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Two months of intense work and selection of the best pictures and advertising with an underground chic twist has made this issue definitely something you might want to keep and treasure it now and for the future. The Land of Gazelles, Gazelland Magazine 2 is ready!
      On the cover, Amanda Lepore is featured in the hand of King Kong, but in reality that hand is mine (gazelle) The photographer Richard Machado and I decided to have some fun with the concept. Amanda is dressed by the Brazilian designer Alexandre Herchcovitch, and the magazine will be given away inside the gift bags of his show at Fashion Week in New York City tomorrow (September 11th).Talk about acceptance!
      The first issue went far, we received 33 requests to be included somehow in the second issue from several parts of the world, by those ones that saw the magazine through friends. I would like to remind people that we are an underground publication that proudly features the talents of the freak chics, club kids ... therefore all the columns and writers will rotate according to my discretion, with the exception of the photography sections. So there is no reason to ask for a permanent position.
      This issue is dedicated to Amanda Lepore and to Marc Vaultier, two important figures that plays and played the part with personality and style. The next issue will be dedicated to music, so we will do our best to include those in our scene that are talented in that field.
      Kenny Kenny deserves a special thank you for playing such an important role behind production. He is truly a superb positive force among us, and my admiration for his artistic side increases by the second. His ad on Pag 3 demonstrate a vision so well refined with a message that in my opinion can only be understood by those whose hearts and lifes are in special places, for me it is easy to understand how Kenny is an inspiration for many established artists, make-up artist Kabuki being one of them, as he cited his name on the last issue of Paper Magazine (2005 volume 22 no. 2), page 94.
      I believe in symbolism, I believe in unity and strength, therefore it is important to remind that tomorrow is the anniversary of a very sad day: September 11th. We all learned something from that day, and hopefully we changed for better somehow. To release Gazelland Magazine 2 in this day makes sense, we stick together and we show our force beautifully. We are! Therefore We project.