The view from Whitehall Mansions.  HMS Forth (Submarine Depot Ship)
gone to sea (rare occasion)
Wrens quarters, Whitehall Mansions Ta'Xbiex r. Me , Pat , Diz. Audrey & Pat
Above; MsidaCreek  1960s
Below: Msida Creek today!
For more of Malta today
On the steps at B.S.O.Manoel Island. Recognise the Gib basket? any wren worth her salt had a Gib basket, courtesy
of a boy friend doing a trip to Gibralter
N.B.These Malta pictures are slow to load, but well worth it , give yourself plenty of time.
Pat Wilson, Patsy Bailey, June Elsy,and myself in front.Taken in Valletta
HMS Phoenicia wrens taken outside the Base Supply Office, circa 1958? (before my time)
Me in HMS Phoenicia Small ships Pay Office
God forbid that I would have ever turned out like "Queen Bee". You'd never get a sub off her!
Lascaris (Malta) Includes lists of personnel who have served in Malta over the past 50 years
Above: Divisions Floriana Parade Ground in Winter. (where have all the wrens   skived off to?)
Below: Myself & June Elsy (Whitehall Mansions)
Manoel Island. Malta G.C.
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