Poetry Featured
Peace and Blessings Brothers and Sisters, welcome to poetry featured.This site contains information about places where you can find other poems written by
Afrika M.A.Abney.

They are located at the following sites:
Timbooktu: A website for Afrikan - American Writers

Poetry.com - A website for poets

I love Poetry - A place to submit and post your writings

Famouspoets.com - Submitting poetry

VoiceofPoeTree.com - A place to submit poetry and a website for poets

PoetryPages.com - A place to post your poetry and submit other information related to poetry.

Poetrybox.com - A site for poets and submit poems

Authorsden.com - A place for authors

Pagan Poems - www.suite101.com/myhome/paganpoems

UntoldGood.com - A website for poets


Poems for Nubian Women - devoted.to/nubianwomenpoems

"In the spirit and name of the creator, may you continue to remain divine,kind and peaceful touching your generation with seeds and deeds of reaffirming and defining self and life."

God Bless
My Favorite Links:
About Poetry
Urban Poetic
My Info:
Name: Afrika M.A.Abney
Email: ashacreations@yahoo.com