Amateur Radio Station
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Located in Las Vegas, Nevada USA....station N7UR communicates with the world via Amateur Radio.  Using a variety of methods, including voice, Morse Code, radio teletype (RTTY), packet (radio/computer), slow scan amateur television (SSTV), and satelite relays. 

Sometimes the activities at N7UR are quite serious...N7UR like many Amateur Radio Stations, is often called upon to provide disaster or emergency communications.  Much time is spent preparing for such emergencies.

However there is always plenty of time for the fun side of Amateur Radio.  Amateur Radio Operators call themselves "HAM OPERATORS" or "HAMS"....and we spend a lot of time chatting with our friends around the world over the airwaves...Hams call this activity "ragchewing".

Ham Operators love to build and tinker with their stations and equipment....we are die hard fact many of the day-to-day items you use in your home today, were either invented or perfected by Ham Radio Operators.  Decades ago, Amateur Operators rountinely made telephone calls from their automobiles or from a "Handy-talkie" thru a device known as an "auto-"patch"..this was the Grand-daddy to todays cell-phones.

As much as 50 yrs before the internet, Ham Operators were typing their messages on ancient keyboards and sending them around the world...they were also among the first experimenters to launch satelites into bounce signals off the Moons use perfect stereo and audio...

So if Hams are such experts, why are they called Amateurs?  By definition, Professionals are paid for their service...Amateurs are not.  Federal law prohibits Hams from accepting payment of any kind for their service..therefore we are expert Amateurs and not Professionals.

Hams come from all walks of life...there are Hams as young as 6 yrs old and some well over 100 yrs old..some of us are janitors, teachers, police officers, construction workers...many Congressmen, Astronauts, celebrities, are Hams.

The following pages will offer you a glimpse into the workd of Amateur Radio.....enjoy your visit


Disaster Services Information
FAQ 's about Ham Radio
Links to other radio sites
Ham Radio Terms/Language
Build it yourself fun
Photo Gallery
Hamfests and Conventions
N7UR's On-line Ham Radio Course
DX and Propagadition Conditions
Maps, Charts, & Other Ham Helpers
Recent News Articles about Hams
Current DX-peditions
Special Event Stations & Contests
Storm Chasers and Spotters
Proud winner of this award
The Silver State Classic Challenge