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Enemy Lines II: Rebel Standsp Traitorsp Destiny’s Way

sp Force Heretic I: Remnant
Animation Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand Quotes

“Sith spawn, I was flirting with a nine year old.”
-Wes Janson, talking about Jaina Solo

“So I’m baby-sitting people twice, three times my age. Where’s the fun in that?”
“Aunt Tahiri, tell me a story.”
-Tahiri Veila and Kell Tainer

“It’s always these little worlds that get you in trouble. Like Tatooine. I’m still living that one down.”
-Han Solo

“If you’re going to admit to carrying a hold-out blaster, carry two and admit to one.”
-Han Solo

“When are they going to stop calling me general?”
“When are they going to stop calling me Princess?”
“Maybe when you become queen.”
-Han and Leia Solo

“Can you do the history of the Sith in thirty words or less?”
-Han Solo to C-3PO

“We just can’t seem to find much time, can we?”
“Do you have another sixty seconds?”
He leaned down for another kiss.
-Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel

“Listen to me, bantha fodder, I blew up a Death Star before you were born. In twenty seconds I can conclude a conversation with General Antilles, who blew up that Death Star with me, and I'll be General Calrissian again, and you'll spend the rest of your military career cleaning the refeshers on Kessel. Or you can dig. Which is it?”
-Lando Calrissian

“Sometimes I think you can be spooky just singing nursery rhymes.”
-Elassar Targon to Mara Jade

“Luke, I don’t want to discourage your curiosity, but I have to remind you, if something goes wrong, this is an exceptionally embarrassing way to die.”
-Mara Jade Skywalker

“Luke, before you step out and join us, out of respect for those of us you’re not married to, you might want to be sure that you’re presentable.”
“I guess I forgot to tell the stuff, ‘My clothes aren’t food, either.’”
“I guess you did.”
-Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker

“He’s starting to get on my nerves. Doesn’t he know thats a bad idea?”
“He knows. But he’s a demolitions expert. He likes playing with things that blow up in his face.”
-Tahiri Veila and Baljos Arnjak talking about Kell Tainer

“You have a ruthless streak I never appreciated in you.”
“It came out when circumstances started killing my children.”
-Addath Gadan and Leia Organa Solo

“Tam, blast it, don’t do what I say, do what I mean."
-Wolam Tser

“Isn’t destructive war kind of redundant? Until I see a constructive war, or even a giggly war, I have to think so.”
-Han Solo

“Well, that makes this my favorite prison ever.”
-Leia Organa Solo in prison as a blaster and a lightsaber are delieved to her and Han for breakfast

“Jag, why are males so stupid?”
“Biological predisposition.”
-Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel

“What crawled down your flight suit and stung your butt?”
-Diss Ti’wyn

“With politics, nothing runs right...but without politics, nothing runs.”
-Diss Ti’wyn

“I know something about pain you don’t. Pain drowns other people. I just swim in it.”
-Tahiri Veila

“Another Jedi academy graduate. He can lift really big rocks.”
-Tahiri Veila

“Yuuzhan Vong can’t kill me. Noghri can’t. Jedi can’t. You’re all beneath me. There’s only one thing in the universe that can kill Viqi Shesh.”
-Viqi Shesh before she commits suicide

“Before you said ‘go home.’ I thought this was your home. Coruscant.”
“No. I thought it was, but I was wrong. No matter what color the sun is, no matter what the furniture is like, home is where my family is.”
-Tahiri Veila and Luke Skywalker

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All excerts and quotes belong to Aaron Allston.
Animation Traitor Quotes

“How can I know?”
“Why ask me? Should I presume to instruct a Jedi in the mysteries of epistemology?”
-Jacen Solo and Vergere

“You were a Jedi. Haven’t you been paying attention? What part about being dead do you not understand?”

“Everything I tell you is a lie. Every question I ask is a trick. You will find no truth in me.”

“I tell you nothing but truth.”

“Pain is itself a god: the taskmaster of life. Pain cracks the whip, and all that lives will move. To live is to be a slave to pain.”

‘Pain can be power too, Jacen realizes. Power to change things for the better. That’s how change happens: someone hurts, and sooner or later, decides to do something about it.
Suffering is the fuel in the engine of civilization.
Now he begins to understand: because pain is a god--he has been in the grip of this cruel god ever since Anakin’s death. But it is also a teacher, and a bridge. It can be a slave master, and break you--and it can be the power that makes you unbreakable. It is all these things, and more.
At the same time.
What it is depends on who you are.’
-Jacen Solo

“It has to do with a bizarre concept called democracy, in which ruling power is given to whoever is most skillful at directing the herd instincts of the largest masses of their most ignorant citizens.”
-Nom Anor

“Orders not backed by force are only suggestions.”

“This Jeedai brenzlit slave spits upon your grandfather’s bones.”
-Jacen Solo

“Then choose, and act.”

“Once I started killing, I didn’t want to stop. That must be--I can only think that’s how the dark side must feel. I didn’t ever want to stop.”
-Jacen Solo

“Little Anakin? A Lord of the Sith? Oh...oh, could it not have been otherwise? What a tragedy...What a waste.

“We are playing the same game we have been playing ever since Myrkr: we are playing ‘Who is Jacen Solo?’”
“If that’s the game I can end it right now. I know who I am, Vergere. No matter what you do to me. No matter what new torture you put me through. If I never touch the Force again. It doesn’t matter. I know.”
“Do you?”
“Yes. I’m a Jedi.”
“Indeed? Then the game is over.”
“Really? It is?”
“Yes. And you lose.”
-Vergere and Jacen Solo

There’s only one answer when the universe hates you. Hate it back.
-Jacen Solo

“You’re not Anakin! You’re not! Anakin would never talk like that! Anakin would never believe that! You’re just a hallucination!
okay. i’m a hallucination. that means you’re talking to yourself.
that means what i’m saying is what
you believe.
-Jacen Solo and the Hallucination of Anakin Solo

“You’re exactly what I want to be when I grow up.”
what, dead?
-Jacen Solo and the Hallucination of Anakin Solo

Not only am I good at this, I do it with style.
-Ganner Rhysode

“We’re on Yuuzhan’tar, the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld.”
“You mean Coruscant.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Just changing a name doesn’t make it--”
“The Yuuzhan Vong remake everything they touch. It’s not about names. My name is still Jacen Solo.”
-Jacen Solo and Ganner Rhysode

“See, the thing is, everything everyone tells you is a lie. The truth is always bigger than the words we use to describe it.”
-Jacen Solo

“For what I have to do, weapons are irrelevant.”
-Jacen Solo

“Um, yeah, y’know, those wacky gods...I guess they mean well; but they just don’t know when to stop. They’re way too generous. I’m getting along fine with just the first Gift. The other two, hey, y’know, I can wait.”
-Ganner Rhysode

“This threshold is mine. I claim it for my own. Bring on your thousands, one at a time or all in a rush. I don’t give a damn. None shall pass.”
-Ganner Rhysode

‘He wields the blade of a fallen hero, but now he is the hero, and it is others who fall.’
-Ganner Rhysode

i was more like uncle luke: a human weapon, point me at the bad guys and turn me loose. i knock ‘em down and everybody cheers.
-Anakin Solo Hallucination

‘Ganner Rhysode builds a fortress of the dead.’
-Ganner Rhysode

I spent so much time wanting to grow up. Trying to grow up. Trying to act like an adult...Now all I want is to be a kid again. Just for a little while. Just a day.
Just an hour.

-Jacen Solo

‘He looked at Vergere in wonder. He understood now, where he never could have before. She had not said Ask yourself where else can one look.
She had said: Ask yourself. Where else can one look?
-Jacen Solo

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All excerts and quotes belong to Matthew Woodring Stover.
Animation Destiny’s Way Quotes

“What the Empire would have done with build a supercolossal Yuuzhan Vong-killing battle machine. They would have called it the Nova Colossus or the Galaxy Destructor or the Nostril of Palpatine or something equally grandiose. They would have spent billions of credits, employed thousands of contractors and subcontractors, and equipped it with the latest in death-dealing technology. And you know what would have happened? It wouldn’t have worked. They’d forget to bolt down a metal plate over an access hatch leading to the main reactors, or some other mistake, and a hotshot enemy pilot would drop a bomb down there and blow the whole thing up. Now that’s what the Empire would have done.”
-Han Solo

“It would be interesting to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to discover whether the Jedi are in fact worth the resources the government has devoted to you. But my point is this: You call yourselves protectors of the Republic; very well. But I have looked very carefully at the constitution of our government, and there is no Office of the Protectors of the Republic.”
-Fyor Rodan

‘She had been on the front lines literally since the first day. Then she had been joyful, confident, certain of her ability, of the power of the Force, and the order of the universe. Since then the war had taught her much. It had taught her doubt, terror, anxiety, fear, and anger. She had learned the limits of the Force, and to Force mastery. The war had shown her the darkness that lay within her, and how easy it had been for the darkness to overcome her, to drive her to fury, vengeance, and slaughter.
Most of all, the war had taught her sorrow. Sorrow for her lost brothers Jacen and Anakin, for Chewbacca, for her wingmate Anni Capstan, for the Hapan Queen Mother Teneniel Djo, for all the warriors who had died fighting alongside her, for the Jedi lose to the Yuuzhan Vong’s relentless program of extermination, for the billions of nameless refugees who had been caught in the conflict and destroyed, or dispossessed of all they had owned or known.
She had learned her own fragility. She had been blinded in battle and learned the frustration of the invalid. She had been captured by the enemy. She had learned how easy it was for her to die, and how easily the universe would permit such a thing.’
-Jaina Solo

“You can call me ‘Great One.’ Most people do.”
-Tenal Ka and Jaina Solo

“The rise or fall of a civilization can depend on the decision made in a fragment of a second. There are many seconds in a day. How many seconds can you regret? How many choices?
“Only the bad ones.”
-Vergere and Jacen Solo

“If we had a battle cry, it would probably be Have you tripled checked this order with your superiors?
-Nom Anor

“No! I’m a politician! I can’t tell the truth!”
-Cal Omas

“What happens if you need a diplomat who can also practice philosophy, fight with a lightsaber, and levitate small objects? Who else are you going to call but us?”
-Mara Jade Skywalker

“The warmaster is not listening! He needs a new pair of ears--or perhaps instead the organ that lies between them”

It’s the turning point. Yes. From this point, we turn from sorrow toward joy.
-Luke Skywalker

“If the Force is life and the Yuuzhan Vong are alive, and you cannot see them in the Force--then is the problem with the Yuuzhan Vong, or is it with your perceptions?”

“When anger becomes rage, fear becomes terror, love becomes obsession, self-esteem becomes vainglory, then a natural and useful emotion becomes an unreasoning compulsion and the darkness is.”

“Every morning I want every person in my command to ask himself the same question. And that question is: how can I hurt the Yuuzhan Vong today?
-Admiral Traest Kre’fey

“No offense Kyp, but I wish it was Uncle Luke who was making this argument, not the greatest living expert on the dark side of the Force.”
“So do I, Jaina. So do I.”
-Jaina Solo and Kyp Durron

“I have a Jedi Council to put together. I thought you might want to help me.”
“We get to spend the day gossiping about our colleagues and calling it work? I’m willing.”
-Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker

“Kyp Durron?”
“Kyp has changed.”
“He hasn’t blown up any planets in a few years, that’s true.”
“That wasn’t precisely Kyp who did that. He was possessed by the spirit of a long-dead Sith Lord named Exar Kun.”
“That’s exactly the sort of thing I hope never to have to explain to a senatorial committee.”
-Cal Omas and Luke Skywalker

“You’re a major now?”
“I’m better than that, I’m a holovid star. Not to mention a goddess.”
-Jacen and Jaina Solo

“Life isn’t what I do anymore. What I do is death. I kill, and I try not to get killed myself. Anything else is a luxury.”
-Jaina Solo

“For years you’ve been warning me about aggression leading to the dark side! I didn’t listen, and over and over and over again reality whacked me on the side of the head! Finally I decided you were right! I watched someone else go the dark and it was worse that I could have imagined. You finally convinced me! I’ve been a good little Jedi for--for months now! I’ve been telling everyone who would listen that Master Skywalker’s been right all along! And now you tell me that you’ve changed your mind? How dare you? How dare you?”
-Kyp Durron

“I name you the Sword of the Jedi. You are like tempered steel, purposeful and razor-keen. Always you shall be in the front rank, a burning brand to your enemies, a brilliant fire to your friends. Yours is a restless life, and never shall you know peace, though you shall be blessed for the peace that you bring to others. Take comfort in the fact that, though, you stand tall and alone, others take shelter in the shadow that you cast.”
-Luke Skywalker, talking to Jaina Solo

“What are you doing, Executor?”
“Giving Shimrra an itch.”
-Yoog Skell and Nom Anor

“I’m going to assume that everything else is going to go wrong.”
-Jacen Solo

“Jacen seems to have inherited his parents’ gift for escaping capture.”
“As well as our gift for getting captured in the first place.”
-Gilad Pellaeon and Han Solo

“You know what? Being the Sword of the Jedi really stinks.”
-Jaina Solo

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All excerts and quotes belong to Walter Jon Williams.
Animation Force Heretic I: Remnant Quotes