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  • 4/21/02- The date for Narcosis' set in the Jaxx Battle of the Bands has been set for Friday, June 7th. Check the Shows page for more info.
  • 4/14/02- Unfortunately, once again Narcosis has had to cancel a show. We apologize again to the Vault and those who planned on attending. Hopefully we will be able to play there soon.
  • 4/8/02 - The MC show has been cancelled.
  • 1/31/02 - BJ has left Narcosis but Bryan Hess will be taking over on guitar. He will be sharing lead guitar duties with Josh and will also be doing some back-up vocals, look for Bryan's page to be up soon along with new pics. Narcosis will be playing at Jaxx's summer battle of the bands, the date TBA. Jake English is also coming aboard the Narcosis family to assist in finding available shows...things are looking up.
  • 11/1/01 - BJ, from the Lakadaisies, has decided to join Narcosis. His role will probably be lead guitar. For now this is not official. He will just be jamming with Narcosis. The bios are finally done.
  • ©Copyright 2000-2001 Narcosis