[NEGWA Headlines:  Top Story 5.22.01]

God bless NEGWA! May she regain her former glory.

In Other News:  NEGWA's June 4th Monday Night show, entitled "Rebirth" will hail from none other than the old EGWA Arena in Reading, PA!  Apparently, Jade Diamond dusted the old contract for the building off when he was looking through old wrestling memorabilia.  Since Diamond never sold the building, it is still fair game and open for NEGWA's brand of grappling.

In a return tour, NEGWA has decided to head to one of the most heralded areas for pro wrestling, New England!  NEGWA will put on four shows from New England in June, including two in Massachusetts!

[NEGWA Website Updates:  5.22.01]

  • The new layout has been put online!
  • All pages on the new layout should be up and working...if any of them are not, contact the webmaster.




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