PSP Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu/Command Key Shortcut Description


 Key Shortcut


File > Browse                 Ctrl + B              Browse through IMAGES on disk
File > Close                     Ctrl + F4             Close this image
File > Delete                    Ctrl + Delete         Delete this image file from the disk
File > Import > Screen Capture > Start  Shift+ C             Start a capture
File > New                    Ctrl + N              Create new image
File > Open                   Ctrl + O              Open an existing document
File > Print                  Ctrl + P              Print the active document
File > Save                      Ctrl + S              Save the active document
File > Save as                 F12                 Save the active document with a new name
File > Save > Copy              Ctrl + F12            Save a copy of the active document with a new name
File > Workspace > Delete        Shift + Alt + D         Deletes a previously saved workspace
File > Workspace > Load          Shift + Alt + L         Loads the current workspace
File > Workspace > Save          Shift + Alt + S         Saves the current workspace


Key Shortcut


Edit > Clear                     Delete              Clear the selection or image
Edit > Command > History         Ctrl + Shift + Z        Show the command history for the current document
Edit > Copy                      Ctrl + C //  Ctrl + Insert Copy the selection from the current layer into the Clipboard
Edit > Copy > Merged                Ctrl + Shift + C        Copy the current merged image
Edit > Cut                       Ctrl + X  //  Shift + Delete Cut out the selection and put it into the Clipboard
Edit > Paste > Paste as new image      Ctrl + V //  Shift +I nsert Paste data in clipboard as new image
Edit > Paste > Paste as new layer      Ctrl + L              Paste the clipboard contents into the current document as a new layer
Edit > Paste > Paste as new selection  Ctrl + E              Paste data in the clipboard into the current image as a new selection
Edit > Paste > Paste as new vector selection Ctrl + G              Paste vector data in clipboard into the current image as a new vector selection
Edit > Paste > Paste as transparent selection Ctrl + Shift + E        Paste data from clipboard into the current image using the background color as transparent
Edit > Paste > Paste into selection  

Ctrl + Shift + L       

Paste data from clipboard into the selected area.
Edit > Redo                      Ctrl+Alt+Z; Shift+Alt+Backspace Redo the last command
Edit > Repeat                   

Ctrl + Y             

Repeat the last action
Edit > Undo                      Ctrl + Z //  Alt + Backspace Undo the last command
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Key Shortcut


View > Magnifier                

Ctrl + Alt + M         

Show or hide the Tool Magnifier window
View > Palettes > Brush > Variance    


Show or hide the Brush Variance palette
View > Palettes > Histogram        


Show or hide the Histogram palette
View > Palettes > Layers           


Show or hide the Layers palette
View > Palettes > Learning Center   


Show or hide the Learning Center palette
View > Palettes > Materials        


Show or hide the Materials palette
View > Palettes > Overview          F9                  Show or hide the Overview palette
View > Palettes > Script Output      F3                  Show or hide the Script Output palette
View > Palettes > Tool Options       F4                  Show or hide the Tool Options palette
View > Rulers                    Ctrl + Alt + R          Shows/hides rulers
View > Snap to grid                Ctrl + Shift + G        Snaps position to the grid
View > Snap to guides              Shift + Alt + G         Snaps position to the guides
View > Zoom > Zoom in by 1 step         Num +               Zoom in by 1 step (Increases the apparent size)
View >Zoom > Zoom out by 1 step        Num -               Zoom out by 1 step (Decreases the apparent size)
View > Zoom > Zoom to 100%            Ctrl + Al t+ N          View the image normally, with no zoom factor


Key Shortcut


Image > Crop to selection          Shift + R             Crop Tool: Use to eliminate or crop areas of an image.
Image > Decrease > color depth 16 colors (4bit) Ctrl + Shift + 2        Decrease the number of colors to 16
Image > Decrease > color depth 256 colors (8bit) Ctrl + Shift + 3        Decrease the number of colors to 256
Image > Decrease > color depth 2 colors (1bit) Ctrl + Shift + 1        Decrease the number of colors to 2
Image > Decrease > color depth 32K colors (24bit) Ctrl + Shift + 4        Decrease the number of colors to 32K
Image > Decrease > color depth 64K colors (24bit) Ctrl + Shift + 5        Decrease the number of colors to 64K
Image > Decrease > color depth X colors (4/8bit) Ctrl + Shift+ 6        Decrease the number of colors to a value you select
Image > Flip                     Ctrl + I              Flip image
Image > Image Information      Shift + I             View details about the current image
Image > Increase color depth 16 colors (4bit) Ctrl + Shift + 8        Increase the number of colors to 16
Image > Increase color depth 16 million colors (24bit) Ctrl + Shift + 0        Increase the number of colors to 16 million (24 bit)
Image > Increase color depth 256 colors (8bit) Ctrl + Shift + 9        Increase the number of colors to 256
Image > mirror                   Ctrl + M              Apply mirror to image
Image > Palette > Edit palette    Shift + P             Edit the palette for the current picture
Image > Palette > Load palette Shift + O             Load a palette from disk, and apply to the current image
Image > Palette > Set palette transparency Ctrl + Shift + V        Set one of the palette colors to transparent
Image > Palette > View > Palette transparency Shift + V             View the background through the transparent color
Image > Resize                Shift + S             Change the size of the image
Image > Rotate > Free rotate      Ctrl + R              Apply rotation to image
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Key Shortcut


Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Brightness-Contrast Shift + B             Adjust brightness and/or contrast
Adjust > Brightness and Contrast Gamma Correction Shift + G             Apply gamma correction to the image
Adjust > Brightness and Contrast-Highlight-Midtone-Shadow Shift + M             Adjust the brightness of the highlights and shadows
Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Histogram Adjustment Ctrl + Shift + H        Adjust the image while viewing the histogram
Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Histogram Equalize Shift + E             Equalize the relative brightness of the current image
Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Histogram Stretch Shift + T             Stretch the contrast of the current image so that all possible values are used
Adjust > Color Balance > Red-Green-Blue Shift + U             Adjust the red, green, and/or blue
Adjust > Hue and Saturation > Colorize Shift + L             Colorize the image
Adjust > Hue and Saturation > Hue-Saturation-Lightness Shift + H             Adjust the hue, saturation and / or lightness


Key Shortcut


Layers > Invert > Mask-Adjustment   Shift + K             Invert the current mask or adjustment layer
Layers > New mask layer hide all     Shift + Y             Make a new mask that obscures the entire layer


Key Shortcut


Selections > Defloat             Ctrl + Shift + F        Place the current floating selection into the image
Selections > Float               Ctrl + F              Convert the current regular selection into a floating selection
Selections > From-mask            Ctrl + Shift + S        Create a new selection from the current mask channel
Selections > From-vector object    Ctrl + Shift + B        Create a Raster Selection from a Vector Selection
Selections > Hide-marquee         Ctrl + Shift + M        Keep the selection marquee from appearing on the image
Selections > Invert              Ctrl + Shift + I        Invert the current selection area
Selections > Modify > Feather    Ctrl + H              Feather the existing selection
Selections > Promote selection to layer Ctrl + Shift + P        Promote a floating selection to a new layer
Selections > Select all           Ctrl + A              Select entire image
Selections > Select none          Ctrl + D              Remove the current selection
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Key Shortcut


Window > Duplicate               Shift + D             Duplicate the current image
Window > Fit to image              Ctrl + W              Fit the window to the image
Window > New > window               Shift + W             Open another window for the active document


Key Shortcut


Help > Contex > help            Shift + F1            Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows
Help > Learning Center            F10                 Show or hide the Learning Center palette


Key Shortcut


Clone                         C                   Clone Brush: Use to create brush strokes that duplicate part of an image.
Crop                          R                   Crop Tool: Use to eliminate or crop areas of an image.
Deform                        D                   Deform Tool: Use to rotate, resize, skew, and distort layers or IMAGES.
Dodge                         J                   Dodge Brush: Use to bring out details in areas that are in shadow.
Dropper                       E                   Dropper Tool: Use to select active foreground and background colors.
Eraser                        X                   Eraser Tool: Use to replace colors in image with background color or transparency.
Flood Fill                    F                   Flood Fill Tool: Use to fill an area with a color, pattern, or gradient.
Lighten/Darken                L                   Lighten/Darken Brush: Use to increase or decrease lightness (affects HSL value).
Move                          M                   Move Tool: Use to move a layer or selection marquee.
Object Selection              O                   Object Selection Tool: Use to select, move, resize, reshape, and rotate vector objects.
Paint Brush                   B                   Paint Brush: Use to paint strokes on a raster layer.
Pan                           A                   Pan Tool: Use to pan large IMAGES.
Pen                           V                   Pen Tool. Draws lines, polylines, point to point, and freehand
Picture Tube                  I                   Picture Tube Tool: Use to paint with pictures.
Preset Shape                  P                   Preset Shape Tool: Use to draw shapes as raster or vector objects on raster or vector layers.
Selection                     S                   Selection Tool: Use to create selections of precise shapes.
Text                          T                   Text Tool: Use to create raster or vector text on raster or vector layers.
Zoom                          Z                   Zoom Tool: Use to zoom in and out of IMAGES.

Unused Commands

Key Shortcut


Edit Mask                     Ctrl + K              Edit the closest mask layer
Hide Palettes                 F2                  Hide the palettes
Magnify Window > Zoom In        Ctrl + Num +          Magnify Window Zoom In
Magnify Window > Zoom Out       Ctrl + Num -          Magnify Window Zoom Out
Reset Material Palette        Ctrl + Shift + F6       Resets materials to solid black and white
Show Hidden Toolbars          Ctrl + Shift + T        Show All Toolbars
Swap Materials                Ctrl + Alt + F6         Swaps foreground and background materials in the material palette
View Mask                     Ctrl + Alt + V          View the image through the current mask

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