Nakano Hiroshi
Quick Stats
Name: Nakano Hiroshi

Birthday: August 4

Age: 19

Weight: 62kg

Height: 178cm

Likes: Motorcycles, caramel corn, and Yakiniku
The Overview
Ever since Hiroshi was younger his parents put great

pressure on him to succeed in life and even have

plans for him to attend medical schools. There's a lot

of pressure on Hiroshi from his parents but he still

decides to join his friend Suichi and start a band.  In

the band Bad Luck, Hiroshi is the guitarist and a good

at that.  Hiroshi and Suichi have been friends for a long

time and they are always there for each other. He's a

really mellow type of guy that is always there for his

friend and anyone else he cares about.

A Closer Look
HIroshi is one of the hottest guys in this whole entire

anime in my opinion. I love his mellow like appeal and

I can totatlly relate to his personality.  Anyways, HIroshi

is  Suichi's closest friend that will do anything to make
his little pink haired friend happy.  He's the one always helping Suichi with his love life and self confidence problem.

It's pretty obvious to everyone that Hiroshi likes Suichi a little bit more than a friend but he backs off when he notices

that Suichi is interested in someone else.  He's very gentle about it but he still is very protective of his friend still.

HIs mellow personality and his great advice is all Suichi needs to get back on track with his life.  He's one of those

great friends that will always be there no matter what and Suichi returns the favor as being a great friend in return.

These two are just amazing together but nothing will become of there friendship.  After realizing Suichi's love he

developes his on love life with a special someone like Yuki's fiancee.