Wait a minute...where'd Nebula go?!? | ||||||
April 29th, 2007: Yes, I know. It appears that I've disappeared completely off of the face of the earth, but in truth, I haven't. In fact, I've been as busy as ever, writing fiction and keeping into the world of Buffy, and now Heroes. There are two ways to find me. One way is my personal/fandom journal on LiveJournal: http://authoressnebula.livejournal.com Another way is to find me through Just Rewards, a fanfiction archive for those who have won awards at the Fang Fetish Awrds: http://www.athenewolfe.com/justrewards/viewuser.php?uid=29 And that's the state of me. Come find me at my new places of residence. ~Nebula |
~Fanlistings~ |