Past-President of the Nellis RAC...Las Vegas, NV. Nellis RADIO AMATEUR CLUB   Located at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada :ARRL Affilated Special Service Club.
Nellis Radio Amateur Club
Vice-President Frontier Amateur Radio Society...Las Vegas, NV....FARS is a very social, radio club specializing in HF activities, the principal sponsor of Field Day activities in southern Nevada. ARRL Affillated Special Service Club.
Frontier Amateur Radio Society
Coordinator Nevada District.....EMCOM is a community based system for neighbors helping neighbors to report emergency and disaster situations.  EMCOM enables citizens to easily report their situations to Amateur Radio Emergency Communicators, who are in radio contact with Emergency Response agencies via the ARES/RACES or other designated system.
National Emergency Alert Notification System  EMCOM
Net Control Operator.....SKYWARN is a network of Amateur Radio Operators trained in the observation and reporting of severe and changing weather conditions.  SKYWARN functions in cooperation with the NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE.  LAS VEGAS SKYWARN   maintains a station and facilities at the NWS Las Vegas Field Office.  In the event of severe weather the SKYWARN NET would abe activated on the ARES/RACES repeater.
Skywarn Las Vegas
Nevada State Coordinator.....NACEC provides disaster communications. victim locating services, and technical  advice for emergency response agencies.  Additionally NACEC provides rapid Flashmail letter forwarding services for military personel deployed outside of the continental United States.
North American Center For Emergency Communications   NACEC
Volunteer Examiner.....ARRL/VEC ecaminers administer the licensing exams for all Amateur Radio license classes.   the LAS VEGAS VE TEAM conducts these exams on the first Saturday of each month, at the Community College of Southern Nevada-Henderson
Certified Examiner......the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC examination is given by appointment only.  To schedule a testing session contact the LAS VEGAS VE TEAM
ARECC  Certified Examiner
Southern Nevada Laison Officer.......SATERN works in support of the SALVATION ARMY'S disaster relief efforts.  Assisting with communications, health and welfare, and logistical operations.  Membership in SATERN is open to licensed Amateur Radio Operators upon approval of the SATERN Director at SALVATION ARMY NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS.  SATERN conducts a daily net on 14.265 mhz at 14:00 UTC, you do not need to be a member to partcipate.
Salvation Army  SATERN
Registered Instructor......N7UR offers No Cost license preparation classes in the Las Vegas area.  Contact N7UR for information regarding up-coming courses.
Registered Instructor
Communications Director..........Guiness Book of Records..fastest open highway race on the planet...... BE A PART OF IT.....VOLUNTEER!
Silver State Classic Challenge
Certification Coordinator.....the Nellis RAC is a certifying agency for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award, N7UR is the Coordinator for this program.
Presidential Service Awards
Member....ARRL, the American Radio Relay League is recognized as the national association for Amateur Radio
American Radio Relay League ARRL
Member.....the FLYING PIGS INTERNATIONAL QRP CLUB lots of fun, check the web site!
Flying Pigs International QRP Club
Member.....Geocaching is a hot new sport that combines old fashion scavenger hunting with high tech GPS mapping.
Nevada Geocaching Association
Member #2148.....STRAIGHT KEY CENTURY CLUB or SKCC is the fastest growing group of straight key, morse code operators in the world.
Straight Key Century Club
Member.....FOX TANGO INTERNATIONAL dedicated to the operation of Yaesu equipment, provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas.
Fox Tango International
Member.....S.P.A.R.S. , SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF AMATEUR RADIO,  works to ensure the vitality of the Amateur Radio Service by promoting technical abilities among Amateur Radio Operators.
Society for the Preservation of Amateur Radio
More groups N7UR is affiliated with.