Welcome to my WWF page. I've always been a big pro wrestling fan since I was a little boy and the World Wrestling Federation is my personal favorite. I was a fan of WCW also, but they've got nothing on Vince McMahon and the WWF. Every Thursday at 8pm on UPN, I tune in to see Smackdown. It's one of the wildest shows on television, half naked women and guys beating the snot out of each other--got to love it! I think that all the wrestlers are cool each in their own way: Stone Cold, Triple H, Chyna, Undertaker, Kane, just to name a couple. My favorite character is the Rock. He's egotistical, self-absorbed, and seems a little detached from reality--but he has showmanship and his finishing moves are the best. My favorite aspect of Smackdown are the themesongs. For those of you that don't watch this show, the song playing now (hopefully) is the Smackdown theme song. Each wrestler has his own theme song as well. Below are links to pics of wrestlers and their theme songs. Enjoy!

The People's Champion
The Rock
The Rattlesnake
Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Olympic Champion
Kurt Angle
Back That *ss Up!
Rikishi Phatu
The American Bad *ss
The Undertaker
The Big Red Machine
The Rabid Wolverine
Chris Benoit
The Game
Triple H
Have a Nice Day
Mick Foley
Chris Jericho
The 9th Wonder of the World
Owner of the WWF
Vince McMahon

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