Ukai Noriko
Quick Stats
Name: Ukai Noriko

Birthday:  August 5

Age: 28

Blood type: O

Height: 160cm which is about 5'2

Weight:  48kg which is about 105lbs

Spouse: Ukai Tetsuya

Children: 6 year old Saki Ukai
The Overview
Noriko use to be the manager and keyboardest for Nittle Grasper when they were together. After Nittle Grasper

broke up Noriko worked  as the lyricist for Bad Luck and did many contributions to Suichi's

band.  She a hard worker and can sometimes appear a little bit as a bitch espcially in the manga but I still like

her.  When Tohma brought back Nittle Grasper she rejoined the group as well and seems to be quite fond of

her two band members Tohma and Ryuichi.  She and Ryuichi are really close and she's always the one

to bring him back to his senses when he's acting to much like a child.  Noriko is a little bit touchy with Ryuichi

but I believe it's because she cares a lot about him. Now don't jump to conclusions because this girl is married

to a respectful man which happens to be way older than her.  Tetsuya is a well known professor and food critic

and they have a 6 year old daughter together so it appears she's very in love with her husband.