Seguchi Tohma
Quick Stats
Name: Seughci Tohma

Birthday: November 20

Age: 32

Height: 175cm  which is about 5'7

Weight: 55kg which is about 121lbs

Spouse: Seguchi Mika

Weird Observation: Doesn't Tohma remind

you of Quatre from Gundam wing
The Overview
Tohma use to the keyboardest in the popular band Nittle

Grasper but ever since the band broke up

three years before the series started he has moved on to

start his on recorded lable NG records. 

I guessed he loved playing for Nittle Grasper so much he

decided to use their initials to name the label.

He is a powerful business man which ends up

overseeing the group Bad Luck and producing the newly

reunited Nittle Grasper.  Although at first Tohma seems

as if he is a minor character his role grows as

Suichi and Yuki get closer together.  It seems as if

Tohma knows a litte bit more about the mysterious

writter than the average associate.
A Closer Look
Tohma appears to be so nice on the outside because of that cute face of his but he's really a munipultive

s.o.b.  Even so, when it comes to people that Tohma care and love he's a very sweet, caring, and protective

fellow.  Tohma has a very close relationship with Eeri Yuki and is very protective over him.  He kind of keeps

an eye on the young novelist ever since a tragic event which happened in New York when Yuki was about

16.  Ever since that tragic event Tohma has been on a guilt trip feeling half way responsible for Yuki's

painful experience.  Not only is he one of Yuki's only close friends but he's also married to Yuki's sister

Mika. They are both truly in love and they make quite the couple atleast I think so.