Niemz Realm
World Map
Map of Niemz Realm's most populous continent
Arcian a  lawful good country, Home of the King's Knights & Church Knights.

Brulgart a nuetral evil country that is under the rule of the Vlarn Empire

Elenium a lawful neutral country in the Vlarn Empire, former home of the Crown Knights and Green Rings

Griffonholm a lawful nuetral state in Stutgart, part of the the Vlarn Empire, former home of the Dragoon Troopers.

Iron Valley a chaotic good country, located in Eastern Brulegart and home of the Mountain Dwarves and Hill Dwarves.

Luxholm a true nuetral country, home of the Grey Robe Militant Mages..

Mage Isles , former home of the Schools of Magic and now under control of the Vlarn Empire.

Minotaur Isles a chaotic nuetral country in the Vlarn Empire, a collection of isles ruled by the Minotaur, including the human island of Thule.
Mithas neutral good country located underground in southern Brulgart, home of the Gnomes

Silo chaotic good country located in Northern Luxholm, home of the Halflings

Spirit Wood a chaotic good country located between NE Arcian and Vlarn, home of the Wood Elves

Stuart a chaotic evil state of Stutgart, part of Vlarn Empire, ruled by the Dark Knights, former home of the Church Knights.

Velonous a chaotic evil state in Stutgart, part of the Vlarn Empire, home of the armored Ogre Shock Troops..

Volsenost a nuetral good country, in the northeast forrest of Elenium, home of the High Elves.

Vlarn Empire a lawful evil empire, includes Farpoint, Brulgart, Elenium, Griffonholm, Mage Isles, Minotaur Isles, Pax Vale, South Vlarn, Stuart, Tiamere, Velonous, and Vlarn.

Wastelands a chaotic evil country in the Vlarn Empire, also known as Tiamere.