Language is only one form of communicaiton, not necessarily the best. Verbal and non-verbal are ways of communicating, however, the purpose of good communication enhances the way we interact with each other - thus providing us with means to engage in our daily living.

Without language, humans cannot think of anything, as there is no basis for thought. Language has changed a lot over time. It is not how it used to be. Our first records of language were in character form. Change occurred to adpot to the many dialects. Man's progression in change and the desire to acquire epistemology occurred.

Language is not just moving our lips to utter sounds- its purpose is to deliver thoughts between people.

Words were fromed to define the meaning based on the shape, visual image, form, texture and usage.

In our humanness we are limited in our ability to see and think beyond what is evident. We use language for the express purpose of meeting our needs, therefore the language has changed a lot over time as our needs have changed.

People have always had the need to socialize amongst themselves, just as animals naturally co-habituate with their own species.
Man needs to be together to share their skills just as the body needs all parts to function. Social interaction is vital to prove our existence. It is a human condition - the need to prove our existence.


We are forced as people to reside together whether or not we are alienated by human barriers. Therefore  we need language to communicate and be able to cohabituate for the continuity of the system.
Language alone cannot translate who we are as individuals- it too can create a form of alienation.

We have not chosen the life we have also we have not chosen to live together therefore we could be alienated from any element related to this.

Language as a part of this enforced cohabitation could be a form of alienation.

Man has come a long way from horse and cart to walking on the moon, ut language has not advanced at the same rate as other areas of human progress.

Our lips still move the same way, up and down- our tongues still go from side to side- such a primitive form of communication in comparison to other areas of development.

It is time to recharge ourselves and get back to basics and use our words to express exactly what we mean.

To loose this basic form of communication would mean we would
read peoples minds just as mental telepathy assuming we know what each other is thinking and feeling.

We need to globalize our minds to change the way we use our language. Look beyond language and use a form of self-expression - that is universal.

It is obvious that the lack of communication could affect the fate of a man or a nation because of misunderstanding. You try and express your thoughts and feelings but there is often a big gap between what you think and feel and the words available to you to use to express these thoughts and feelings. On top of this the other party may not understand what you have aside in the way you intended and may put their own connotation on what you have said. So conversation is really a hit and miss process and this could have disastrous consequences, especially in diplomatic or legal situations.