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This is the day that the Lord has made,

Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

"Bridge Builders" Community Outreach Programs

Jesus said: "For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in; I was naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me...
As much as you have done these to the least of my brothers, you have done them to me"
(Matthew 25:35, 36, 40).

What profit is there, my brothers, if a man says he has faith, but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled", but you do not give them these things that they need for their bodies, how does it profit them? Likewise, faith, if it does not have works, is dead by itself.
(James 2:14-17)

Remember... you might be the only Bible some people may ever see... so live like it!!

This page describes both current and future activities & events
designed to reach out and meet the needs of our community.

Some activities & events are already planned,
and others are potential events we may be doing in the future.
Events & activities that are currently being offered or planned are listed in Yellow-Gold print
Potential events & activities are listed in White print.

For a listing of current events scheduled for the near future,
please go to our "Calendar of Events" page.

"Coats of Many Colors" Ministry

  • Every year in this nation, in this state, and in this county of ours, little children and adults shiver and suffer through cold winters, because they lack the resources to stay warm. The skyrocketing cost of living, combined with growing job losses, literally leave these people out in the cold.

  • No one should have to suffer through a cold winter without protection. We cannot sit idly by and watch this tragedy continue... not when we know it is so easy to help stop it.

  • Our ministry is collecting coats, mittens & gloves, winter hats, blankets, space heaters and other cold-weather items, and making them available to those in need, free of charge.

  • Won't you please check your closets and pull out those items you've outgrown, or the ones you just don't need any more, and donate them to others who truly can use them? And talk to your neighbors, friends and family about donating too...
    it only takes a few moments, and it can make a world of difference.

  • Drop-off of items can be made at our church building before or after any scheduled service...
    or gather the items up, and we can arrange to pick them up from you.

"Support Our Troops" Ministry

  • New Beginnings Fellowship Church is currently accepting donated items for our troops serving overseas.

  • This small gesture is the least we can do for those who are sacrificing so much to ensure that we can continue to enjoy our freedoms.

  • Individual donations of comfort items can be dropped-off at our church building before or after any scheduled service...
    or, if you have a large amount of donated items, gather the items up, and we can arrange to pick them up from you.

  • Suggested items include sun screen, lip balm ("chapstick"), toothpaste, dental floss, deodorants/antiperspirants, foot powder, waterless hand sanitizer, shampoo, "baby" wipes, disposable safety razors, shaving gel (non-aerosol only), individually-wrapped hard candies (no chocolate please), chewing gum, beef jerky, "cup-a-soups", Gatorade powder, sunflower seeds, packaged nuts, tea bags and instant coffee, playing cards, writing paper and envelopes, puzzle books (crosswords, etc.), paperback books, magazines (new, please), etc., etc.

  • Please note: food items and toiletries need to be pre-packaged. No home-prepared foods can be sent. No aerosol itmes can be sent, since they can present problems when flown on aircraft.

  • We will arrange to have the items shipped so that they are received by the troops that need them.

Loaves & Fishes Ministry

"Cabinet of Food" Emergency Food Pantry

  • New Beginnings Fellowship Church has a (currently limited) supply of donated food items on-hand to help those who are less-fortunate or who may be going through difficult financial times due to lay-offs, unemployment, illness, or other catastrophic events beyond their control.

  • We believe that no one in this country should have to go hungry, and also believe that Christians are instructed by God's Word to help those in need in this way.

  • Individual donations of food items can be dropped-off at our church building before or after any scheduled service...
    or, if you have a large amount of donated items, gather the items up, and we can arrange to pick them up from you.

  • As with all of our Community-Outreach ministries, membership in our Church is not a pre-requisite in order to receive assistance.

"Singing for Their Supper" Benefit Concerts

  • Gospel concerts to benefit the "Loaves & Fishes" ministry's "Cabinet of Food".

  • A variety of musical styles will be offered by several performing groups and artists, which may include contemporary Christian music, traditional gospel, bluegrass gospel, and other styles.

  • Admission is free to the public, however love offerings and food donations will be gratefully accepted. We will also accept monetary donations to be used to purchase food. All donations will go directly to help those in need.

  • The date, venue, and performers for this event will be announced at a later date.

Community Soup Kitchen

Community Pancake Breakfasts

Community Spaghetti Dinners

"Reaching Out" Ministry

Bus Ministry

NBFC has a bus ministry to help get you to services and activities. Check out our Bus Ministry page for details...

New Beginnings Fellowship Church's Bus Ministry

Homebound & Hospital Visitations

  • As part of our on-going ministries, our Pastors and Deacons conduct visitations with those in our congregation who are homebound or in the hospital, and with their loved ones when appropriate.

  • This provides us an opportunity to minister to those members' spiritual and emotional needs, and helps those members to fellowship with us and to be fed the spiritual food they are missing out on by not being able to attend services.

  • Our Pastors and Deacons also conduct home visits with non-homebound or non-hospitalized members of the congregation between church services to check on their well-being and to fellowship outside of the church setting.

  • If you have not been visited, and would like to be visited by one of our Pastors or Deacons, contact us at one of our scheduled services or events, or e-mail us with your request.

"SCOOBY-dos" (Senior Citizen Outreach Offered By Youths)

Our youth group ministers to the elderly and shut-ins in several ways:

  • Nursing home and homebound visitations, where they read to the elderly, participate in activities, bring donated necessity and gift items to meet needs, etc.

  • Helping with chores for those unable to do them themselves.

  • Christmas caroling during the holiday season to brighten their spirits.

Christian DayCare and After-School Care

Community Participation Ministry

SonCinema Movie Nights

  • Come and join us for wholesome, family-oriented films with biblical messages.

  • There will be opportunities to discuss the movies' themes afterwards, and to fellowship together in the joy of the Lord.

  • Movie showings will be held at the church sanctuary.

  • No admission fee. Love offerings will be accepted, and concessions (popcorn and sodas) will be available for purchase.

  • Open to the public.

Christian Concerts

Vacation Bible School

"The Bridge" Community Outreach Center
(Youth Center & Skate Park)

Local Evangelical Missions Ministry

"CYMBALS" (Christian Youth Missionaries Bringing A Light of Salvation)

e-mail us at nbfcgaffney@yahoo.com
Webmaster: Deacon Pete McBride

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