E-Z codes

Html E-Z codes for newbies

Hello and welcome To my html page if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me and please sign my guestbook at the bottom of this page and GOOD LUCK!!!

Here are the most asked questions click on the one that you need help with.

What is a url?

Where do I put the codes.

How do I get the url for the music.

How do I find the url of a gif.

How do I get the url of a background

Here is an example of what a sigbox looks like with codes put into it.

Here is an example of an email with an image, solid background, marquee and music.

here is the code to put a background on your e-mail

<<>body background="http://url of background here">

Here is the code for a background and text color

<<>body background="http://url of background" text=red>

Note: there is no colon after the word body and you can also change the color of text in the background code

If you would like to add a solid color background and a color text to your email use this you can cange the colors

<<>body bgcolor="black" text="yellow">

To put an image on your e-mail type this change the image to the image that you want.

<<>img src="//www.oocities.org/ResearchTriangle/2447/c at3.gif">

you will get this:

If you want to try this code (it's good practice) write the code down and click on this link and put the code in when you have finished push the back button to return here Image Tester

to put music on your e-mail use this code

src="// url of song here" autostart=true>

to make a song play over use this

src="//url of song here" autostart=true loop=true>

to add a link with image use this code

<<>a href="http://url of page here"><<>img src="url of image here"><<>/a>

here is what it looks like:

to add a audioscope use this code

<<>table bgcolor="blue" border="+6"><<>tr><<>td><<>audioscope gain="2" leftcolor="blue" rightcolor="yellow" leftoffset="-5 rightoffset="5" bgcolor="black" height="80" with="100"><<>/audioscope><<>/tr><<>/td><<>table>

here is the audioscope you can play with the numbers till the way you want it to look:

to add a pop up box use this code (currently this does not work in email but it does work on homepages)

<<>meta: http-equiv="refresh"content="0;url=client:showsplash ?message=<<>b>your message here<<>/b>&action=submitform">

to add scrolling text use this

<<>marquee>message here<<>/marquee>

Here is what you will get
your message here

use this to put a background color behind the marquee

<<>marquee bgcolor=red>your message here<<>/marquee>
Here is what you will get
your message here

to put a border around your image use this

<<>table bgcolor="blue" border="5"><<>tr><<>td align="center"><<>img src="//url here"><<>/tr><<>/td><<>/table>

try this one

<<>a href="mailto:yourname@webtv.net">send me Email<<>/a>

This is what it will look like send me Email

To resize a image use this

<<>img src="//url here" height=50 width=100 border=0>

you can change the numbers until the way you like it

Here is what it will look like:
normal Resized

"tip" to see the adress of a link press ctrl + cmd while the link is highlighted

if you want your e-mail to slide on your screen use this


<<>bgsound src="//members.tripod.com/~n2play/xslideup.html" >

Note: you can change the xslideup to xslidedown, xslideright, xslideleft.

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< /a>