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Winter Birds in Your Garden

These sketches and short descriptions first appeared in the February 1967 issue of NATURE NEWS NOTES. They were also given as a handout at a workshop to help participants identify the birds which might be attracted to their yards in the winter. Also included here, when available, are links to more extensive descriptions, which appeared as articles in the "Bird of the Month" series, published in NATURE NEWS NOTES.

Bohemian Waxwing (7 1/2 inches).
Soft grayish crested bird, black mask, yellow band on tail, cinnamon under tail coverts, white and yellow markings on wings, with waxy tips on secondaries. (Cedar Waxwing is smaller and browner.)

Oregon Junco (5 inches).
Black head, brown back, buff pink sides. Often called "Snow Birds". (Pink-sided Junco has gray head. Slate-colored has gray head, back and breast.)

More About Juncos

Black-Capped Chickadee (5 inches).
Black cap and bib, grayish back, buff sides.
(Mountain Chickadee has white eyebrow stripe.)

House Finch (5 1/2 inches).
Brownish streaked bird with red breast, forehead, and rump. (Also called "Linnet".)

Black-Headed Grosbeak (7 1/2 inches).
Chunky, short-tailed, thick whitish bill. Dull yellow with black tail and wings. Wings with large white wing patches.

Rufous-Sided Towhee (7 1/2 inches).
Rufous sides, head and upper parts black, rows of white spots on back and wings, long rounded tail with large white spots.

Scrub Jay (11 inches).
Head, wings and tail blue, back brownish, white throat outlined in blue (necklace).

Hairy Woodpecker (8 1/2 inches).
Black and white, with red patch on back of head.
Downy Woodpecker (5 1/2 inches).
Looks like miniature Hairy, but with short bill.

Red-Shafted Flicker (12 inches).
Brown-backed, flecked, black crescent across chest, white rump shows in flight, male has red mustache, salmon red under wings and tail.

Brown Creeper (5 inches).
Well camouflaged brown bird.
Climbs up trunk or branch of tree.

White-Breasted Nuthatch (5 inches).
White face and black cap (gray in female). Goes down tree trunks head first.

-- by Dot K. Platt