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Here is a very interesting New Hampshire Public Radio broadcast about New Hampshire's envolvement during the Civil War
Running Time 51m30s

New Hampshire Heritage


A Dedication
 For four, long and bloody years, the War Between the States took a toll on the American landscape.  After the first shell fell on Fort Sumter, New Hampshire stepped forward and joined the ranks of the Northern States to help stop the rising rebellion.
An editorial in the New Hampshire Telegraph, entitled "To Our Friends in Massachusetts", it was stated "...that New Hampshire had never failed her country in its hour of need and would not do so now." This was indeed the case. New Hampshire would send 18 Volunteer Regiments of Infantry into the conflict. Eight would be named to the list of "Three Hundred Fighting Regiments in the Union Army" designated by William F. Fox. Of the list, Fox stated:
"In the long run active service brings its many scars;
where the musketry was the hottest the dead lay thickest;
and there is no better way to find the fighting regiments
than to follow up the bloody trail which marked their
brave advance."
Three companies of riflemen would join the 1st and 2nd United States Sharpshooters. A Battery of Light Artillery and a Regiment of Heavy Artillery would also join the States list of volunteers. Accompanying these units would be a Battalion for the 1st New England Volunteer Cavalry and a Regiment of New Hampshire Cavalry. This does not even include the number of men who joined State Organizations that also formed during the War and those who joined the United States Military.
In all, New Hampshire sent more than 30,000 men into service for the Union Army. When draftees and substitutes are included, New Hampshire sent more than 38,000 men into the War.
Below and in the following pages of this web site, is a growing source of information on New Hampshire's involvment in the American Civil War.
This website is a dedication to the honor
of those who fell in service of their country.
Updates and New Stuff

State Service
United States Units

In-State Residence
Out-of-State Residence
NH Service Rosters
By Subject

New Hampshire: By the Numbers
Women of NH
Towns of NH



This website is an ongoing project.  If you have any questions, comments, or ideas to help improve, educate, and honor New Hampshire; PLEASE feel free to e-mail me with suggestions.

This site was designed, created and maintained by Todd Grzywacz.
Completed July 30, 1999
Last Revised March 4 2009
Copywrited 1999-2009
