |Petra index-page entries:
struct { TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset short PageNumber } PetraINDEXENTRY[NEntries]
Structure of |Petra leaf-page entries:
struct { TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset STRINGZ RTFSourceFileName } PetraLEAFENTRY[NEntries]
The |Viola internal file contains a B+ tree specifying the default Windows assigned to topics using the > footnote available in HCRTF 4.00. Structure of |VIOLA index-page entries:
struct { TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset short PageNumber } VIOLAINDEXENTRY[NEntries]
Structure of |VIOLA leaf-page entries:
struct { TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset long DefaultWindowNumber } VIOLALEAFENTRY[NEntries]
I have not investigated GID files, as they are created by WinHlp32 and are not needed for help file reconstruction. But they are based on the same file format as Windows help files, so HELPDECO may be used to display their content. Notice the difference between |xWBTREE files stored in *.GID files and regular files.
This file has been seen in WinHlp32 GID files, but always contained an empty Btree (with an unknown 'a' in the BTREEHEADER structure).
This file has been seen in WinHlp32 GID files but is currently not understood.
This file has been seen in WinHlp32 GID files but is currently not understood.
This B+ tree stored in WinHlp32 GID files contains the jump references of the *.CNT file.
This B+ tree stored in WinHlp32 GID files contains the topic titles of the jumps from the *.CNT file.
MediaView compilers create *.GRP internal files from group + footnotes assigned to topics. All *.GRP files follow this structure:
struct { unsigned long Magic /* 0x000A3333 */ unsigned long BitmapSize /* max. 64000 equalling 512000 topics */ unsigned long LastTopic /* first topic in help file has topic number 0 */ unsigned long FirstTopic /* first topic in help file has topic number 0 */ unsigned long TopicsUsed /* in this group */ unsigned long TopicCount /* in whole help file */ unsigned long GroupType /* 1 or 2, see below */ unsigned long Unknown[3] unsigned char Bitmap[BitmapSize] /* only if GroupType equals 2 */ } GROUP
Starting with the first topic of the help file using TopicNumber 0, a topic is included in a group if TopicNumber is in the range of FirstTopic to LastTopic. If GroupType equals 2 it is additionally required that the corresponding bit starting with lsb of Bitmap[0] is set in the Bitmap. Don't subtract FirstTopic.
MediaView compilers store character mapping tables listed in the [CHARTAB] section in internal *.tbl files using the following binary structure:
struct { unsigned short Magic /* 0x5555 */ unsigned short Size unsigned short Unknown1[2] unsigned short Entries unsigned short Ligatures unsigned short LigLen unsigned short Unknown2[13] struct { unsigned short class unsigned short order unsigned char normal unsigned char clipboard unsigned char mac unsigned char macclipboard unsigned short unused } charentry[Entries] unsigned char Ligature[Ligatures][LigLen] } CHARTAB
A character mapping table is assigned to a font by appending ,x (where x is a decimal number) to the font name and the same ,x to the character mapping table name (in the CHARMAP section of the internal |FONT file).
And now to the interesting part, the internal file named |TOPIC. It's divided into blocks of TopicBlockSize bytes, each beginning with a TOPICBLOCKHEADER:
TOPICPOS LastTopicLink points to last topic link in previous block or -1L TOPICPOS FirstTopicLink points to first topic link in this block TOPICPOS LastTopicHeader points to topic link of last topic header or 0L, -1L ---- char PlainOrCompressedData[TopicBlockSize-12]
Read the first 12 bytes into a TOPICBLOCKHEADER structure. The remaining TopicBlockSize-12 bytes of each topic block may be compressed using the LZ77 algorithm described above. Decompress them into a buffer of DecompressSize bytes size if the Flags value contained in the internal |SYSTEM file is 4 or 8 and Minor is greater than 16 (DecompressSize is 16k this way), else they are not compressed and you should copy them as delivered (DecompressSize=TopicBlockSize-12). Do not decompress to more than DecompressSize bytes. As this would cause ambiguos values for TOPICPOS, the help compilers will not compress more, but fill the remaining topic block with 0es. Data will continue in the nexttopic block.
A TOPICPOS is used to locate the position of TOPICLINKs in |TOPIC and contains the TopicBlockNumber in it's higher bits and an offset into the decompression buffer in it's lower bits. How many bits are used for TopicBlockNumber and TopicBlockOffset depends on the compression method used and the TopicBlockSize:
A TOPICPOS below sizeof(TOPICBLOCKHEADER) is invalid.
A TOPICLINK (located inside the buffer after decompression, the first of it pointed to by TOPICBLOCKHEADERs FirstTopicLink field) looks like this:
long BlockSize Size of TOPICLINK + LinkData1 + compressed LinkData2 long DataLen2 length of decompressed LinkData2 TOPICPOS PrevBlock Windows 3.0 (HC30): Number of bytes previous TOPICLINK is located before this TOPICLINC, including eventually skipped TOPICBLOCKHEADER and unused bytes. Windows 3.1 (HC31): TOPICPOS of previous TOPICLINK TOPICPOS NextBlock Windows 3.0 (HC30): Number of bytes next TOPICLINK is located behind this TOPICLINK, incl. eventually skipped TOPICBLOCKHEADER and unused bytes. Windows 3.1 (HC31): TOPICPOS of next TOPICLINK long DataLen1 includes size of TOPICLINK unsigned char RecordType See below ---- char LinkData1[DataLen1-11] char LinkData2[BlockSize-DataLen1]
The first 21 bytes of the TOPICLINK (i.e. it's header) never crosses a Topic-block. If you are going to write a HLP file and there are less than 21 bytes left on this TopicBlock, skip these and store the TOPICLINK at the beginning of the next TopicBlock. The skipped bytes are taken into account by NextBlock and PrevBlock. LinkData2 may be compressed using Phrase compression. If you find DataLen2>BlockSize-DataLen1 use the following algorithm to decompress if your help file contains a |Phrases internal file:
If the help file doesn't contain a |Phrases file but instead a |PhrIndex and |PhrImage, it uses Hall compression and the decompression of LinkData2 is a bit more difficult:
Now that you know how to decompress the topic data, let's see what you get.
If the TOPICLINK RecordType is 2 you got a topic header in LinkData1.
In Windows 3.0 (HC30) the TOPICHEADER is structured like this:
long BlockSize size of topic, including internal topic links long PrevTopicNumber -1L or 0xFFFF at the beginning of a browse sequence long NextTopicNumber -1L or 0xFFFF at the end of a browse sequence
In Windows Version 3.1 (HC31) and later it looks like this:
long BlockSize size of topic, including internal topic links TOPICOFFSET BrowseBck topic offset for prev topic in browse sequence TOPICOFFSET BrowseFor topic offset for next topic in browse sequence long TopicNum topic number TOPICPOS NonScroll start of non-scrolling region (topic offset) or -1L TOPICPOS Scroll start of scrolling region (topic offset) TOPICPOS NextTopic start of next type 2 record
The LinkData2 of Topic RecordType 2 contains NUL terminated strings. The first string is the topic title, the next strings contain all macros to be executed on opening this topic (specified using the ! footnote). If the TOPICLINK RecordType is 1, you have a Windows 3.0 displayable text record, a RecordType of 0x20 is Windows 3.1 displayable text and 0x23 is a Windows 3.1 table record. A displayable text record may contain multiple paragraphs, but all have the same paragraph formatting. A table record stores all rows and columns of a table and may contain multiple paragraphs of different formatting.
Data inside LinkData1 is sometimes stored as compressed shorts or longs: A compressed unsigned short is made of a single byte. Divide by two to get the value if it's even. Divide by two and add 128 times the value of the next byte if it's odd. A compressed signed short is made of a single byte. Divide by two and subtract 64 to get the value if it's even. Divide by two, add 128 times the value of the next byte and subtract 16384 if it's odd.
A compressed unsigned long is made of a 2 byte value. Divide by two to get it's value if it's even. Divide by two and add 32768 times the value of the next 2 bytes if it's odd.
A compressed signed long is made of a 2 byte value. Divide by two and subtract 16384 to get it's value if it's even. Divide by two, add 32768 times the value of the next 2 bytes and subtract 67108864 if it's odd.
The structure of LinkData1 in RecordType 1, 0x20, and 0x23 is difficult to describe, as some values are only stored if a certain condition is met and is therefore of variable size. I try to describe them as a C-structure and note which fields are not present under certain circumstances. Don't declare this structure. Write a parser which reads a value only if it's condition is met.
The metric used (GapWidth, LeftIndent, etc.) is dependend upon the Font-Descriptor used (See |FONT file). It may be HalfPoints or Twips.
compressed long TopicSize struct only in records type 0x20 and 0x23 { compressed unsigned short TopicLength struct only in records type 0x23 { unsigned char NumberOfColumns unsigned char TableType 0,2=variable width, 1,3=normal struct only for TableType 0 and 2 { short MinTableWidth } ForTableType0or2only struct { short GapWidth LeftMargin if first column short ColWidth relative in variable width tables Sum of all GapWidth/ColWidth values is 32767 in variable width tables } Column[NumberOfColumns] } RecordType0x23only } RecordType0x20or0x23only struct { struct only in RecordType 0x23 { short column -1 if end of topic, don't continue short unknown char always0 } RecordType0x23only unsigned char unknownUnsignedChar char unknownBiasedChar unsigned short id struct { unsigned short UnknownFollows:1 unsigned short SpacingAboveFollows:1 unsigned short SpacingBelowFollows:1 unsigned short SpacingLinesFollows:1 unsigned short LeftIndentFollows:1 unsigned short RightIndentFollows:1 unsigned short FirstlineIndentFollows:1 unsigned short unused:1 unsigned short BorderinfoFollows:1 unsigned short TabinfoFollows:1 unsigned short RightAlignedParagraph:1 unsigned short CenterAlignedParagraph:1 } bits compressed long Unknown only if UnknownFollows set compressed short SpacingAbove only if SpacingAboveFollows set compressed short SpacingBelow only if SpacingBelowFollows set compressed short SpacingLines only if SpacingLinesFollows set compressed short LeftIndent only if LeftIndentFollows set compressed short RightIndent only if RightIndentFollows set compressed short FirstlineIndent only if FirstlineIndentFollows set struct only if BorderinfoFollows set { unsigned char BorderBox:1 unsigned char BorderTop:1 unsigned char BorderLeft:1 unsigned char BorderBottom:1 unsigned char BorderRight:1 unsigned char BorderThick:1 unsigned char BorderDouble:1 unsigned char BorderUnknown:1 short BorderWidth } Borderinfo struct only if TabinfoFollows set { compressed short NumberOfTabStops struct { compressed unsigned short TabStop position is lower 14 bits struct only if TabStop bit 0x4000 set { compressed unsigned short TabType 1=right, 2=center } onlyIfTabStopBit0x4000set } Tab[NumberOfTabStops] } Tabinfo } Paragraphinfo
Behind this structure LinkData1 contains character formatting information. Always output the next string (NUL terminated) from LinkData2 (use Phrase decompression if required), than read the next formatting command, set up the required font, color or position before displaying the next string. Sometimes the string is of zero length, as multiple formatting commands are required before output.
0xFF: end of character formatting. Proceed with next Paragraphinfo if RecordType is 0x23, else you are done. 0x20: long vfldNumber 0 = {vfld} n = {vfld n} 0x21: short dtypeNumber 0 = {dtype} n = {dtype n} 0x80: short FontNumber index into Descriptor array of internal |FONT file 0x81: line break no firstlineindent/spacingabove on next paragraph 0x82: end of paragraph next paragraph has same Paragraphinfo as this one 0x83: TAB jump to next tab stop 0x86: ewc or bmc or bmcwd or bmct or button or mci 0x87: ewl or bml or bmlwd or bmlt or button or mci_left 0x88: ewr or bmr or bmrwd or bmrt or button or mci_right unsigned char Type 5=embedded, 3 or 0x22=picture compressed long PictureSize size of union struct only if Type = 0x22 { compressed word NumberOfHotspots Add to TopicPos if counting } OnlyIfTypeIs0x22 union { struct { short PictureIsEmbedded 0=bmc/bmr/bml or 1=bmcwd/bmlwd/bmrwd short PictureNumber only if PictureIsEmbedded = 0 char EmbeddedPicture[PictureSize-4] only if PictureIsEmbedded = 1 See 'Format of Pictures' section } Type3or0x22 struct { short unknown1 short unknown2 short unknown3 STRINGZ Embedded Format of string depends on statement DLLName,WindowClass,Param if ewc/ewr/ewl !Label,Macro if button *n,m,[helpfilename+]filename if mci/mci_left/mci_right n=0x8400 n+=2 if NOPLAYBAR specified n+=8 if NOMENU specified m=0 m+=1 if PLAY specified n+=2 if REPEAT specified [helpfilename+] if not EXTERNAL } Type5only } PictureData size of union is PictureSize 0x89: end of hotspot switch back from underlined green 0x8B: non-break-space the blank does not appear in LinkData2 0x8C: non-break-hyphen the hyphen itself is stored in LinkData2 0xC8: macro start with underlined green 0xCC: macro without font change short Length char MacroString[Length-3] 0xE0: popup jump start with underlined green 0xE1: topic jump start with underlined green TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset 0xE2: popup jump start with underlined green 0xE3: topic jump start with underlined green 0xE3: topic jump start with underlined green 0xE6: popup jump without font change 0xE7: topic jump without font change TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset 0xEA: popup jump into external file start with underlined green 0xEB: popup jump into external file without font change 0xEE: topic jump into external file / secondary window start with underlined green 0xEF: topic jump into external file / secondary window without font change short SizeOfFollowingStruct struct { unsigned char Type 0, 1, 4 or 6 TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset unsigned char WindowNumber only if Type = 1 STRINGZ NameOfExternalFile only if Type = 4 or 6 STRINGZ WindowName only if Type = 6 }
Continue outputting strings from LinkData2 and parsing formatting commands from LinkData1 until the 'end of character formatting' command is found.
A TOPICOFFSET is used since WinHelp 3.1 to locate a cursor-like position, even in the middle of a topic. The position must be unique for hotspots tabbing). And it needs to be unique for every scrollable position (going 'Back' to a topic that was scrolled). And it needs to quickly give you the topic block to read from the help file.
Like a TOPICPOS, a TOPICOFFSET is divided into a TopicBlockNumber in it's 17 higher bits (TOPICPOS/32768) and a CharacterCount in it's 15 lower bits (TOPICPOS%32768) counting all characters and the number of hotspots in pictures appearing in all TOPICLINKs in the topic block before this position.
If you got a TopicOffset, seek to the TopicBlock in |TOPIC as told by the TopicBlockNumber, read in and decompress the whole block. Use FirstTopicLink to locate the first TOPICLINK in this decompressed block (CharacterCount is 0 at this place) and follow the list of TOPICLINKs up to the desired position, adding TopicLength of every RecordType 0x20 and 0x23 you come across, until adding TopicLength would exceed the desired CharacterPosition.
Your position is located in this TL_DISPLAY or TL_TABLE TOPICLINK. Expand LinkData2 if phrase compressed and follow the formatting procedure described above incrementing CharacterCount on every character (and NUL-terminator) passed. Add the NumberOfHotspots if a picture is included.
If a TOPICLINK crosses a topic block, this has no effect on the TopicBlock-Number for this TOPICLINK (i.e. a TOPICOFFSET pointing into the second part has the TopicBlockNumber of the beginning of the TOPICLINK).
If you didn't come across a TOPICHEADER (TOPICLINK RecordType 2) in this process, the beginning of the topic is located in a previous block. The LastTopicHeader field of the TOPICBLOCKHEADER of the current block tells you where to find it.
To follow all topics contained in the help file, set the current TOPICPOS to 12 (that's FirstTopicLink of the first TOPICBLOCKHEADER at offset 0 in |TOPIC) and load it's TopicBlock ((12-12)/DecompressSize = 0) and decompress. The TOPICLINK is located at TopicBlockOffset ((12-2)%DecompressSize = 0) in the decompression buffer. The first TOPICLINK contains the TOPICHEADER of the first topic.
In Windows 3.0 (HC30) help files you move from one TOPICLINK to the next by adding NextBlock to the current TOPICPOS. If the next TOPICLINK is located in the next topic block, the value of NextBlock handles the jump over the intervening TOPICBLOCKHEADER and possibly unused bytes nicely.
In Windows 3.1 (HC31) and later you move from one TOPICLINK to the next by setting the current position to NextBlock, which also handles the jump from one topic block to the other nicely.
The last TOPICLINK has NextBlock set to 0 or -1L. The last TOPICLINK does not contain any usable data.
Format of Pictures
Inside help files Bitmaps and Metafiles are stored in lP- or lp-format. This is the format of SHG/MRB files that SHED/MRBC produce and may contain multiple pictures at different resolutions, each with optional additional hotspot data. Pictures may be embedded in LinkData2 of |TOPIC or appear as |bm<x> files (or bm<x> in case of Windows 3.0 HC30). Each picture starts with this header data. The PictureOffset tells you where to look for the desired picture.
short Magic 0x506C (SHG,lP) or 0x706C (MRB,lp) short NumberOfPictures >1 if multi-resolution-bitmap long PictureOffset[NumberOfPictures] relative to &Magic
You shouldn't depend on Magic lP/lp upon reading, as there are some MRBs flagged like SHG, but please write correct values.
Seek to PictureOffset and you will find this:
char PictureType 5=DDB 6=DIB 8=metafile char PackingMethod 0=uncompressed 1=RunLen 2=LZ77 3=both
If PictureType is 5 or 6 the picture is a bitmap described by:
compressed unsigned long Xdpi resolution in dpi, not PelsPerMeter compressed unsigned long Ydpi resolution in dpi, not PelsPerMeter compressed unsigned short Planes compressed unsigned short BitCount compressed unsigned long Width compressed unsigned long Height compressed unsigned long ColorsUsed compressed unsigned long ColorsImportant 1 if bitmap is transparent compressed unsigned long CompressedSize compressed unsigned long HotspotSize 0 if none are defined unsigned long CompressedOffset relative to &PictureType unsigned long HotspotOffset relative to &PictureType
If PictureType is 6 a color palette follows immediatly
COLORREF palette[ColorsUsed] or 1<<BitCount if ColorsUsed=0
If PackingMethod is 0 copy CompressedSize bytes starting at CompressedOffset to retrieve the bitmap data. If PackingMethod is 1 seek to CompressedOffset, and decode CompressedSize bytes using the RunLen algorithm:
If PackingMethod is 2 use the LZ77 algorithm described above and if Packing-Method is 3 first use LZ77, then RunLen to decompress.
If PictureType is 8 the picture is a metafile described by:
compressed unsigned short MappingMode unsigned short Width unsigned short Height compressed unsigned long DecompressedSize can be used to allocate buffer compressed unsigned long CompressedSize compressed unsigned long HotspotSize 0 if none are defined unsigned long CompressedOffset relative to &PictureType unsigned long HotspotOffset relative to &PictureType
Seek to CompressedOffset and decompress CompressedSize bytes as described above to retrieve metafile data.
If HotspotSize or HotspotOffset is 0, no hotspots are defined. Otherwise seek to HotspotOffset and retrieve HotspotSize bytes of hotspot definition as declared below. Each macro hotspot contributes data to MacroData.
unsigned char Always1 unsigned short NumberOfHotspots unsigned long SizeOfMacroData struct { unsigned char id0,id1,id2; unsigned short x,y,w,h; unsigned long hash_or_macrodataindex; // offset into char MacroData[] where macro string begins } Hotspot[NumberOfHotspots] char MacroData[SizeOfMacroData]; // one STRINGZ identical to ContextNameOrMacro for every macro hotspot, other data for other kind of hotspots struct { STRINGZ HotspotName STRINGZ ContextNameOrMacro } StringData[NumberOfHotspots]
Possible values of id0,id1,id2 are:
0xC8 0x00 0x00 macro visible 0xCC 0x04 0x00 macro invisible 0xE2 0x00 0x00 popup jump visible 0xE3 0x00 0x00 topic jump visible 0xE6 0x04 0x00 popup jump invisible 0xE7 0x04 0x00 topic jump invisible 0xEA 0x00 0x00 popup jump into external file visible 0xEB 0x00 0x00 topic jump into external file / secondary window visible 0xEE 0x04 0x00 popup jump into external file invisible 0xEF 0x04 0x00 topic jump into external file / secondary window invisible
The hash field is only used if id0 = 0xE2, 0xE3, 0xE6, 0xE7. It is 1 if id0 = 0xC8 or 0xCC.
The ContextNameOrMacro contains a macro if id0 = 0xC8 or 0xCC, otherwise it contains a ContextName (id0 = 0xE2, 0xE3, 0xE6, 0xE7) or the complete reference ContextName>Window@File (id0 = 0xEA, 0xEB, 0xEE, 0xEF) (@File may be missing if target is in same file).
Annotation file format
An annotation file created by WinHelp uses the same basic file format as a Windows help file. The first 16 bytes contain the same header as a help file, with same Magic. DirectoryStart points to a FILEHEADER of an internal directory formatted the same way as a help file internal directory. There are just internal files of different name and format used to collect the annotations.
The first internal file described contains (after the usual FILEHEADER) 6 bytes of version info:
0x08 0x62 0x6D 0x66 0x01 0x00 (I've never seen other values)
The @LINK internal file contains (after the usual FILEHEADER) the number of annotations and the TOPICOFFSET of every annotation. The TopicOffset separates into a TopicBlockNumber in it's upper bits and TopicBlockOffset pointing into the decompression buffer in it's lower bits as explained above in the description of the |TOPIC format and points the the first TOPICLINK following the TOPICHEADER of the topic where the annotation belongs to.
unsigned short NumberOfAnnotations struct { unsigned long TopicOffset unsigned long Unknown1 // always 0 unsigned long Unknown2 // always 0 } AnnotationTopicRef[NumberOfAnnotations]
For each annotation the ANN file also carrys an internal file with a name like 12345!0, where 12345 is the decimal representation of the TopicOffset (as listed in the @LINK array) where the annotation belongs to. These files contain the annotation text as unformatted, uncompressed plain ANSI characters, and are not NUL terminated.
That's all what I've seen in an annotation file.
*.CAC, *.AUX
Multimedia files using extensions *.CAC or *.AUX are formatted like helpfiles, but contain only auxillary files, no |SYSTEM or |TOPIC. Investigate them yourself. HELPDECO may be used to display or extract files contained in them.
You want to handle LZ77 compressed data in HLPs, MRBs, and SHGs yourself ?
Here is an algorithm to do it:
// LZ77 compression / decompression algorithm
// this is the compression Microsoft used in Windows *.HLP and *.MRB files
// so it works like Microsoft COMPRESS.EXE/EXPAND.EXE/LZEXPAND.DLL
//#define MSEXPAND
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define N 4096
#define F 16
#define THRESHOLD 3
#define dad (node+1)
#define lson (node+1+N)
#define rson (node+1+N+N)
#define root (node+1+N+N+N)
#define NIL -1
char *buffer;
int *node;
int pos;
int insert(int i,int run)
int c,j,k,l,n,match;
int *p;
p=&root[(unsigned char)buffer[i]];
for(n=min(k,l);n<run&&(c=(buffer[j+n]-buffer[i+n]))==0;n++) ;
else if(c>0)
return match;
void delete(int z)
int j;
else if(lson[z]==NIL)
void compress(FILE *f,FILE *out)
int ch,i,run,len,match,size,mask;
char buf[17];
buffer=malloc(N+F+(N+1+N+N+256)*sizeof(int)); // 28.5 k !
struct { long magic, magic2; int magic3; long filesize; } header;
header.magic=0x44445A53L; // SZDD
node=(int *)(buffer+N+F);
for(i=0;i<256;i++) root[i]=NIL;
for(i=NIL;i<N;i++) dad[i]=NIL;
*(int *)(buf+size)=((match-3)<<12)|((i-pos-1)&(N-1));
if(size>1) fwrite(buf,size,1,out);
void expand(FILE *f,FILE *out)
int bits,ch,i,j,len,mask;
char *buffer;
struct { long magic, magic2; int magic3; long filesize; } header;
while((ch=getc(f))!=-1) putc(ch,out);
if(j==-1) break;
#ifndef MSEXPAND
if(ch==-1) break;
Other info about WinHelp:
How WinHelp(hWnd,lpszFilename,fuCommand,dwData) communicates with WINHELP.EXE:
First it makes sure that a copy of WINHELP.EXE is already running. If not it launches WINHELP.EXE. Then it allocates a global memory block and fills in this structure:
short cbSize size of the memory block short fuCommand value of fuCommand of WinHelp long dwData value of dwData of WinHelp if dwData is not a pointer long dwZero 0 short wFilenameOffset offset in memory block to STRINGZ lpszFilename short wDataOffset offset in memory block to data dwData points to
and appends lpszFilename and additional data like the MULTIKEYHELP structure if dwData is a pointer
Then it posts the message to the main window of WinHelp with:
hWnd = FindWindow("MS_WINDOC",NULL) msg = RegisterWindowMessage("WM_WINHELP"). In case of the MVAPI call to
VIEWER 2.0 it uses RegisterWindowMessage("WM_WINDOC")
wParam = value of hWnd of WinHelp lParam = GLOBALHANDLE of memory block holding structure mentioned above (in LOWORD)
Undocumented fuCommand values and their dwData values and use:
WinHelp command line options as explained in MS knowledge base PSS ID: Q115183
Additional WinHlp32 command line options as explained in HCW.HLP 'command-line switches'
winhlp32.exe [[-H] [-G[n]] [-W window-name] [-K keyword] [-N context-num]
[-I topic-id] [-P pop-up-id] HLP-filename]
-G[n] Creates a configuration (.gid) file and quits. If a number is specified, it determines which extensible tab to display by default the first time the Help file is opened. A value of 1 would be the first tab beyond the Find tab.
-P pop-up-id Displays the specified pop-up topic. You must use the -P switch in combination with the -I or -N switch, as shown in the following examples:
WINHELP -P -I EXEC_WINHELP HCW.HLP WINHELP -P -N 311 MYFILE.HLP-W window-name Displays the topic in the specified window definition.
That's all I can tell you about the format of Windows 3.x/95 help files.
Manfred Winterhoff