Sakuma Ryuichi
Quick Stats
Name: Sakuma Ryuichi (dah)

Date of Birth: April 1

Age: 31

Blood type: B

Height: 165cm which is about 5'4

Weight: 53kg which is about 116lbs

Hair color: Dark brown/green

Eye color: a blue with a hint of purple

Favorite toy: his bunny Kumagoro

Loves:  icecream, candy, and dressing up as Kumagoro
The Overview
Ryuichi is the hiper active 31 year old singer who used to be

part of Nittle Grasper before they broke up which happened

three years before the series takes place.  After leaving the

band Ryuichi went to the States to start a solo career and he

made it big very quickly even there.  He's known  world

wide for  his remarkable voice and puts on quite a

performance when on stage.  This is the person that Suichi

idols and hopes to be like some day.  As Suichi fandom

grows he becomes a major rival of the young boy.  Even so

Ryuichi is very close to Suichi and even likes his music.

A Closer Look

Ryuichi is my up most favorite character in the series his
aditude is just so kawaii!!! He is always so hyper and acting way below his real age of 31.  Ryuichi most of

the time is a big baby but it's so cute.  I haven't known a person yet to dislike Ryuichi.  He gets along with

nearly everyone and always make it a point to please others and make them happy.  Unfortunately, Ryuichi

can appear to be a little inmature but you can't help but love his sweet innocence.  To go along with his

childish type ways is his stuffed rabbit Kumagoro.  He carries this toy around and acts like it's alive.  He's

a little bit obsessed with the thing if you ask me but it's so cute.  You can see him dressed up as his little

Kumagoro in one of the episodes isn't that  a site.  One of the things that is kind of scary about Ryuichi is

that no matter how goofy he is acting two seconds before a performance he can always manage to become

so serious and collective when he starts to perform.  He takes his job so serious and puts his very soul into

it.  Luckily this mood doesn't really unleash its self off stage. I would just die if I saw my Ryuichi act like that

all the time.