Fred Homuth-K9GAJ watches as John Bigley N7UR tightens a guy wire a few thousand feet up the side of Apex Peak.
John Bigley-N7UR ties off a line on the KC7TMC repeater site.
Dennis Simon-KB7UTV services an antenna as Larry Simon-KC7QJO slides down a line while securing coax high atop Apex Peak.
Luke Rohn breaks through a pile-up during Field Day 2003 at Sunset Park-Las Vegas
Arnold Zelig-WA2SOE pounds the brass, bringing home the QSO's at Field Day 2003-Las Vegas
Glen Tubbesing had plenty of solar power to spare from the blistering Mohave Desert sun.  The neighborhood weather station at Sunset and Eastern Avenues recorded 112 f at the time of this Field Day 2003  photo.
John-N7UR moves the FARS 2-meter antenna high atop the Black Mountain repeater site.
John-N7UR guides Boy Scout Ian Bradford thru the bands at JOTA 2004 at the AES store in Las Vegas,
    UPDATE:  Ian is now K7IAN
John-N7UR and Ian take a break from operating station W7AES during JOTA 2004
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