Join us again for...
NCHEA's 2009 Kid's Conference
A SPECIAL event for ages 5-12!
March 27th & 28th...
Cancellation Policy:
All pre-registration fees are subject to a $5 processing fee.
If at all possible, please notify the Children's Program Registration Coordinator,
Lesley Hoover prior to the program. Refunds will be issued after receiving a written refund request accompanied with a self addressed/stamped envelope.

"Westward Ho!"
Building a new life... By God's design!

Howdy folks!  Thanks a heap for stoppin' in!  We're glad to have ya! 
Would you perhaps be inquirin' about this years Kid's Conference? 
Well... You just get settled and have a look around!

Students this year at the NCHEA Kid's Conference will follow the story of a group of settlers as they begin a new life for themselves in the west. The settlers experience numerous setbacks from both natural disasters and human interference...if only they could figure out who the bad guy really is! The "Voice of God" narrates each day allowing the audience to catch a glimpse of the events and people from God's perspective. The students will be challanged to view their on lives from God's perspective and to build their lives according to His design for them!

Children are ENCOURAGED to come attired in their on western wear and come prepared for a good 'ol time! They'll be learning fun songs, participating in exciting activities and making some fun western souvenirs to commemorate the weekend.

Key character qualities that will be presented in the drama and small group sessions are:

This program should not be viewed as merely child-care.
It is intended to deliver a Bible-based character message in a memorable and fun way! 
Since a portion of the program will involve age-integrated small groups, families
may request that siblings stay together.


* Pre-register and attend the NCHEA Conference.
* Pre-register/pre-pay each child.

*Provide a sack lunch(es) - No refrigeration
*Sign Release Form - See form on website or sign at door.

Parents are welcome to check on their child(ren) at any time.  Only a parent or authorized individual may remove a child from the care of the NCHEA Kid's Conference staff.  If necessary, parents may pick up their children before the program concludes.  Please remember - children may NOT accompany parents returning to the daytime NCHEA conference.
Your prompt adherence to the time schedule below is appreciated!

8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Check-in
5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.  Dismissal (building
must be cleared by 5:30 p.m.)

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Check-in
4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Dismissal (building
must be cleared by 5:00 p.m.)

Registration is $25 for the first child and $15 for each additional sibling.
Direct Registrations or Questions to:
Lesley Hoover
Registration Coordinator
8110 Myrtle St.
Lincoln NE, 68506
ph: (402) 540-8457

Pre-registration must be postmarked by March 1, 2009.
Pre-registration/Pre-payment required! Admission cost is the same whether your child(ren) attends one or two days.  Space is limited!!! Onsite registrations are NOT permitted.

See NCHEA Conference details at
Closed Registration Policy:
If your registration check is received AFTER registration is closed,
you will be promptly notified by email or phone. 
You may choose between the two following options:

*You may choose to have us shred your voided check (or)

*The check will be returned to you if you send a self addressed/stamped envelope.
If you are experiencing problems with the Kid's Conference website, or have a comment or question about the site, please contact the webmaster at:
Registration is OPEN

You can download this year's

Registration Form


Medical Permission Slip
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