Thought I would make a quick update while I was thinking about it. I can't believe it has been almost 10 years since I first put this site up!! Nearly.... I have to think back. I was sooo young. And it's still up?? Wow.... I forget that it's still here and like now think of it and I'll check up. I hate to take it down because it's such a big part of me, my life, who I was, am and will be. So maybe one of these days I'll make a major update. I've grown so much since I put this little site up, but not nearly enough. I have learned so very much, but have so much more to learn. Made so many mistakes. I don't want to make anymore. It's hard not to make mistakes isn't it?? I'll try to update this site again. I'm so surprised to see that there are folks still visiting. Don't know where y'all are coming from. :) But.... :) This site has been very neglected. If I think about it and can remember. I will. That's my update for now. Not the best. Too much has happened in the past few years for me to do a great job at 3am. lol


April, 5th  2009