Our History
Site Info
Donation Page
BasinWear Store
General Forums
Frequently Asked Questions
Glossary of terms used in this document
- AB = Amazon Basin.
- ABCM = Amazon Basin Community Member.
- ABGA = Amazon Basin Guild Administrator.
- ABGM = Amazon Basin Guild Member.
- ABM = Amazon Basin Member.
- ABN = Amazon Basin Nation (new concept).
- CM = Community Member.
- COT = Completely Off Topic, normally referring to the forum of the
same name.
- IB = Invision Boards.
- IPB = Invision Power Boards.
- PM = Personal Message; see explanations below.
1. What is The Amazon
Basin? The Amazon Basin is a community of people who share
an interest in fair and respectful game play. The Amazon Basin arose
around Diablo II and now consists of six independent guilds, each
focusing on one game: Diablo II, Dark Age of Camelot, Neverwinter Nights,
Star Wars: Galaxies, Horizons and World of
Warcraft. The community also has its General Forums that are not
game-specific and can be found
The Basin is entirely non-profit-driven.
No advertisement banners exist anywhere on the website, no fees are
charged to participate in the community, and all of the people who keep
the organization going do so as unpaid volunteers. Donations are welcome
though, to pay for the server hosting among other fees.
To know
more about The Amazon Basin visit
this page, to know more about the story of our guild,
check out
this link.
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2. Where do I go from
here? You are currently browsing through the static pages
of the Main Amazon Basin site, the game specific guilds can be found
using the links in the bottom of this page or those provided with this
answer. To access the Main Forums, click on "Our forums", you can read
all posts on the public forums, but you will need to register in order
to post your own.
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3. What do we do here? What is the
purpose? The Amazon Basin Main Forums is where basiners
from all guilds can meet and share ideas about their real life or
different games they have tried. This is also where new guilds are
started and where administrators discuss important questions in private.
Community Members are welcome here to post and stay around, but are
appointed to the specific guilds if they play those games. The
membership process of several guilds is also carried here by the
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4. Can I participate in the Amazon
Basin without becoming a member? Yes. You can read the
Forums and find plenty of information on our website, even without
registering as a user.
You will need to register in order to post
in the Forums and to send private messages. But registering does not
require any commitment from you, other than your willingness to observe
our general guidelines for all community participation in the guild.
"Membership" is neither required nor expected for people who want to be
an active part of the Amazon Basin community.
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5. What do I need to know before
participating in the Amazon Basin community? You don't
need to know anything to surf our website, read the documents, or check
out the Forums. But before you start posting, or before you begin
playing with other Basiners, you should know what everyone in the
community expects of others in the way of rudimentary good
conduct. While we have very few "rules", we have a strong ethic of
respect among people who participate in the Forums, the different game
channels, and play with us. If that ethic were to be summarized in a few
words they would probably read: "play nice and show some class." For
more explicit guidelines, read the FAQ sections below regarding the
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6. Who is TPJ? James R.
Broome (TPJ or Teep as he is affectionately known) is the founder of the
Amazon and a very involved leader. He administrates the Main Boards and
keeps us all well informed. He is also the man behind the BasinWear
store. As for what his name means, TPJ is the abbreviation for Thomas
Penfield Jackson.
"Thomas Penfield
Jackson, 62, federal judge, did what no one else has been
able to do: make billionaire software executive Bill Gates squirm. In
November, Jackson said Microsoft was indeed a monopoly. In his findings
of fact handed down in the government's antitrust suit against
Microsoft, Jackson said the software giant exercises monopoly control
over PC operating systems and uses its power to the detriment of
consumers. This was not Jackson's first high-profile case. He also
presided over the trial of Washington mayor Marion S. Barry, Jr., who
was tried on drug and perjury charges. In Nov. he appointed Richard
Posner, a highly respected federal judge and law professor to mediate
the case." --
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7. What is the BasinWear
store? It's the place where you'll find products
specifically for Amazon Basin folks - inside jokes, AB logo items, etc.
As we currently have guilds for six different games, you'll likely see
products for each guild soon. Right now, however, we've chosen to try to
start small.
Follow this link to visit the
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8. Are there mandatory events or
minimum playing time requirements? No. You are free to
play as much as you want without further restrictions beyond playing
fairly, cooperating, respecting others, and having
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9. Where do you guys
meet? Mostly in the forums and in the various in game chat
channels. The Private Message option allows people to communicate with
each other for the more personal questions. There are also special
events where members meet in real life. Those Amazon Basin Conferences
(abbreviated ABCONs) are held in different places in the United States
of America where roughly 80% of the ABMs live. Here are a link to each
guild's Meeting Place forum:
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10. How are the Forums organized?
The Amazon Basin Main Forums are grouped together in
several categories. The Community Forums and Miscellaneous Games Forums
are accessible to both Guests and Community Members. "Do you need help
using the forums?" is also available to everyone with questions
regarding the forums themselves, from the inner workings to bugs that
are found. There are three Membership Process Forums and one of them is
for members only. All Member's Forums are not viewable by Community
Members or Guests. Finally there are Administrators only forums where
the managing of the community takes place.
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11. How do I navigate this place?
The layout is horribly confusing! Originally we didn't
plan to be so big. All these separate forums grew up by accident as we
began to play more and more games. Every part of the guild has their own
home page and set of forums. We keep trying to make it simpler, but it's
not as easy as we would like. Here are the links to the other guild
forums :
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12. Are the Forums moderated?
Yes. The moderators for the Main Boards are listed (with
links to message them) in the
Moderating Team page as well as under each forum list
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13. What are the general forum
posting guidelines? The Forums exist for people in the
community to exchange information. The post at the start of a thread
will be read by dozens (and even up to hundreds) of people. It invites
their thoughts and response. So it should be reasonably coherent, as
should each responsive post.
If you follow a few simple
guidelines, you will find plenty of people ready to answer any questions
you may post.
First, before you start a thread consider whether
the answer to your question is already posted. Many questions arise all
the time, and regular Forum-goers get tired of seeing the same subjects
re-asked, when the poster could have found the answer with just a little
research. So if your question is likely to be of general interest, check
the documentation to see if any are right on point, look at recent
threads in the Forum on your subject, and maybe even run a search of the
threads in our archives.
Second, pick the right forum for your
post. It's not the end of the world if you post in the wrong place (in
fact, a moderator may move it to the right forum), but you'll get a
better response if you start in the right place to begin
Third, pick a single subject for your post, so that the
thread won't go off on a tangent and leave much of what you wanted to
find out unanswered. Ideally, each thread should be on one topic (though
it can include several different questions on that topic). Asking in a
single thread about football results, if X computer will run X game, and
showing a picture of your dog is not a good idea.
Finally, put
enough thought into your post that readers see you care enough about it
to justify their time reading it and crafting a response. Be coherent.
Write in sentences. Remember that some of the most skilled folks in the
community learned English as a second (or third, or fourth) language,
and they shouldn't need a lingo-decoder to understand what you are
But we aren't in the perfect grammar business, and most
folks have better use of their time than writing letter-perfect posts
that are suitable for publication in the London Times. Just use good
sense. If you spend a few minutes reading posts on the Forums, you'll
quickly get a feel for what works.
Those same guidelines apply to
posts you make in reply to existing threads, too. Keep your replies "on
topic." If you want to launch off onto something new, start a new
In general, keep in mind that your posts tell the
community something about who you are. We quickly learn to associate
folks by the posts they make. So the more you put into yours, the
greater the esteem people will hold you in.
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14. What forum posting practices are
to be avoided? Don't use our forums to put down other
people. Racism, sexism, flame-wars, and other hateful comments are not
Don't flame others.
Don't treat the Forums as
if they were chat rooms. They aren't. Although a few of the Forums are
for casual exchanges, the heavily used forums are for dialogue and
Don't air personal disputes in the Forums. If a
disagreement arises out of something done or said in a Basin game, or in
the Basin channel, or if a post caused personal offense, then take it up
in a personal message to whoever else is involved. If you want guidance
or assistance, send a personal message to a moderator or a Basin
administrator. But don't start a post over a private
Don't post links to cheat/hack sites or instructions on
how to exploit games.
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15. Why aren't posts about hacks and
cheats allowed? Posting a warning about a hack or a cheat
is allowed, and can be helpful. What is not allowed is posting the URL
of a site offering a hack, or embedding a link to such a site in a Basin
post. Posts with technique on how to exploit a particular game are
unwanted and will be deleted.
The software at these sites can be
incredibly destructive. Some of it is malicious. A site created by a
skilled hacker can install destructive software on your computer without
your permission, and without your knowledge. Firewalls (if you have
them) may or may not protect you.
If you want to take the risks
of visiting such sites, that's your business. But the Basin doesn't want
to be even a tacit participant in anyone being drawn into going there
for any reason. We also don't want to be associated with those sites in
any way. So posts on our forums that tell others where to go for hacks
and cheats are forbidden.
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16. What are the language
restrictions for posts? There are no restrictions on which
language you use, but in the interest of promoting understanding by as
many people as possible, we highly recommend posting in English. This
site is frequently visited by people from a wide variety of
geographical, ethnic, and ideological backgrounds, including many
children, so we ask that all forum-goers do their best to moderate use
of 'foul language'. Some of the individual guilds have more stringent
prohibitions against curse words in game and on the
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17. Can I post
political/religious/moral/ethical topics? Yes, but be
warned that it will get locked or deleted if it turns into a flame
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18. What's a PM? A PM
is a Personal Message: it is like an email in some respects. You can
send PMs from your
Control Panel: the recipient of the message is
notified of a new message the next time he or she views any forum page.
Normally the software will generate a pop-up window with the
notification, but any user can disable that feature, and some browsers
will disable pop-up windows automatically. There is a limit to the
number of PMs that can be stored at once (both sent and received PMs are
stored), which varies depending on which board you're visiting and your
member group. You can also bcc (blind carbon copy) any number of people
with the PM, to send it to multiple people - however, your 'Sent
Messages' folder doesn't keep track of anyone other than the person in
the 'To' field. You can also 'Track' PM's, so you know when they are
read. Un-read 'tracked' messages can be "un-sent" (deleted) if need be,
but un-tracked messages cannot be deleted once sent.
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19. What do I need to do to be able
to send messages on the Basin's Personal Message
system? Just register. By registering you get a Basin
account, which automatically comes with a profile template and access to
our private message software. Links for messaging other Basin community
members are automatically embedded in their posts, so they are easily
found. Your Basin account comes with an address book for maintaining
addresses of other community members with whom you correspond. You must
register on any board on which you wish to participate
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20. I got banned. Who do I contact
for an apology/retraction? Each guild handles the banning
of their members individually but it carries to all AB guilds (which
means that if you get banned on one board you loose access to all of
them). If you have serious reasons to think that you have been banned
for no fair reason, you must contact an administrator and ask for an
unban. You must keep in mind that you only have one chance to request an
unban. If you are upset, wait until you are calmer. Remember that unbans
are rarely granted, so write the most effective request that you can the
first time.
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21. Why can't I post pictures in my
signature? We don't allow pictures in signatures because
we believe it detracts from the forum experience and opens the door to
too many abuses. You can use your creativity to find great text or links
for yours instead.
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22. What does IB/IPB
means? It stands for Invision Power Boards, the software
used by the Amazon Basin forum community. Refer to the Glossary at the
top of this document for other abbreviations.
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23. How can I post pictures? How can
I make my text bold, underlined or italic?
Refer to this handy guide.
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24. What's an
Avatar? Avatars are pictures you can choose that represent
you in a sense, see the question below for more information on how to
get one.
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25. How do I get those cool animated
gifs below my name? Those are called avatars, to change
(or simply have) your avatar, go into your control panel and click on
the avatar settings. Type the link of a hosted picture, if you don't
have one, you will need to find someone who wants to host your picture
on his web server. A few sites are ready to provide such services for
free. The images can be jpegs, gifs or ping (portable networks
graphics); in order to have animation they must be gifs though. Try to
keep the size of your avatars under 20K, having to load large pictures
or gifs that get scaled down doesn't increase the definition and puts a
lot of strain on the web servers and dial-up users.
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26. What does a title
mean? A 'title' is the short text that appears under your
username and avatar when you post or send a personal message. You cannot
edit your own title: titles are bestowed at the whim of the Title
Fairies™, and they are known to be frivolous and unpredictable.
Generally, titles are only bestowed upon Amazon Basin Guild Members,
though exceptions do exist.
Some guilds such as Star Wars:
Galaxies use the title slot to list the member's primary in game
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27. How can I change my account
name? If you wish to change your forum account name, do
not try to register under a new name or start a new account. Instead,
send a pm to any administrator of the board where you would like to
change your name (admin listing for the Main Board), telling them that
you want to change your account name and what you want it to become.
They will gladly take care of it.
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28. Do you have
ranks? No, we don't have 'ranks', but we do divide our
users into three broad 'groups':
- Community Members, who are
participants in our community;
- Amazon Basin Guild Members, who are
responsible for representing our community;
- Banned users, who are not welcome in
our community.
Within the group of AB
Guild Member, some members have 'jobs' - the two most visible being the
Administrators (who take care of the day-to-day job of running the site
and making broad decisions) and the Moderators (who manage individual
forums). Each individual guild also has similar (and sometimes
additional) job functions fulfilled by its members.
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29. What does "Community
Member" mean? Community Members (CMs) are registered
members who participate in the guild activities either on the forums or
in game.
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30. What is expected of me as a
Community Member? As a CM, you are expected to follow the
basic rules of this community and in the games you play with us. Nothing
more, nothing less.
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31. What is the difference between a
Community Member and an Amazon Basin Member? “Community
Members are those people who have found us and registered for our
forums. Anyone who isn’t an Amazon Basin Member is a Community Member.
Since we’ve got semi-private ‘guild’ stuff to take care of behind the
scenes, we can’t just give everyone full access. That being said, the
difference is mostly that some CMs who’ve become regular contributors to
our community as well as exhibited the traits we value have been voted
into the guild ‘officially’ and now carry the ABM title.” -TPJ
(Amazon Basin Founder)
A simple analogy explains this concept
very clearly :
"The AB is like a great big several-story open
house party. All the neighbors and anyone who stops by are welcome
(Community Members), but there are some people who actually live in the
house (AB Members). In addition, someone pays the mortgage and owns the
place (TPJ). But it's a big house, and one guy at the top doing all the
work would get frazzled, so Teep (as he is affectionately known) has
lots of helpers - kind of like floor wardens (the guild leaders &
These in turn have other helpers - one guy's in
charge of drinks, one gal's in charge of paper plates, and yet another
person has the keys to the broom closet where we keep the mop and the
rags for spills. There are also a lot of people who live in the house
whose primary activity is just hanging out and looking cool. Others do
behind-the-scenes things like setting up the stereo system (the server),
booking the band, and mowing the lawn.
Occasionally, we get party
fouls and troublemakers who need to be shown the door (Banned people),
and we have bouncers to take care of that (moderators of various
flavors). But all the time, the big party is going on. And there's
plenty of food and music for everyone.
Every so often, we invite
someone to come live in the house with us (a Community Member becomes an
AB Member)." - Flick (Diablo II Guild Administrator)
Also CMs
are responsible for their behavior in game as much as full members, but
ABMs have to show the example. If an ABM is caught violating the rules
of any guild, he could be banned from all of them, just like any CM.
Members have access to member-only forums where they discuss the
functioning of the guild.
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32. What's the job of an
ABM? Amazon Basin Members have no real job per se, but
they have responsibilities non-the less. If a Basiner violates our
standards they will be banned. This is always very sad, and we don't
like doing it. So don't cheat, don't be rude, and show some class. It
doesn't matter whether you're an Amazon Basin Member or a Community
Member, breaking the rules means you get banned. Amazon Basin Members
are supposed to do what made them members in the first place. Be
friendly. Have a good time playing, and help other people have a good
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33. Can members cease their role and
be CMs again? Yes they can at any time if they so please,
there is no obligation to remain an ABM indefinitely; if someone chooses
to leave, we'll gladly welcome them back when they return (it's the
policy of the Main Boards, it may vary depending on the
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34. What are those weird “ABGM
Project G” groups about? It stands for Amazon Basin Guild
Member Project G. “Essentially, when a 'job' needs to be done, a
group is formed to discuss the pros/cons, etc. People step forward who
are interested in tackling the problem and are then assigned a 'group'.
What you see are the different groups who work on individual projects
around here.” -TPJ
There's a way to give individual members
access to certain hidden forums (like the Project Forums) without having
to make special groups. It's been put to use on the D2 boards for
example. This technique being obsolete, those groups are going to be
phased out in the future.
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35. Do I have to apply for
membership twice if I (for example) play Diablo II and Star Wars:
Galaxies? Membership from one guild is carried to the
majority of the others as long as prerequisites are met. This new policy
applies in the Main Boards, Star Wars: Galaxies, Neverwinter Nights, Horizons, World of Warcraft and all new forthcoming
guilds. But you must apply separately if it concerns any of the older
guilds (in Diablo II you can't "ask" for membership -- see question
#37). Member side discussions often involve game specific decisions that
mean nothing to non-adepts.
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36. Do I have to apply for
membership in the AB as well as the guild for the game I'm playing
in? Membership carries from the guilds to the Main Boards,
and most of the time the other way also. See question above to know in
which cases it applies.
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37. What do I do to become
member? There are several systems in place and they are
all likely to change at any moment. Currently there are two main systems
ruling the membership process (there are individual variations of those
two, but they won't be discussed further here).
In Diablo II you cannot ask for membership.
Applicants are never aware that they are being examined. The system is
not flawless but with the amount of members that this guild has it's the
most convenient. To know more about the Diablo II system, consult
this link.
Here's a tip if you are
"Be yourself first and foremost! Membership is
something mysterious and comes when you least expect it (for most).
There is nowhere to "apply" to become a member [in the Diablo II guild].
Once you sign up on the red boards here is the day that you are made
applicable to become a member. So be yourself, play some games and have
fun." - Babybunny
The system used in the Main Boards is also
used by several guilds, but only the newest have their process carried
here. Those guilds are Neverwinter Nights, World of Warcraft, Horizons and Star Wars: Galaxies. To know more about that system visit
this link.
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38. What if I want to join more than
one guild? You can join as many guilds as you want as long
as you respect the established rules. You can be a CM on all guilds and
not even posses the game, while it's different for membership. You need
to have played the game with the Basin in order to be an ABM of that
guild. It is necessary to have the same name on all guilds also, when
the project of Amazon Basin Nation will begin, the technical team will
need to have every accounts match, or unwanted deletions will
unfortunately happen. This applies to passwords and email addresses
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39. What is that Amazon Basin Nation
project you were referring to at the previous
question? Currently all guilds possess their own separate
sets of forums. The newer guilds have redirecting forums linking to the
Main Boards, such as Completely Off Topic and Picture Pages. Older
guilds, like Diablo II for example, do not have redirecting links
and have their own non-game-specific forums. The idea is to meld
all the forums together and have common subscriptions. This would spread
traffic among the guilds and let people see new faces as well as ease
the managing of newer guilds.
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40. Diablo II specific: Can I
post trading questions? The Amazon Basin wants to promote
a cheat-free environment. Traders, while normally harmless, could
eventually bring spam, hacked items, and lead to other abusive behaviors
we do not want to see. This is why we restrict it. Don't worry Basiners
are usually generous enough to help you if you lack decent gear, you
won't need to rely on selling once you discover
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41. Diablo II specific: Can I
give out the WeaselTech password? No, not for any reason.
Not even if another basiner asks you for it. Tell them to go see the
WeaselTech™ page instead. This is for security reasons, to prevent those
not members or our guild to come and possibly harm players or steal
their items. The password is a bit like a door to our games if you
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42. Diablo II specific: Is there
a standalone program that I can use (like an IRC client for example) to
hang out in the "op theamazonbasin" chat room? There are
standalone programs that let you simply be in the chat, but prevents them from joining private channels, and "op
theamazonbasin" is a private channel. For other questions related to the
Diablo II channels pay a visit to their
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43. Diablo II specific: What's the chat gem in Diablo
II? The Diablo II chat gem is an intricate feature in the chat interface. When you click on it a message appears saying
: "Chat gem activated" and when you do it again it says : "Chat gem
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44. Star Wars: Galaxies
specific: Where is Basinia? Basinia was originally built
by the Star Wars: Galaxies guild and is their primary gathering point
.It is located on the Chilastra server (where the Basin guild is
located) on the planet Naboo. It's closest to the NPC city of Theed,
roughly 2000m from it. Basinia is a Metropolis, which is the largest
level a Player City can reach. It's also located on the map and has a
shuttle port so you can travel there from any other city on Naboo. For
other questions regarding Star Wars: Galaxies visit
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45. How do I get to meet you in
game? It's fairly simple, all you need to do is follow the
instructions from each guild. The links below lead to explanations on
how to play with the Basin online with some of our
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46. Do we PK? PVP?
PKK? Without exception, non-consentual actions are
forbidden in the Amazon Basin. Nobody should ever deprive the other
participant of their freedom to choose. Each guild has their own rules
of engagement for consentual PVP play.
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All the members of
the Amazon Basin community especially: AllWeasel, babybunny, Bowa,
Cathan, Dale, Deadroot, dirtyharry2, DoomHaven, evap, FEF, Flick,
Frigidwoman, Grimborn, imbtf, Khirsah6, Leah_heartsword, Malaclypse, Mephista, NatNit,
NeedleHawk, Nightlyraider, Nvts, Ophidian, pmak, Reegan, sair, Shadguy,
Snowdog, spatten, Strolan, TaMeOlta, taq, Tarasque, thenix88, Torrilin,
TPJ, Trexim, WeeScot and Wim-sama. Author: Drake.
Our Guilds
Diablo II
Dark Age of Camelot
Neverwinter Nights
Star Wars:Galaxies
World of Warcraft