SUBJECT:  Honors Physics

INSTRUCTOR:  Scott G. Shoaf

ROOM:  310

FEE:  $5.00.  Make checks payable to Central Cabarrus High School

TELEPHONE / HOURS:  (704) 786-0125  8:00 AM - 3:00 PM  M-F or leave a message
                                             with the school secretary during school hours.

REQUIRED MATERIALS:  Scientific Calculator
                                        Quadrille Notebook  (Lab Use)

                                           Straight edge
                                           Colored pencils

END OF COURSE TEST:  The North Carolina State Department of  Public Instruction
              requires all students to score a minimum of a Level II on
              the North Carolina Physics Test upon completion of the
              course  for a student to receive credit for this course.

GRADING POLICY:     Tests: 70 %
                                   Labs: 30 %

HOMEWORK:  Homework will be assigned on a regular basis, however, it will not be     
        collected for a grade. Quizzes will be given two or three times a week.  Quizzes will be announced and 
        unannounced. The quizzes are representative of the homework problems assigned on previous days.  At  
        the end of the quarter your quiz grades will be averaged together
        to make a test grade. If all quizzes are completed at the scheduled
       time, your 2 lowest quiz grades will be dropped before compiling an
       average. If an absence from class for any reason causes you to miss or
       not be prepared for a quiz, the quiz will count as one of your omits. If
       you miss more than two quizzes arrangements can  be made for after
       school make up.


      1.  Absences. It is extremely important for students to make every effort to be in class
           each day. If for some reason you are absent on the day of a test or lab, you must
           make up the test or lab on the next 5th period day for Science. It is the student’s
           responsibility to find out what he/she missed. Please do this before the tardy bell
           rings or after class.           5th period day:

      2. Late Labs.  Late labs will be accepted with a penalty.
                        -Within 24 hr. of due time: -10 pts.
                        -Within the next 24 hr.: -40 pts.

      3. Textbooks.  Your textbooks are new. Damage can be easily found. The use of a
  book cover is encouraged. Please take care of your textbook.

      4. Emergencies.  -Fire
                                   -Bomb Threat

      5. Leaving the room. Emergency only! (15 minute rule)
                          - 1st & 2nd trip: no problem!
                          - 3rd trip: 15 minutes after school
                          - 4th trip:  30 minutes after school
                          - 5th trip:  45 minutes after school
                          - 6th trip:  not an option!

      6. Student Responsibilities. 1. Be in class each day with required materials.
                                                   2. Taking care of all make up work for absences.
                                                   3. Turning in work on time.
                                                   4. Reading text and gaining an understanding of material.
                                                   5. Achieving Level II on EOC.

      7. Classroom Discipline Policy.
          1. Warning / Verbal reprimand.
          2.  After school detention / Call parent.
          3.  ICU
          4.  Refer student to administrator.
          5. Students who completely disrupt class by
         deliberate defiance or gross disrespect to the
         teacher or another student will move directly to
         step #4.