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Picture Archives: Take a journey through the (not so) exciting past of the band!
"What? Its only on 4! Why's it so loud?"
On Top of the Wolrd! (Well, kinda...)
Better make it 5...
"Javier! Just take the damn picture!"
"Oh yeah...thats the spot."
"Um, Rick, you might want to move your hand....I'm markin' my territory here."
We're all so excited!
Again with the fucking car!
Wow! Russian-boy has some ups!
Josh, Doing his thang...
Time for another fantastic solo!
If you look close enough you can see some armpit hair and a wild Chep!
Josh, almost cut off
Mike, showing his beautiful tits
Rick,...who the fuck knows?
"Hmmmm, which one? So many choices!"
"Uh oh! I hope I didn't crack another one!"
Rick, rockin' in the free world (known as Mike's garage).
That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen.
Would a smile fuckin' kill you guys?
An odd picture, but cool non the less...
Oh my God! A SMILE!
"Ahhhh...fresh air at last. After being couped up in that garage for so long, this is fantastic!"