The Doujinshi Gallery
Feel free to visit any of my galleries!  Be warned though, there are shounen ai pictures in this gallery if not any outrigh yaoi.  If you want to take a picture to put on your website, all I ask are three things:  1)  Please do not direct link.  Upload the picture to your own server.  2)  Please give me credit on your website for any pictures you take.  3)  Please put a link back to OVER THERE!!! on your links page.  Actually, 2 and 3 could go together!  ^_^  Well, have fun in the galleries and if your tender, innocent eyes come unknowing across some evil pictures, remember, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!  Flames will be posted.
The Miscellaneous Gallery
The Gundam Wing Gallery
The Weiss Kreuz Gallery
The Yu Yu Hakusho Gallery
The Final Fantasy Gallery
Stories and Shorts
New Pics!!