It gives a 1 Gift and Obtains 4
The greatest Activity Of the World



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(G1G4Lite - $25, $50, $100)
Affiliate with this code for faster cycles.


The System Give1Get4.

The basic idea is to pay one membresía annual of $36.50 for office administration and soon to participate in an activity of gifts of money. This gift can be of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1500 or $2000. Anyone orall!

After making this gift your have it is to invite to that they do the same that you. You must have the intention of to present/display the opportunity to at least 2 people. The first 2 people not you they would give nothing, They regalarí him an to your assigned sponsor and soon those that they invite would give to you to tí.That as much they would give to you? This depends on your gift. Single you receive gifts of the groups in which you register.

The system is handled by matrices of 2x2 each one valued in the respective ones amounts of gift respectively and when payments, which is ces is to occupy a position in matríz corresponding. Si no pagas la de $250 y alguien debajo de tí si la paga, entonces no recibes nada por esa matríz.It is important that you enter in the greater one amount of matrices that your possibilities they allow you. Ideally in all.

Simple estratégia that you can use it is that you participate in the matrix of $25. Soon, when receiving $100 you use $25 stops to participate again, and of the $75 rest, you use $50 to participate in second matríz. In this you will gain $200 and you repeat steps such to follow climbing until estrar in all.

The plan is to affiliate with the greater one amount of possible people since according to full each matríz, forms new and with it spills continuous.Whenever lle na matríz (6 people) the gain generated she is of 300%. Recibes 4 ve ces el valor de lo que aportas.

If it interests to participate to you and beneficiarte of the generated spill, and recruit I lie massive and controlled, then Give1Get4 visit and inscribete with code of referring Nro. 26338.

Whenever somebody referred completes their 6, will happen again to matri ces. Something that it attracts to us of this system is that Once ciclas, you can do it continuously. Osea that is very beneficial interested to participate them in ours plan.

In order to know better than it treats this opportunity, unloads presentation in PowerPoint or it watches presentation in Flash (English but quite clear)

Pure and simple
Por favor la conexión y comienza su viaje a la última libertad

(G1G4Lite - $25, $50, $100)
Affiliate with the code 26338 here