Build it Yourself FUN
The Copper Cactus J-pole Antenna by N7QVC
This is the sizzling little skyhook made by N7QVC.  This is a co-linear antenna covering 2 meters and 70 cms.  I made one of my own which is in operation as the FM base station antenna here at N7UR.  All of the parts (less coax) were purchased for about $8.00 from HOME and installation time took about an hour.  CONSTRUCTION TIP: All of us old pipe sweaters keep a rag with flux on it (don't worry how dirty this rag gets...they seem to work better the worse they look) immediately after you sweat (solder) each connection wipe around the joint with your old flux rag....your joints will look much cleaner and professional.
Click here to get all the construction details and     materials list for the N7QVC Copper Cactus J-pole
The N7UR                                            CHEAP-n-EASY  ANTENNA TUNER
Here is a simple little pi-network antenna tuner for QRP that works on 160-10 meters.  If you have a couple of old vacuum tube radio chassis thrown in the shed you can probably build this little accessory for free.
Click here for Cheap-n-Easy Antenna Tuner Construction Details
Grandpa's Homemade Cheap and Easy Lightning Detector
by N7UR
You will have a ton of weather related fun, when you build this very easy and really in-expensive device for detecting lightning strikes in your area.

This project can be assembled for a couple of dollars.  Makes a perfect science fair project for your young meterologist.
Full Instructions for building Click here