I am making this software update freely available to the public, but in no way am I going to be responsible for any complications or errors that may occur while updating your Vetta. Please take the time to read the owner's manual, and all the instructions below. These are simple to understand and easy to follow, however, the user updates at their own risk.  - Nathan Shane


After upgrading the Vetta’s software, the program changes are very slow when switching from preset to preset. Please note, you will need to reset the factory and user banks from the Vetta's internal memory after you upgrade the operating software to correct for the slow patch changes. Having to reset the "program" and "user" memory after an update will overwrite any patches you have created and will replace them.


Be warned, before you update the Vetta:


Backup your USER created patches via midi or you will lose them! 



Please make absolutely certain that any  sysex backup(s) of your own created patches will load properly into the Vetta before you attempt an update.  I would also suggest that you save each one of your created patches as "individual" .syx files and as a "bulk" .syx file as well.


If you do not already have a sysex utility program, you can download the following sysex utility in order to be able to update the Vetta. The SendSX utility program mentioned on my SYSEX PAGE has worked for some owners, and for other has not when trying to do a Vetta update. I have been able to successfully upgrade my Vetta using MIDI-OX.




Line 6 recommends using MIDI-OX for software updates as well.



(click the logo above to go to the author's site)


MIDI-OX Setup From Line 6 Tech Support: After launching the MIDI-OX application on your PC, from the Options menu, select “Configure Buffers”. Set the buffers sizes to 512, 64, 1024, and 512 respectively from the top down. Click "OK". (This step only needs to be performed once - the buffer configuration is recalled.)

Additional MIDI-OX Info From Line 6 Tech Support: I had a customer try to install 1.03 software into his amp and the install would fail; MIDI OX would put up a dialog box saying "SysEx ...". This may have something to do with the type of soundcard.... He got it to work by slowing down the rate of the transfer from his computer. To do this in MIDI OX, Go to VIEW menu, select SysEx, go to SysEx menu, select Configure. Check "Delay after F7" box and increase the time. This customer increased the time to 400 milliseconds but it took a ½ hour to upload the code so perhaps 100 or 200 will work. Not sure if this is the solution to end all solutions but it may be something to try when customers are having trouble with the Vetta downloads. 









(click the graphic above to download the 1.10 Update)



All Updates Below Are Previous Updates

Please make certain you download the correct version!

ZIP Download: Vetta Combo Version 1.05

(download includes all three needed files)

.ZIP Download: Vetta HD Version 1.05



In order to fully update your Vetta Combo to the latest 1.05 version, you will need to upload all "three" sysex files included in the download, 


1) the new Operating System

2) the new Factory Patches 

3) the new Model Defaults


These newly revised Factory Patches and Model Defaults have been redone with eq changes, fx changes, and have been volume optimized. They sound much better than the original 1.01/1.03 versions. 


In addition, the update resets all the model defaults to a "zero" condition, that is why Line 6 included a new 1.05 Model Defaults file to restore/update these. You'll need to upload some model defaults into your Vetta because "zero" is an invalid value and can cause your amp to act strange...for example it may lock up when selecting between your 2 eq types in edit mode. If you like having a low value default at least turn all values to display at the lowest min. above 0 and resave that as the model default.



If you find you actually prefer the original 1.01/1.03 factory patches, then I suggest you download a copy of them as well (scroll down to see other files below). 



1.05 Update changes that I have been made aware of are:


1x10 Gibson Cab Tweaked

1x10 Gretsch Cab Tweaked

Direct Output Level Trim Fixed

Ping-Pong Delay Spread Fixed

4x12 Speaker Output Configuration Added

Different AIR and Cabinet Models for 2x12 or 4x12 Speakers

Updated Cabinet Models, AIR Models, and Amp Models

New Cab Models for Marshall 4x12 vintage 30's, 

Mesa Boogie, and Soldano



perhaps other "unknown" minor tweaks

otherwise, that's about it for now folks...


A word from Line 6 about Version 1.05

"1.05 Combo will be substantially the same as 1.05 HD. There are a number of issues that users (and the development team) very much want resolved, but we'll have to tackle some of the weightier issues in a later (probably 2.0) release." - Line 6 Vetta Product Manager





Previous Software Updates

.ZIP Download: Vetta Combo Version 1.01

.ZIP Download: Vetta Combo Version 1.03

Previous Factory Patches

.ZIP Download: Vetta 1.01/1.03  Factory Bulk Patches

.ZIP Download: Vetta 1.01/1.03 Model Defaults

(pc users may need to right click and choose "save target as")


Be Careful To Not Create a Midi Feedback Loop

Some Vetta owners have run into the problem of creating a "midi feedback loop" when the midi input and output of the Vetta are both connected to the midi interface. I would suggest connecting ONLY to the midi input of the Vetta when doing an update. Cakewalk/SONAR (or possibly any midi sequencing program) users need to disable any kind of software midi thru if you are going to keep the Vetta's midi in and out hooked up to your software.

Vetta Operating System Update Procedure

From Line 6 Tech Support: The Vetta’s software is upgraded via a Midi SysEx data dump to the Vetta’s Flash memory; there is no replaceable EPROM. To perform an upgrade to Vetta, you will need either a Midi data filer or a computer with Midi SysEx software as well as the new software code and a standard Midi cable (or joystick-to-midi cable). New code can also be imported from another Vetta.

Connect the midi cable from the Midi out port of your transmitting device to the Vetta’s MIDI In port (If your computer has a soundcard that utilizes the joystick port for midi operations, you will need a Midi-to-joystick cable.) After the midi connections are made and the unit from which you are transmitting the software is ready with the proper code, follow the instructions below.

(Note: To find the current software version in the Vetta, press System Setup and turn the PAGE knob clockwise to the last page. The right display should read “V e t t a Version 1.0x”, denoting the current software version.)

1. Turn Vetta’s power button on while holding down COMP. The right LCD will display “Software Update…Press EDIT to continue. Press TAP to cancel”

2.Press EDIT to enter software update mode or TAP to exit update mode.

3.The right LCD will say “WARNING!! This cannot be undone! Are you sure? Press SAVE to continue. Press TAP to Cancel”. Press Save to proceed. The amp will now erase the current operating system software from its memory. Please note: if you exit the procedure now and try to use the amp, it will light up but the amp will not function as there is no operating software.

4. After the amp has cleared out the old software, the right display will read “Ready for Software Download”. Tell your Midi Data filer, Computer Midi SysEx software or 2nd Vetta to send the new Vetta Operating system software. (To send the software out of the 2nd Vetta, you must go into the self test mode. To do this, power up the 2nd Vetta while holding down it’s REVERB button. Proceed to TEST #13, “Upload Code”. Press COMP to begin sending the software).

5. After amp has received the new software, the right display will read “Software download complete. Press SAVE to run new software”

6. Press SAVE and the Vetta will go into play mode.

7. If program load is slow switching from channel to channel, you will need to reset the program memory. Press SAVE and scroll to page 10, "RESET FACTORY". Press SAVE while on this page to reset the Factory Bank. The right LCD will read "…restoring FACTORY bank…". When this process is complete, scroll to page 11, "RESET USER" and press SAVE once again. The right LCD will now read "…restoring USER bank…". Press TAP when the process is complete. Program changes should now be back to normal.

Uploading Factory Patches/Model Defaults

To upload any FactoryPatches.syx (Factory Patches) and/or  ModelDefaults.syx (Model Defaults) files which are a part of a complete Software Update, please refer to the Vetta Owner's Manual (pages 4-27 thru 4-29) on how this is done.


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