~My Babies~

Spike ... a.k.a."Scooby Doo"

Birthdate-- Sept. '96 ... The oldest of 'The Four', Spike originally belonged to my daughter. She went to a farm and chose him because of his unique feet. He has 3 feet with 6 toes each and his 4th foot has 8 toes. He crouches and sneaks away when he is scared (usually anything scares him). Hence the nickname Scooby Doo.

Boots ... a.k.a."Bootsy Girl"

Birthdate-- Sept. '96 ... This is my little baby. She came from the same litter as Spike. We thought it would be better if they were raised together. She can be very sweet but has an attitude because she is very possessive. Her favorite place to stay is in my son's room in his recliner and hides under his bed.

Scat ... a.k.a."Skitty Kitty"

Birthdate--June'99 ... I guess you could say that Scat found us. One day he just showed up in the driveway. He was very sick and probably not but about 4 weeks old. He could not even stand up. We nursed him back to health and he is very fiesty now. He still likes to be babied and he sleeps beside me every night.

Princess ... a.k.a."Baby Girl"

On July 11 , 2002 Princess came to live with us.On a shopping trip 30 miles away she was spotted on the side of the road by my daughter.She was alone and barely weaned. My daughter wasn't going to let her become another highway statistic and sweet talked my husband into going back and rescuing her. Needless to say, since my daughter moved out my husband has become her favorite !!!