ATHAME-Considered to be the most important of any of your tools. Represents the God and is a black hilt double edged knife (dagger). Can be made of any kind of metal even crystal or stone.  Those who practice Feri Wicca will not use one made of steel. Traditionally must be a black hilt. I know many witches who do not use a black hilt athame but instead use a fancy ornate one. In my opinion your athame does not need to be a black hilt. You do need a double edge knife and it can be made of crystal or any material you like. This tool is used to consecrate all your other tools and to cast your circle, and air cut a pentacle in the air.  YOUR ATHAME SHOULD NEVER BE USED TO CUT ANYTHING BUT AIR.
CUP, CHALICE, GOBLET-represents the Goddess and is the cup you use for all your rituals. Can be made of any material you like the most common is silver goblet style. A drinking horn can also be used. This tool is used to consecrate your salt and water to cast your circle also used for the ritual drink which is offered up to the gods and then shared with the coven. If you are a solitary then use it to offer up to the Gods and to drink for yourself.
PENTACLE-Represents our life on Earth and the Earth element. This tool is used to consecrate your tools and food used for ritual. Can be made of wood, metal, silver, copper or even wax. Should be a least four inches in diameter or larger.
CAULDRON-Represents the womb of the Goddess the great void from which we came and which we will return. Traditionally a black cast iron pot on three legs. Can be made of any metal, even clay or stoneware.
But, I recommend black cast iron because it is the best for scrying.  This tool is one of the focal points of many rituals can be used to burn incense or anything relevant to the spell or ritual that is being performed. Can also be used for scrying.  I think a black cast iron cauldron is one of the best scrying tools.
CURFANE, BOLINE-A tool used to cut your herbs and anything growing or used for ritual  that you will use for ritual work.  Traditionally a white hilt knife. Can be white hilt, but in my opinion does not matter a mate knife or a fancy imported single edge blade all are fine.
WAND-Represents air and should be hand made by you.  Willow is the best for a women and oak is the best for a man. Should be the size of the space from your fingertips to your elbow.  Sumac can used for either sex.  If you cannot find a place where you can find or cut a branch from a tree, then you can buy a store made one.  I believe a self made one is best. This tool can be used to direct energy and can be used to cast a circle in place of your athame.
CENSER-Represents air and any type of incense burner you like will do. You can even use a mini cauldron.
CANDLE HOLDERS-represents fire and any type of candle holders are fine you will need at least two for your alter candles.