Shindou Suichi
Quick Stats
Name: Shindou Suichi

Birthday: April 16

Age: 19

Height 165cm which is about 5'4

Weight: 51kg which is about 112lbs

Loves: Strawberry Pocky (So do I) and Yuki

The Overview
Suichi Shindou always wanted to be a rock star

just like the lead singer of Nittle Grasper.  His dream

finally started to come ture when him and his best

friend Hiroshi began a band entitled Bad Luck when

they were in high school.  Suichi's band, Bad Luck,

was originally a two person band. Hiroshi played guitar

and Suichi sang the vocals and was also on keyboard.

After signed to the record label NG which happens to

be ran by one of his idols, Tohma, they recieved a new

member.  Suichi has a passion to succeed as a writer

and a vocalist.  He puts his all into the band but

doesn't take criticism very well and so he appears to

be very emotional. Especially after a certain writer criticizes

A Closer Look
Suichi, who is the main character of the story,

captures your heart after his first couple of lines. 

He's such a sensitive but silly boy.  Suichi has this

genki like matter to him that just seems to be

contagious.  I love him to death and he's my favorite

band member of Bad Luck. He lacks self confidence

however but that's why Hiroshi is there.  He

always goes to his friend when he's having problems.
Suichi is the type of person who adores affection and needs a lot of it because he can be a little unstable with

out it.  Suichi is very out front with his feelings when he gets a chance to understand them.  He's the type of

guy that would do anything for the person he loves and it doesn't matter what it is.  This pink haired hottie is a

devoted person that will stop at nothing to understand his feelings and fight for the one he loves which happens

to be the great Eiri Yuki.  His attraction to the writer is very obvious but it goes deeper than love.  Suichi wants

to prove himself to Yuki and make sure his crush respects as well as love him.