I've been re-organizing my web site here to make it
easier for you to navigate the many pages I have
Due to so many lawsuits in the music industry, I've decided
to remove all music from my web pages. It's a really sad day
to think that we can no longer safely enjoy music without the
fear of being sued.
Come right on in and make yourself at home.
Grab a cookie to munch,& visit a while
~My Friend~
You have given me courage
That was not there...
You have given me laughter,
That I can share...
You have given me feelings,
That are deep and true...
For that my friend,
I will always love you.
When you are sad,
I will dry your tears.
When you are scared,
I will comfort your fears.
When you are worried,
I will give you hope.
When you are confused,
I will help you cope.
And when you are lost,
And can't see the light.
I shall be your beacon
Shining ever so bright
This is my oath.
I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask?
Because you're my friend.
When you are lonely,
And you need someone to talk to.
Remember that...
I'm always here for you.
I will hug you when you say.
I will be with you when you pray.
I will laugh with you
when you are happy.
I will cry with you
when you are unhappy.
I will move the mountains
so you can walk.
I will shut everyone up
so you can talk.
I will swim the longest ocean.
I will jump to the sky.
I'd do anything
and everything for you.
'Cause you're my friend.
I always try to give the proper credit for all graphics, poetry, etc.
on all of my webpages. If I've missed anyone, my sincerest
apologies to you and if you would be so kind as to
e-mail me, I would promtly see that you receive the credit due
or remove the item, whichever you'd prefer. Of course,
I'm hoping you will graciously allow me to use them . Thank you and God Bless