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A Mother's Pathway
My E-Mail Signature Help Page!
The Grandmother's Grandmother
Becky's Backs
The Beasley Homeschool
Gifted Tiger's Midis!
My Missions Page


I wanted these pages to express a part of the depth of gratitude
I feel toward God for the grace that he has
bestowed upon me, but no gift that I could ever give
could begin to repay him for the most precious gift of all.
The gift of his only son who he sent to die on the cross
for your sins and for mine. Thank you Jesus!

For it does not matter where you come from or what you've done in your life, or if you are rich or poor.
He loves you just the same. And if it were up to us to earn his love, we would all fall short.
He loved us while we were yet in our sins. All he asks is that we accept the precious gift only he can offer.

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