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most welcome. Your views, queries and our answers thereto, if any, will
be published (with your due consent)
in the PLATFORM page dedicated to you.
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As this page is dedicated to serve as a platform for expression and exposition of views and facts, we are publishing here some recent interviews given to the media persons from the NDFB. We hope these interviews, which were either fully or partially published in the print media, will serve to further clarify various issues concerning the NDFB and struggle of the Boro people for freedom.
INTERVIEWS appeared in/given to Mr. Atanu Bhuyan of assamlive.com/Khabar
Reply to the query of Mr. Ramesh Chandra ramesh_ch@assamlive.com
Query: The destruction of railway lines, trains and other violent acts will not further your cause. It will only result in killing of innocents and damage to public property, which will give you a bad name. Such methods are negative and will give you adverse publicity. To achieve goal you have to be positive, approachable and open to peaceful solutions. Please send me your reply on your website.
17 December 2001
Dear Sir,
We are in receipt of your query and feel the need to respond to it, because by your query you seem to be confused of our struggle. We hope our reply will make you clear about our struggle and the intention of our attacks in order to push forward our struggle.
We are waging a war of resistance against the colonial rule of India, which has been denying us our prerogative to live as a free and independent nation. In a war the question of either positive or negative does not hold water but the question is how to destroy and weaken the enemy in all fronts and win. To destroy railway lines, trains, communication installations or any government establishments mean to destroy the enemy and defeat. To defeat the enemy in a war one has to destroy the very infrastructures of the enemy. The NATO and the USA and its allied forces would not have won the wars in Iraq and Yugoslavia unless they completely destroyed the infrastructures of these countries. And now they are doing the same in Afghanistan. Just to hunt down one man – Osama bin Laden, the suspected king pin of the September 11 incident, the USA and its coalition partners are dropping bombs indiscriminately that are not only damaging the infrastructures of Afghanistan but also killing innocent civilians – children and women.
To us the very infrastructures of India in our land are the symbols of occupation. These infrastructures are means to suck away the huge natural resources as well as to facilitate millions of Indian people to migrate into our land with the design of outnumbering us and not to develop the people of the Region. So we have to destroy the Indian infrastructures and kick them out of our land. We will build up and reconstruct our nation and the infrastructures after independence according to our design and not according to India. India will destroy everything before they are kicked out of our land. We know that India will leave their heroism only in cruelty and vandalism. For better understanding you can also go through “TRANSITIONAL PERIOD AND NATIONAL RECONSTRUCTION” in our manifesto in Chapter-X. We can imagine the miserable condition of Japan and Germany during and after the World War-II. We can imagine the Koreans under the brutality of 36 years of Japanese occupation. But now these countries are leading industrialist and developed nations in the world. How fast they have built up and reconstructed themselves as war devastated countries! So we will build up and reconstruct our devastated nation and infrastructures after independence. We are not fighting for good name or good publicity. We are fighting for our freedom. Some may call us militants or terrorists and others may cal us extremists or secessionists. But we are not bothered for these Indian versions as long as we fight for our rights. Till we achieve our goal many people will have many versions or definitions. But to us we are freedom fighters and we know that we will be freedom fighters to everybody after our independence.
It is good to talk about positive, approachable and peaceful solution but this should not mean that the NDFB should lay down their arms, prostrate before the Indian Prime Minister or Chief Minister or any authorized representative of imperialist India and obey and oblige to what he says like good boys and live as faithful Indian – exploited, dominated, and suppressed forever. The Boro people are oppressed and exploited because we were too positive, approachable and peaceful. Now we have to believe in the logic force-to-force and reason-to-reason. If India wants to settle our problems through peaceful means we are not against it. But it seems India does not understand the language of democratic and peaceful means. The Boro people have the experiences of 40 years of struggle and know well about India – its nature, character and mentality to the core. Since 1967 the Boro people have been on their struggle – sometimes for their language, sometimes for script and sometimes for a separate state through democratic and peaceful means. But our hopes and aspirations are suppressed. In 1974-75 merely for a script 21 Boro lives had to be sacrificed. In 1987-89, during the movement for a separate state an unaccountable number of Boro people were killed and Boro women were raped. So by what logic you want the Boro people further be murdered by the Indian thugs defenseless like cats and dogs? Now we understand that no sheep can live amidst the lions. To live among the lions we have to be lions.
Nevertheless, we are always open to peaceful settlement of our conflict with India provided India approaches with sincerity and due respect towards the rights to freedom of the Boro people. We are peace-loving people; we want peace but peace of freedom and not of slavery.
***(As appeared in The Assam Tribune)Oct 29, 2001 NDFB had talks with Home Ministry in 1994By R Datta Choudhury Guwahati, Oct 29, 2001 – In an interesting revelation, the President of militant outfit National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB), Sri DR Nabla has disclosed that the outfit had talks with the representatives of the then Union Home Minister SB Chavan in 1994 and the NDFB’s stand was made clear in the talks. In an interview with The Assam Tribune, conducted through the internet, Sri Nabla also said that the NDFB was contacted by persons claiming themselves to be representatives of Central and the State Government. In the interview, the second to The Assam Tribune within the last couple of months, the NDFB President also spoke about the attack on the police post at Labdanguri in Barpeta District and other issues like change of Government in the neighbouring country Bangladesh. The following are the excerpts from the interview. Aasam Tribune: Of late we have seen sudden spurt of activities on your part. The police is claiming that after you suffered reverses, attempts are on to hit back to make your presence felt. What actually is the position? D.R.Nabla: These operations are the continuity of our struggle. We have not suffered any reverses from any corner. AT: It is reported that in the attack on the police post at Labdanguri, your cadres carried a flag which was to be hoisted at the police post? What actually was the reason? Nabla: Our cadres carried the flag to hoist at the Police Post after it was completely over run by our cadres. But when the Police Post was completely gutted with fire our fighters faced some problem to hoist the flag (due to fire). AT: Have you received any proposal from the Government of India to come for talks? Nabla: Approaches are there who claim themselves to be from the Ministry of Home Affairs or from the Prime Minister Office. Some approached us at the behest of the Chief Minister. In 1994 when the then Home Minister S. B. Chavan sent his own man to talk to us we talked to them. Our delegates clarified our position that we are not fighting for any problem. We are fighting for liberation. We were looking forward to talk but Indian Government failed to talk to us. AT: It is reported by the police that the ULFA has shifted some camps from Bhutan? Are you contemplating same action? Nabla: Since NDFB does not have any permanent camp in Bhutan we don’t have to contemplate for such action. AT: What is your relation with the new Government of Bangladesh. It is claimed by the media that the armed groups like yours have a better relation with the Khaleda Government than the Sheik Hasina Govt. What actually is the position? Nabla: We are not maintaining any relationship with the People’s Republic Government of Bangladesh – neither with Sheikh Hasina nor with Khaleda Government. |
*** (As appeared in The Asian Age)Oct 27, 2001
"India should respect Boro rights"Ranjan Daimay, also known as
Nabla, the chairman of the dreaded
tribal guerrilla outfit the National Democratic Front of Boroland, in an
interview to Manoj
clarified the stand of his organization on some important issues related
to talks with the Indian government. Mr. Daimary, who is operating from
Dhaka according to the police, agreed to talk about his organisation which
is fighting a bush-war for a separate Boroland in western Assam. Mr.
Daimary not only replied to the questions over the Internet but also
shared some photographs of his training camps and other related activities
in the camps situated across the border in the Himalayan kingdom of
Bhutan. The
National Democratic Front of Boroland came into existence on October 3,
1986. Though the leader of the outfit refused to disclose the strength of
the organisation and its firepower, the photographs of the training camps
indicate that the outfit is of sizeable strength. The outfit has recently
identified the areas they want to be part of Boroland in a map on its
website. The areas include parts of West Bengal, Bangladesh and western
Assam. Excerpts: Q: Why are you opposed to the
idea of holding talks with the government for a peaceful settlement of
conflict? The NDFB in its last general body meeting had also discussed the
issue. What were the decisions? A: We are not opposed to a
peaceful resolution of the conflict. But talk offer by the Indian
government has double standards and is double- edged. It lacks sincerity
and honesty. It appeals for negotiation and peace talks on one hand and at
the same time hatches a heinous conspiracy to annihilate both the freedom
fighters and the struggling people. In the
last meeting of the national council and the general assembly we discussed
about the talk and the cease-fire in threadbare and a resolution was
adopted urging the Government of India to prove its sincerity and honesty
by resolving the problems of the NSCN, BLT and the Kashmiri people. Q: Under what circumstances can
you agree to have a dialogue with the government? So far as the question
of sovereignty is concerned the government is very clear that talks cannot
be held on that issue. If you cannot talk under such circumstances how
long will you continue to fight against Indian security forces? A: If India proves its
sincerity and honesty to resolve the issue of self-determination of the
Boro people, we will sit and talk. As the biggest democracy it is time for
India to respect the rights of others or be ready to collapse like the
former USSR did. We have determination and courage to continue our fight
till India recognizes our rights. Q: How do you see the ongoing
talks with your rival faction the Boro Liberation Tiger? They also claim
to represent the Boros. Apparently they are almost at the final stage of
signing a new accord for a Boroland Territorial Council. How would your
organisation react to an agreement with the BLT and the Indian
government? A: It is only a design of the
Indian government to trap the BLT and derail it from its main objective.
As long as the BLT acts as a stooge of the Indian government and kill its
own people the government will extend the cease-fire and talk with BLT.
But there is no sincerity and honesty to resolve the problem of the Boro
people. We have
nothing to say about the agreement of the BLT and the government of India.
As an independent organisation BLT has every right to take independent
decision for their organisation. Q: How do you see congress
government in Assam? Do you feel they are more responsive than the earlier
AGP government? A: There is no difference
between the congress and the AGP governments. Dispur merely acts as an
agent of New Delhi. Q: The NDFB lately is at the
receiving end of the crackdown by the security forces. Almost daily there
are reports of encounters and deaths of your cadres……… A: Our victory lies in our our fearlessness of death. In fighting India for 15 years, NDFB is ever stronger and has never been at the receiving end. In fact innocent Boro people are being killed every day by the occupational force and unfortunately the media reports it as the cadres of the NDFB without any proper investigation. |
"We are not opposed to a peaceful resolution of the conflict. But the talk offer by the Indian government lacks sincerity and honesty. It appeals for negotiation and peace talks on one hand and at the same time hatches a heinous conspiracy (against us)." |
Q: You have been charging the
BLT of helping the security forces in counter insurgency operations. A: BLT has not only entered into
a cease-fire agreement with the government of India but it has also become
a partner of the Indian security forces in killing their own blood
brothers. But out of this alliance BLT will achieve nothing. Q: What sort of an understanding
do you have with the ULFA? Security forces suggest that you are operating
jointly. Is it true? A: We have
a good understanding with the ULFA. We do have a coordination committee to
discuss the issues and problems. We coordinate and cooperate in our fight
against India, but I must tell you, we are yet to go for joint
operation. Q: You have been asked to vacate
bases in Bhutan. How are you going to deal with it in case Bhutan
pressurizes you to vacate its territory? A: Since the beginning of our
struggle we have been forced to be in the mountains and jungles of Bhutan.
We asked for neither permission nor support from the Royal Government of
Bhutan. Bhutan is asking us to vacate its territory. But as long as we
fight and as long as there is and open border between the two peoples the
problem will remain. In the
last meeting of the national council and the general assembly we resolved
to fight against the occupying enemy from any place and any base until we
achieve our goal; and never to bow down to external pressures. However,
efforts have been made to resolve the problem peacefully with the Royal
Government of Bhutan. Q: There were allegations that
the people Democratic Front is the political front of the NDFB? What is
the position? Do you have links with any political party? A: There was a political vacuum after the Boroland Accord. So people wanted a political platform. We were requested by the people to help in uniting and forming a political party. The present MP, Sansuma Khungur Bwisumatary, was one of the first persons to request us to take the initiative to unite all the parties and form a political party. We did everything we could for the greater interest of the people; and as a result the PDF was formed. So it is baseless to say it is a political front of the NDFB. We do not have any link with any political party. |
*** (Partially appeared in the Northeast Times)Sep 19, 2001Below are some questions put forward to the NDFB by Mr. Monideep Boro for Northeast Times, Guwahati and the answers thereto from the Information & Publicity Secretary of NDFB, B. Erakdao. Published with the headline:- NDFB speaks...... NET:- Sovereignty is your focus now. How is it related to
socio-economic development of the Boro people? Erakdao: Socio-economic development of a nation is closely related to
political freedom. At present the Boro people are exploited, oppressed and
dominated both socio-economically and politically by aliens. For socio-economic development a
nation must be free from political domination. So we are fighting for
political freedom. The socio-economic development of the Boro people can
prosper only in free Boroland. After the achievement of liberation the
NDFB shall establish a democratic socialist society thereby to eradicate
the present system of exploitation of man by man. NET:- Is
the NDFB sincere to the cause of society? Would you like to point out
major developmental activities during the last 21 years? Erakdao: Beyond any doubt we are sincere to the cause of the Boro nation and
society. But you have to remember that NDFB is a revolutionary
organization that has been struggling for an independent Boroland. We
believe development is possible only in free Boroland. NET:- Who can be benefited from the revolution the NDFB has
launched? Erakdao: The people and who else?
The survival of indigenous peoples – the sons of the soil – of the
entire region is at stake. So NDFB has launched a revolutionary struggle
for an over all benefit of the people. NET:- Do
you consider yourself as Indian? Erakdao: Certainly not. An overt and covert Indian design is working
overtime to impose Indian culture not only on the Boro people but also
over the indigenous peoples of the entire Northeast Region of India.
Histories of these peoples have been rewritten by the Indian scholars for
their convenience with the view to infuse Indian nationalism in the minds
of younger generation of the indigenous peoples. Historically and
ethno-culturally the Boro people are totally different from the Indians
and therefore, the Boro people cannot be Indians. NET:- What is the root cause of armed revolution? Erakdao: The objective condition. Whenever there is suppression and
domination, wherever a nation is despised by dominant nation there starts
a revolution; there starts resistance movements. NET:- Do you favour armed
struggle as a tool to attain independence? Erakdao: There is no question of favouring either armed struggle or a
democratic struggle. The means of struggle depends on the objective
condition. We believe in the logic – force to force, and reason to reason.
If India fights with reason, we will take up the same means. India is
using all possible means to wipe out the entire Boro population so we are
left with no other means but to take up arms. This is for our
self-defence. This is the objective condition. NET:- Do you think that
militants can be better representative of the people in the international
forums? Erakdao: What do you mean by militant? The government and the pro-government
media commonly use or rather misuse the words like ‘militants’,
‘extremists’, ‘terrorists’ etc. for revolutionary organizations to malign
their image before the people, this in turn have been instilled in the
mind of common man. The criteria of being a good representative in the
international forums is neither militant nor non-militant, rather the
rights and reality for which one is fighting for. If you are determined
for the cause of your people, then you are able to represent your people
anywhere. NET:- Who is the true representative of the people – the armed
organisations or the other Boro organisations? Erakdao: It depends which group works sincerely for the genuine cause of the
people and with perseverance till the goal is met. NET:- What sort of help are you seeking from international
bodies? Erakdao: Both moral support based on historical truth and logistic support
for practical purpose. NET:- Do
you think that armed struggle is the best means to attain Sovereign
Boroland? Erakdao: There is no fixed formula as ‘best means’ but the means that best
suites the prevailing objective condition must always be taken
up. NET:- How do you evaluate the NDFB's struggle? Erakdao: The NDFB, which started with a handful of members without a penny
has now become a major force of the Boro people to be reckoned with.
Despite all adversaries the NDFB has stood with its principle for the last
15 years. The formation of NDFB has brought a general awareness among the
Boro people. The Boro people have become aware of their historical rights,
necessity of struggle for liberation, socio-economic backwardness and
about prevailing social evils. In a nutshell we can say that now the Boro
people have realized that they were living like a sheep amidst a hundred
lions. The NDFB has made known its cause not only in the Region but also
to the outside world. The NDFB has been spreading revolutionary ideas to
other oppressed nationalities of the entire region and working in
coordination with them. NET:- How successful are you
so far in regards to your struggle? Why are the anti-India campaigns not
successful so far? Erakdao: As far as our struggle is concerned we are successful both
militarily and politically. Before 15 years no one believed that we could
take on India for so long. But now we have proved that the Boro people can
stand. You can have better understanding from the answer to the above
question how successful the NDFB is in its struggle. It was difficult task
to make the simple and innocent Boro people understand, who were busy only
in tilling their land’ about what is India or what their due rights are or
what is exploitation or about the changing world. Now people have come to
understand. Hundreds and hundreds are coming out to make supreme sacrifice
for the national cause. People are against the Indian rule as they have
come to know that historically they are not Indians. But these feelings
and aspirations are suppressed through state terrorism and state sponsored
media. Now only some fifth columnists and opportunists are working for
their vested interests in collaboration with India. NET:- How do you define the area of your proposed Sovereign Boroland? Do you have any demarcation or Map of Boroland? What is your future plans of Boroland? Does NDFB have adequate manpower to counter India? Erakdao: We do not have to propose for sovereign Boroland. Boroland is
existent. But it is under forcible occupation of India. So we are fighting to liberate our
land where the bones of our forefathers are lying. Mere drawing a map with
impracticable demarcation line will not serve the objective. How ludicrous
were the maps of PTCA’s Udayachal and ABSU’s Boroland as compared to what
they have achieved. The NDFB has not yet drawn a map of Boroland but is
trying to liberate every inch of Boroland. It is the legitimacy of rights
and not the adequacy of manpower that achieves freedom of a
nation. NET:- What about the people who become the victims of NDFB? Erakdao: Who do you mean by victims of NDFB – those suffering for supporting
the NDFB’s struggle or those suffering for their anti-liberation
movement? We have deep regard
to those who have sacrificed for the cause of Boro nation. NET:- How do you justify the forced expulsion of non-Boros? Erakdao: Every nation and country uses force to protect itself from the
influx of aliens. If the case is of illegal migrants we consider it as
justified. NET:- How do you view the Indian approach to Bodoland Territorial
Council? Erakdao: Boroland Territorial Council, if materialized at all, shall be no
different from Boroland Autonomous Council, which NDFB declared as ‘ the
man without heart and blood’, and shall serve no purpose to the Boro
people. In fact, it is only a design of the Indian government to trap the
BLT and derail it from its actual objective. NET:- How do you apprehend a clandestine war by the BLT? Erakdao: It is unfortunate that the orgaisation, which claimed to work for
the cause of Boro people, is hand in glove with the Indian forces. BLT is
not a headache of NDFB as it is going to perish on its own trap. It is
only a matter of time. Let BLT free itself from the pact with the Indian
occupying forces and just see if it can survive for just another
day. NET:- To what extent you want to justify the BLT's
activities & impact of BLT's activities on the NDFB's struggle
for a sovereign state? Erakdao: Where is the question of justifying the activities of the BLT which
is openly killing, harassing and torturing their own blood brothers? Being
used as the tools by the Indian security forces the BLT has earned bitter
hatred from the Boro people. The BLT has no impact whatsoever on our
liberation struggle. NET:- Do
you have any plans to sort out the differences with other Boro
organisations? Erakdao: The NDFB is born to fight for liberation of Boroland. We do not
have enmity with other Boro organizations except that are working as the
agents of India. In the past misunderstandings and differences were sorted
out and shall be sorted out in the future too. NET:- Bodo Sahitya Sabha
asked you to lift the ban imposed. What is your response? Erakdao: Apart from working for the literary and educational upliftment of
the Boro people, the Boro Sahitya Sabha has many serious responsibilities.
It can also put its efforts to the cause of Boro’s socio-economic and
cultural development. But the Boro Sahitya Sabha must not involve itself
in petty political issues in a parochial manner. Some time back the BSS
and few other Boro organisations, deviating from their respective sacred
responsibilities, had engaged themselves against the NDFB. They publicly
declared war against the NDFB holding public meetings and rallies. So this
serious matter came to our attention and resultantly called for a strong
measure. The matter (the ban) though was mulled over, was never
implemented. We have not banned any Boro organization, including the BSS.
But the press media created misunderstanding by misinterpreting the whole
issue. As the BSS is still not banned, so the question of lifting any ban
does not arise. NET:- Do you think ABSU
& Bodo Sahitya Sabha also has the role to play in educating the people
realise the need for liberation of the Boro people? Erakdao: Yes, without any doubt. Being the non-political democratic
organisations they have free access to the people and therefore can take
more responsibilities in educating the people to realise the need for the
freedom of the Boro nation. They should not behave in a parochial manner.
They have the people based issues. For instance, they can speak for the
Boro people in general without being biased towards any political and
other beliefs. The Boro people are facing serious human rights abuse by
the Indian armed forces such as humiliation and harassment, torture and
murder, rape and molestation. The social organisations are expected to
stand up for these issues. But most unfortunately, contrary to doing this
some Boro orgaisations are aiding the Indian occupying forces. NET:- Do you think that Bodo
Sahitya Sabha can contribute to the NDFB's purpose? Erakdao: Being a non-political and a literary organization the BSS cannot
involve itself in NDFB’s armed struggle except in socio-economic issues
and problems of the Boro people. The BSS can extend its moral support to
the NDFB’s struggle in the greater interest of the Boro people. NET:- Why is NDFB not committed to the society's development? Erakdao: The freedom of the Boro people is our commitment.
Again, you must remember that we are an organization in a struggling
stage. We can think of all round development only in post liberation
era. NET:- How do you react to
the allegation of Missionary activists’ influence in your
organisation? Erakdao: Which missionary activists do you mean – Ram Krishna Missionary
activists, Shankardev Missionary activists, Christian Missionary activists
or Islamic Missionary activists? So far as the matter of religion is
concerned the NDFB has a clear-cut policy. The NDFB believes in freedom of
religion i.e., secularism. By ‘missionary activists’ influence on NDFB’ if
you mean that of Christian missionaries then it is the term and idea used
by the Indian political leaders often uttered with the aim of spreading
confusion and hatred among the people. So, please do not parrot the
Indian politicians but try to know the truth. People should not be misled
by the evil design of vicious circles. NET:- Do you perceive the
need for a change in revolution? Erakdao: A revolution does not change unless objective condition changes. So
long the colonialist India uses force to eliminate the Boro people the
NDFB does not feel the need of changing its revolutionary
struggle. NET:- How determined are you against the setback due to the clandestine
war of Indian defence forces? Erakdao: The NDFB is determined to fight against the Indian occupying forces
at any cost and any condition. NET:- NDFB prepared to launch a new project. What is your
reply? Erakdao: The NDFB has prepared many projects to launch. Which
project are you talking about? NET:- Do
you follow the NSCN (I-M) style of activities? Do you trust NSCN (I-M)? Do
you get any help from them? Erakdao: Each and every revolutionary organisation works befitting the
prevailing condition and situation that surrounds. So there is no question
of NDFB’s following NSCN style of activities. One revolutionary
organisation trusts the other revolutionary organisations as long as they
fight with sincerity and the enemy is a common one. The Naga people have
been fighting for their right to freedom for the last 55 years. The NSCN,
among other Naga organizations, is carrying that struggle. The spirit and
inspiration that we draw from the NSCN for their long and untiring
struggle for the cause is the help we are getting from them. NET:- How do you react to
the ceasefire of NSCN (I-M) with Indian Govt.? What is your opinion to the
proposed "Nagalim State" of NSCN (I-M)? Erakdao: The ceasefire between the Indian government and the NSCN is nothing
but a dilly-dallying tactic of the Indian government to divide and deceive
the NSCN leadership. The ceasefire has already passed four years but not a
single formal talk has taken place on the core issue involving the highest
authorities on both sides. It is due to insincerity on the part of Indian
government. The success or failure of the proposed Nagalim would be
decided by the people of the concerned areas and not by the apparent
expansionist posture of the NSCN. So, there is nothing to worry
about. NET:- What is your view regarding the NSCN (I-M) that torched houses of
Boro people living near Nagaland border? Erakdao: Two indigenous neighbours harming each other must not take place.
We have no proof as to when and where the NSCN torched the houses
belonging to Boro people. Would you please provide proof and evidence so
that we can put up the matter with the NSCN? NET:- Has any effort been made by Indian Govt. to bring back NDFB to the
mainstream? Erakdao: As is already stated, historically and ethno-culturally the Boro
people are not Indian. The Sovereign Boro kingdoms and principalities were
forcibly and illegally taken over by the expansionist India. We consider
the oppressive dominion of India over the Boro people as colonial
occupation. How can the Boro people with their distinct
ethno-socio-cultural, religious beliefs and historical identity be lost in
the so-called Indian mainstream? The Boro people can never accept the
Indian rule as the mainstream. The word ‘mainstream’ is again a cliché
overused by the Indians. We do not believe in so-called mainstream or
sub-stream. Excepting some vague and empty announcements by Indian
political leaders here and there, there has been no genuine effort from
the Indian government to appease with the NDFB. NET:- What will be your answer if and when the Indian Government comes
forward for talks agreeing with your pre-conditions? Erakdao: The NDFB will consider the matter if India comes forward with
sincerity of their heart. NET:- What are the issues & conditions your organisation will put up
in the event of any dialogue with the Indian Government? Would you want to
highlight the conditions? Erakdao: The NDFB is struggling for liberation of the Boro nation – which is
their legitimate right. We will put up that issue if India haves a
dialogue with us. NET:- Are you ready for a ceasefire agreement with the Indian Government
like that of NSCN (I-M)? Erakdao: Do you see any reason? NET:- Why have the NDFB adopted a restraint approach towards the
ceasefire issue? Erakdao: It is the sincere and free frank talk on the core issue and not the
ceasefire that resolves the problems. NET:- Would you like to give up guns if the problem is solved
amicably? Erakdao: Do you expect the NDFB to go on carrying around guns even after the
Boro peoples’ liberation? But, of course, the independent Boroland will
need arms to defend itself from alien aggression and law and order
maintenance. NET:- Senior leaders want to surrender to the Indian Government because
of the dictatorial attitude of the Chairman. What is your comment to
that? Erakdao: All the decisions of the NDFB are taken by the National Council
which comprises of 15 Members who are again elected for a three years’
term and not by the President alone. As the head of the organisation and
as per the constitutional power he may sometimes use veto in the issues
that may go against the interest of the organisation as well as the Boro
nation; but that does not imply the President functioning in a dictatorial
manner. The allegation is baseless and malicious floated to create
misunderstanding and malign the image of the President. The so-called
senior leaders who are allegedly willing to surrender to the government
are discharged members and are therefore no more members of the
NDFB. NET:- What do you think about the role of the Boro intelligentsia
contributing towards the achievement of the Boro’s
independence? Erakdao: The Boro intelligentsia can contribute a lot towards the achievement of independence of the Boro people by using their pen and brain as Rousseau and Voltaire did to the French revolution and Leo Tolstoy to Russian revolution. But it is a matter of great regret that the Boro intelligentsia is nowhere at par with them. NET:- How is NDFB going to regain the image in public as the people are
detracted from the NDFB due to its involvement in assassination of the
former President of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha, Bineswar Brahma? What is your
answer to that question? Erakdao: The entire Boro nation aspired for Roman script for their language.
The Boro people had sacrificed blood for it. But Bineswar Brahma betrayed
the Boro nation just to fulfill his personal motive. His assassination was
due for him. NDFB does not worry about its image where the national
interest is concerned. NET:- What do you think about rapid depletion of forest resources in the
proposed Boroland? Erakdao: It is not that rapid depletion of forest resources is going on in
Boroland only. It is a global problem. In our land of course, the
colonialist Indian government has a design to destroy the forest and
natural resources so that in the near future the Boroland turns into a
barren land and the people subsequently become the dependent on Delhi. The
NDFB is trying to protect and safeguard the forest and natural
resources. NET:- Do you have any
specific aforestation programme? Erakdao: Do you think NDFB a forest department? Of course we encourage the
people for plantation of trees. Everyone is aware of NDFB’s ban on rampant
felling of forest and exploitation of forest products. These are direct
means of protecting forest population. People themselves will have to be
conscious about the urgent need for protection of forests. We sincerely
request the people to cooperate with the NDFB in this matter. NET:- Recent surrender of top most cadres is a setback to your
organisation. Do you justify the comment? Erakdao: Surrender of discharged members cannot make any impact on an
organization. NET:- Lastly, what is your
message to the people of Boroland? Erakdao: We are grateful to the Boro people for their untiring support to the cause that the NDFB is carrying forward despite the repression of India. The sacrifices that the Boro people have made through facing harassment and intimidation, torture and murder, rape and molestation by the occupying forces will beget their freedom. Think high, attempt great things sincerely and steadfastly, speak for the truth and stand for for the cause of our historical right – this is our massage to our people. |
*** (Interview given to Mr. Atanu Bhuyan of assamlive.com/Khabar)Nov 12, 2001
Question: The non-Boro people of Assam are not aware
of the exact goal and ideology of NDFB. Please provide a description of
yourself and your cause. Answer:
We are surprised with your question. We don’t think that non-Boro
people are not aware of the exact goal and ideology of the NDFB. We have
our constitution and manifesto that are widely circulated. Daily
newspapers and magazines are also publishing our activities and the
principle and ideology since 1990. The Sentinel, an English daily
published from Guwahati wholly published the constitution of the NDFB
serially in 1991. Now we have
our constitution and manifesto even in the website
(www.oocities.org/ndfb2001). It is a fact that the Boro
people were free and independent people prior to the British invasion and
deceitful annexation of their territories into the British Empire. The
Boro people were neither under India by conquest nor by their will. We had
the legitimate right to be free when British left our land. But the
neo-imperialist India occupied and extended their rule and dominated the
Boro people, defying their right to freedom, after the British had left.
So to be precise and short the NDFB’s exact goal and ideology is to
liberate the Boro people and their inherited land from Indian occupation
through the revolutionary struggle of resistance and thereby to establish
a socialist democratic society free from exploitation and domination.
Question: How would you like to describe yourself
(NDFB)? Would you prepare to be called a secessionist militant
organization? Answer: We are fighting for our historical rights. We
are fighting for freedom. The Boro people and their land had never been a
part of India. Socio-culturally and ethnically we are different people. It
is the British who came and annexed our kingdoms into British India
Administration through deceptive means. The Boro people had prerogative
right to be free when British had left. Now we are fighting to regain our
rights. We are freedom fighters. We are neither secessionists nor
militants. Question: Whom do you identify as your main
enemy? Answer: India and its collaborators who are
exploiting and working against the interest of the Boro people are our
enemies. Question: There are other organizations like ABSU and
BLT, who are struggling to curve out a separate state of Boroland within
the Indian state. What is your opinion about them? Answer: ABSU and BLT are independent organizations.
We are not against any organization. But it is most unfortunate that
despite sacrifices of their ranks and files the leaders of ABSU and BLT
have now sidetracked from their goal – the statehood. Question: What is your opinion about the other
militant organizations functioning in the North-east India?
Answer: Except few nationalities it took almost 50
years for us to understand our rights and the occupation of India and to
feel the pinch of Indian exploitation. But now people are assertive and
the fighting is everywhere in the Region and a sense of unity is
prevailing. We hope soon we can unite and fight together against common
enemy - India. We support only those organizations who has historical
rights in the region. Question: The Naga struggle for sovereignty is being
carried out by various factions.
Between the NSCN (IM) and the NSCN (K), whom would you describe as
the real flag-bearer of the Nagas? Answer: As long as an organization fights and
sacrifices for its people until the ultimate goal is achieved it is a
flag-bearer of that nation. Question: Is NDFB a member of any common platform of
other organizations? Answer: Right now we are a member only of
Self-Defence United Front of South East Himalayan Region. But the NDFB is
also working closely with other revolutionary organizations that are
fighting against India. Question: Does NDFB consider ULFA as a friendly
organization? The goal of ULFA is sovereign Assam. Do the territories of
the proposed goals of NDFB and ULFA overlap? If so how do you reconcile
this potential conflict? Answer: There is at least one meeting point for NDFB
and ULFA as far as their struggle is concerned, that is, fighting against
a common enemy -- India. I hope through understanding, respect and
recognizing the right to freedom of each people the problems can be
resolved. Question: The government version is that the militant outfits do not have any popular support. How would you react to this? Answer: How can we survive without people’s support?
Let there be free and fair peoples’ mandate then the world will know who
is with us and who is with India. Instead of claiming peoples’ support, as
a biggest democratic country India should initiate referendum on the issue
of freedom in Kashmir and in North Eastern Region. A revolutionary
organization that fights for their people never faces shortage of popular
support. Despite threats, harassment, torture and even cold-blooded murder
meted out by the Indian armed forces the peoples’ support is with us. The
democratic India has been adopting undemocratic and violent means to
prevent the people from supporting the revolutionary
organizations. Question: In your opinion is there any scope for
negotiated settlement with the state or central government? Answer: Sometimes problems and conflicts are resolved
through negotiation. So we don’t find any reason of not having scope for
negotiated settlement of our conflict with India. But first and foremost
India must recognize the historical rights of the Boro people.
Question: It has been noticed that of late NDFB has
not carried out any major attacks. Is there temporary lull in your armed
activities or a strategic decision or are under pressure from rivals? Answer:
Whether there is major or minor attack our struggle for liberation
continues, and as a revolutionary organization we have never bowed down to
any pressure in 15 years.