B  R  A  N  D  O  N    A  S  K  S    T  E  N    T  O    .  .  .
Offering a fresh look of golden skin with Swiss/Norweigan ethnicity, Azziza has successfully held her own in one of the toughest places to bellydance, New York City. Even though her scenery has changed, her belly dancing has gotten even better. She was kind to share some of the aspects that keeps her advancing and busy life an everyday challenge, as well as entertaining. After all, entertaining is as much her specialty as any part of her performing.
1. Who are your 1st and current inspirations in
6.  Which international city would you enjoy performing in and why?
'' I was first inspired by a bellydancer that I saw at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. I wasn't looking for her. She just appeared on the boardwalk with the traveling musicians. she was beautiful and had a nice presence. It looked like so much fun and appeared to have great exercise benefits. I wanted to learn as soon as possible and couldn't wait to find a teacher. Currently, I'm inspired by Nouran Sharif. She has such passion for oriental dance, she is an amazing
'' I'd like to perform in Cairo, Egypt because the dance originated there thousands of years ago.''
7. What are your secrets to selecting your choice of attire to perform in?
'' Generally, most of my costumes are from Egypt and turkey. In selecting them, color is important. Bright colors are good for me. Also, halter tops are flattering, but they aren;t too comfortable. I like a costume that shows a little leg but not too much. I want to feel  free to move without worrying that too much will show.''
2. You recently moved from NYC to Troy, MI. How do the cities offer regarding bellydance?
'' New York City has something happening every night of the week. And, the weekends were really busy. I was working 7 nights a week between the 5 boroughs, Long Island and New Jersey. On the weekends, I would do 3-4 back-to-back shows on Friday and Saturday nights. In the Detroit Metro Area, it's kind of dead during the week. I rarely do any shows during the week, and I usually have only 1 or 2 (shows) on the weeekends.''
8. How do you feel about the use of abdominal movements (rolls and flutters, etc.) in modern
bellydance today?
'' Even though rolls and flutters may not be as ancient as a hip circle or other techniques, I like to use them. After all, we call it 'belly dancing'.''
3. What is your favorite routine during a live per-
9. In the Spring of 2004, you'll celebnate your 1st wedding anniversary. How has marriage influenced your career?
'' I love the drum solo. Especially live!!!''
'' Marriage has been great for my career, because my husband is supportive. There is no longer the need to hustle the way i used to when I was single. I was working 7 nights a week and exhausted. Working less allows me to be more creative.''
4. For years, there has been an unfair ''bias'' directed toward blonde bellydancers. Have you occured any of this yourself?
'' I have found that people like the blonde hair because it's different. There was one time when an entertainment agency didn't book me because the client wanted dark features. But for the most part it has worked for my benefit. Sometimes, when I enter a room I can see skepticism in people's eyes. I don't know if it is because I'm American or because I'm blonde. But once I strt dancing, the skepticism turns into delight.''
10. The day will come when you'll perform live for the last time. As you walk off the stage, what impact do you want to leave on bellydance?
'' I hope people will remember me for doing my part in keeping the dance alive.''
             Q  U  I  C  K    P  I  C  K  S 
           Page Created: January 26, 2004.

* Is a big fan of bellydancers with curvy fig-
   ures, including her soft curvy physique.
* As you can see from the pic to the left,
   she is accomplished in sword dancing. and
*  She has performed in more than 10 cafes
    and restaurants in the Tri-State Area while
    living in NYC.
*  Enoys dancing at wedding ceremonies, a
   trend that is becoming huge work for belly-
   dancers across the US.
*  Is a featured dancer on the DVD, The Way
   to Belly Dance. Buy thru
* Is working on a music CD for a mid-yr.
5. As a teacher, what emphasis do you focus on
getting across to your students?
'' The emphasis I like to focus on getting across to my students is to keep the dance authentic. To keep the art form alive I'm teaching ancient techniques.''