Web Set used are Linkware from http://scnwd.com/.  The Web Set did not have all the icons I use in this site, the owner of the Web Set include a blank small icon for completing the set as per decision of the user, in this case Carmen Principe, Owner of New In PSP, The Web Set does not resemble the one the owner has in the examples in the site. The floating Flowers come with the Web Set and the scripts for the flowers and the No Right Click is from http://www.dynamicdrive.com/. The large top border and the small index icons with the page names were make by Carmen Principe to match the web set. The accompanying colors are from background tiles from group shares, and/or come with PSP8 program. The Font used is Arial that comes with windows XP. Other Graphics on this site come from group shares and others made by me using PSP8. The graphic of the books with the Fairy and Flowers were composed by Carmen Principe using PSP8. The globe comes from  http://www.juliasseiten.ch/Bubbles.htm, as free to use. The Fairy inside the globe is from group shares and was presented as a gift from the owner to the person/member that started the site. The color table comes from http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colors.asp,  if for any chance you visit the site and see the books tube and you can prove you are the author of it please let me know as so I can remove it or give proper credit to you. The instrumental Midis Songs on the pages are from CD's that I have purchased and are not to be redistributed for profit. The use of the Surf Family Rated Icon was approved by http://www.safesurf.com/ , The Icons for credits, RIGHTS, and Copyrights were approved by the respective authorities for use on this site. The Blinkies with the words viewed with Internet, were design and copyright of Carmen Principe, and now is part of    http://www.anybrowser.org/campaign/  I want to thanks special person that help me in the Honor our Troops Page. Thanks Patao, for gave me the push that I need to finish all the pages, without asking nothing back. That’s what friends do. You are an awesome human been. I’m glad I cross your way and we became a really good friends. Thanks for bring me your friendship. What I safe with a really loving care, You can visit Patao at http://www.Patao.com/. Also I want to express my sincere gratitude to 4 beautiful persons that, help me and gave me the opportunity to complete the Soldiers Page. they are Starshine, awesome friend, Sandy, an incredible friend, Taugh who understand, when I said I'm tired and he push the extra limit, and last but not least, Gracie, She holds my humor during the creation and concept of the Honor our Troops Page. thanks to all for still been my best friends.



This Web Site is Copyright
Copyright ©2005 – 2006 Carmen Principe
Please do not copy graphics, Web Set or music.

All graphics are CUSTOM made GRAPHICS
Created exclusively by Carmen Principe for this Web Site



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